LaDarian Sade Thomas
Microsoft Office Specialist | Compliance Manager | Disciple of Jesus Christ
Bryant and Stratton College - Online
University Of Memphis
Educational Goals
1. 2021 - Completed Associates Degree - Business: Office Management
2. 2021 - November: Began Bachelor's Degree - Medical Services Management (Pre-Med)
3. Receive Bachelor's Degree
4. Begin Master's Program (Claim a major)
5. Receive Master's Degree
6. Begin Ph.D./Doctorate (Claim a Major)
7. Receive Ph.D/Doctorate
8. Go to Medical College
- Stand out so much from the crowd that they will not have access to me. Atleast for copious amounts of time. This goal is to learn who I can keep, and who is temporary.
- Write a book about my life: just be honest.
- Take Architecture:
- Draw Fresh Take: meal planning company (we create meal plans)
- Draw Kingdom Calm: (life-coaching christian company)
Sponsored by:
Family Dollar
Plan Ahead Journal
Youversion Bible Application
- Draw Raging Waters (waterpark)
Partner: Reggie
- Draw University/Christian Academy
Goal: Inquire to see if BSC would want to add more programs
- Draw Dominional Dollars
I recently converted to Muslim. I do care about people saying things about me being Muslim and Christian, but it just projects from their personal life.
Converted: September 2021

Our mission can be summarized in three words: Know, Grow, and Show. All of our ministries exit to help college students in metro Memphis know Jesus, grow closer to Christ, and show the grace of God in Christ to their peers. In partnership with the local church, BCM's desire is to see a generation of Christ-following young adults faithfully following Jesus and boldly engaging the world with the Gospel.
Personal Detail: I believe the Holy Spirit led me here. I am just taking it one day at a time.
Dear Alpha Beta Gamma Nominee:
On behalf of the Kappa Rho Chapter, I would like to congratulate you on achieving academic excellence. A grade point average of 3.50 or higher and successfully completing 36 credit hours or more in your academic degree program has enabled you to be invited to become a member of a prestigious international honor society that recognizes academic excellence. Alpha Beta Gamma (ABG), in existence since 1970, is the international honor society for students who attend two-year colleges. Membership in ABG provides an opportunity for the development of leadership qualities and is an excellent addition to applications to four-year colleges and on employment applications. In addition, members have the option to wear special honors stoles at graduation.
You can find more information about the Alpha Beta Gamma (ABG) Honor Society by visiting their website at www.abg.org. We invite you to join the Kappa Rho Chapter at Bryant & Stratton College and receive recognition for being an outstanding student. If you are interested in joining, please complete the application and submit payment as directed in the email you received. You have two ways to accept this invitation – by mail or by email. If you prefer to mail these materials, please complete the online application via the link provided in the email and return payment to me at the address below. Please include your lifetime membership fee of $42.00 making your check or money order payable to Bryant & Stratton College.
If you prefer to accept this invitation electronically, I would recommend that you complete the online application via the link provided in the email and pay your membership by contacting the Business Office at Bryant & Stratton College Online Education. Congratulations on your academic success and nomination to be invited to become a member of Alpha Beta Gamma. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Sincerely, Allison Kozak, Registrar Bryant & Stratton College Online Education 200 Redtail Road Orchard Park, NY 14127 akozak@bryantstratton.ed
Note: $42.00 fee
At a young age, I decided to become a Medical Doctor. At the time, I did not even study well enough or put in the effort to become a Doctor. But I did stick with the idea into admittance into college and during college. I began college in August 2013, I went to the Unversity Of Memphis from 2013 to 2016. In Year 2013, I began college in August. My first year was good. I was accepted with average grades. I don't believe I should have came to University first but my parents agreed because "I wanted to go so desperately. Or "so bad." They submitted the Fafsa. I did not receive anything but loans. My grades were bad, C's. Once I got to college, I was undeclared. My first semester I took 15 semester hours. Later, I dropped a class. I had okay grades the first semester. In the next semester, I did not pass. I kept failing semester after semester from 2013 to 2016. Then, I developed a sex and drug addiction. In 2015, I became an Escort (Prostitute) - Basically, I exchanged sex for money. I did this for about 3 months. I became addicted to drugs. I went to a Mental Health Facility. I've went to Mental Health Facilities during or from 2016 to 2018, they diagnosed me with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Drug Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, and Major Depression.
I am unsure of how I have made it to this point because I have wanted to committ suicide, torment myself, and just have had some very strange feelings. I've been through so many changes.
For years, I have lived in fear. Fear of anything there is to be feared.
Note: I will continue this story at a later time.
Bachelor's Degree - Medical Services Administration

We were given the assignment and challenge to create a resume of a job we'd like to do.

- Simply be the best Business Owner/Manager/Administrator that I can be.
Accepted: The General Personal Goals
- Write my life story
Write the truth, with biblical application.
- Be a Christian
Be a complete Christian.
- Read the Bible (Message, KJV, ect.)
1. First: The Message Bible
- Grow my hair to buttocks length
1. Do my best to grown my hair that length.
- Build God's Vision to me.
1. Be like Jesus
2. Build My Businesses
- Network with Celebrity's (Only with my mom/Jesus/my pastors)
3. Reveal what truly has happened to me.
1995 to 2021
4. Rewrite The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
- Socialize/Network
- Acheive Personal Goals (available/acceptable)
- Do my best everyday
- Listen to the Holy Spirit
- Always follow Jesus
- Trust God with my life
- Have a healthy perspective of God
- Create my own Bible (Life Manual)
5. Travel
Places I've been:
- Cincinatti, Ohio
- Los Angeles, California
- San Diego, California
- Willingston, Virginia
- Batesville, Mississippi
- Destin, Florida
- Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Memphis, Tennessee
- Albaquerque, New Mexico
- Collierville, Tennessee
- Lakeland, Tennessee
- Arlington, Tennessee
- Dallas, Texas
- Houston, Texas
- Washington,D.C.
5:21PM - Dear God, I am not sure if I would like to still be with Michael. It just feels like he has betrayed me. I am doing my best daily emotionally. I am doing my best, even with reading the Bible. Even with studying the enemy, even with being "down-to-earth, easy to talk to, and have spoken things into existence." I will not be in-authentic though. I just don't know. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans of prsosperity andnot of harm. Jesus, keep me here. There are some topics that may not be discussed. I say this in your name. In Jesus name, amen :)
Hi, I am LaDarian S. Thomas. I am a Business: Office Manageemnt Major at Bryant and Stratton College. I am 26 years old. I was born on June 22, 1995 in Memphis,Tennessee. I am a Christian: believer of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am a daily Bible reader. I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ. I am a straight A student. My favorite quote is: I excel at everything because I pray and ask God to help me to exel at everything and I receive excellation at everything! I am an Employee at Federal Express. My main goal at Federal Express is to become a Compliance Manager in Memphis,Tennesse. I would like to be a Compliance Manager for Federal Express as a whole. I would like to invest in Business Real Estate. I love reading, writing, praying, and talking to Jesus. He's my Lord and Savior. Now, I am pursuing my Bachelor's Degree at Bryant and Stratton College - Online. My Bachelor's Program is called Medical Services Management. I am still very suprised and blessed to know this major exists. I am learning that I am as plain as my Father, but I am still willing to expand my horizons. I am professing that I will be a Doctor. I believe I am being guided onto how to achieve this career calling, but I am allowing Holy Spirit to be my eyes, ears, and hands. I'd love to take my time in every aspect of my life, but is it possible? God's inspired word says, "With me, all things are possible." I'd never want to take that out of context because God knows the plan he has for me. He doesn't plan to hurt me. He has a plan of prosperity and not of harm. I am in hope that God will show me how to manage my emotions, and any other vocabulary he's creating. God, The Father, is still creating today. Even I don't know all he's doing. I am just aware of his presence. He tells me, "I am with you always." And I apply my actions to that verse. It makes me so happy to believe. I have seen Jesus as many titles in my life: God, Savior, Man, Son Of Man, Husband, Director, and Creator Of Earth. I love to think, "If Jesus is creator of Heaven and Earth, what does that mean for me? He's my Savior. He's my Creator. He's my Husband. What more could he be? I'd see him as everything."
Note: I recently wrote "Jesus: My sheep will not be snatched. (DO NOT LEAVE HOME)" I believe Jesus was comforting me. He's allowing me to know that all I need I already have. I don't have to leave my home in order to achieve anything. Jesus knows my most comforting places. God is a God of comfort. He'll never condemn comfort. And he'll never overpraise the term "Complacency." What if you were just really hurt and someone begins to preach "complacency?" But God said, "I am the same yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever more." I don't know every Bible Verse yet I will not be tripped/trapped by what I don't know because the Word Of God is healing in General.