Academic Service: Danielle Penn
Community and Career: SOSC301- Interpersonal relation Group Dynamics/Multicultural Awareness project
The outcome was met because I was able to learn more about groups and cultures. I was able to expand the ideas and perceptions of my peers and develop a better group interaction. I feel that this was important because in my future working together will be very important. The project was great for both my personal and career growth.
SOSC301 (.pptx) 0.78mb
Academic Service: Danielle Penn
BUSS410- Performance Management/ Workplace performance project: Evaluate ethical and multicultural issues within a diverse workplace environment.
The program outcome was met because I was able to show the importance of performance management strategies in the workplace. I was able to give resolution to a variety of issues that may arise in the workplace. In my future it will be important to have the ability to work with people of all walks of life and diffuse situation to correct performance behaviors.
BUSS410 (.docx) 0.02mb
Academic Service: Danielle Penn
Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning: BUSS213- Business Law and Ethics/ Risk Mitigation Report
This risk mitigation report required me to research the many different laws that govern different states. The outcome was met because from the information/knowledge learned I was able to make the best ethical logical recommendations according to ethics and the law.
Risk Mitigation Report (.docx) 0.02mb
Academic Service: Danielle Penn
Thinking Abilities: PHIL310- Logic and Reasoning/ Examination of fallacious argument
This project required me to look further into fallacious arguments as well as examine the many different fallacies. Having this knowledge of these fallacies I will be able to make the best decisions after weighing out the truthfulness of the statements.
Examination of fallacious argument report (.docx) 0.89mb
Academic Service: Danielle Penn
Information Literacy and Communication:
BUSS380- Project scheduling and cost management
This report met the outcomes because it required me to do extensive research on the cost and management to be able to complete the project. I also had to incorporate some visual charts to be able to demonstrate my findings. I then completed an oral presentation to deliver my findings which help with my communication and presentation skills.
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Academic Service: Danielle Penn
Relational Learning: PSYC310-Organizational psychology/ Workplace analysis project
This project required me to analyze workplace behaviors and job satisfaction through research. I was able to gain perspective on the behaviors and how they relate to the individual. To get full understanding it was important to reflect on my personal life as well as formal research. This met the outcome because it helped open my eyes up to behaviors and attitudes of the workplace, which will be helpful when it comes to management of the workplace.
230316032725_1670118670_Dpenn_PSYC310_Portfolio_Project.pptx (.pptx) 12.76mb
Academic Service: Danielle Penn
BUSS325- Global Management/ Global expansion: Examine humankind’s business accomplishments in international and domestic markets.
The program outcomes were met because I was able to give history on my chosen country Ireland and some of the benefits of the expansion in this country. I was able to develop strategy after evaluating the culture and market of Ireland as well as creating an exit strategy which helped with risk mitigation.
230316030756_1650634581_Dpenn_BUSS325_FInal_Team_portfolio_submission.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Academic Service: Danielle Penn
BUSS420-Project Management / Project planning & forecasting: Analyze management processes as well as the role businesses play in a high-tech global economy.
The program outcomes were met because I was able to articulate the knowledge learned about using tools such as Microsoft project to manage projects. I have been able to articulate these findings so that I can be able to forecast things such as cost, scheduling and risks associated to the project. I was confidently able to identify the critical path in the project due to my understanding of Microsoft Project.
230316030208_1666319545_Dpenn_BUSS420_Portfolio_Project_1_.docx (.docx) 0.04mb
Academic Service: Danielle Penn
BUSS450- Strategic management/ Strategic Audit: Apply contemporary knowledge and skills in the evolving business marketplace.
The program outcomes were met because in this project I was confidently able to produce an audit for a fortune 500 company. I was able to analyze and make strategic recommendation that would be advantageous to the company for future progression.
Strategic Audit (.docx) 0.04mb