Specific- Purchase a new car and a house three years after graduating
Measurable- Build a pharmacy social network
Achievable- Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Realistic- Become a leader in which people can lean on me whenever they need too
Anchored within a Time Frame- Graduate Pharmacy School by 2024
Specific- Get a PGY1 residency at a 130 bed hospital or larger
Measurable- End the school year with a 3.0 GPA
Achievable- Be successful on the NAPLEX
Realistic- Become a leader in which people can lean on me whenever they need too
Anchored within a Time Frame- Graduate Pharmacy School by 2024
- Dispensary of Hope Nashville, Tennessee Dr. Hillary Blackburn
- Kessler Oncology Biloxi, Mississippi Dr. Christina Dukes
- Brick City Drugs Madison, Mississippi Dr. Kelly Antici
- UM School of Pharmacy Jackson, Mississippi Dr. Alex Mills January
- HomeCare Plus Medical Ridgeland, Mississippi Dr. Carlos Black
- Singing River Gulfport, Mississippi Dr. Amanda St. Marie
- Baptist Memorial Hospital Jackson, Mississippi Dr. Tripp Dixon
- T-D Pharmacy Gulfport, Mississippi Dr. Stephen Pisarich
- Baptist Memorial Hospital Oxford, Mississippi Dr. Karmen Garey
- Mississippi State Hospital Rankin County, Mississippi Dr. Vicki Veazy
- Brick City Drugs Madison, Mississippi Dr. Kelly Antici
- Case Study Explaining best practices at a Dispensary of Hope dispensing site
- Presentation Prepared and presented a 20-30 minute presentation on a healthcare-related topic for the Dispensary of Hope
- Newsletter Article Wrote an article published on the Dispensary of Hope biweekly newsletter
- Charitable Pharmacy Guide Prepared and wrote up a guide To provide information for student pharmacists about charitable pharmacy services, how to promote them, and why it is important
- Rx4mom Prepare content for a upcoming maternal health app
- PQA Annual Meeting Pharmacy Quality Alliance
- Confirmation Follow the Money! Understanding the Structural Incentives for Inequity in Health Care and Beyond National Health Equity Grand Rounds
- PHA Webinar on Medicaid Redetermination-Continuity of Eligibility and Care for Vulnerable Member Population Health Alliance
- Moving the Needle on Maternal Health Equity Raising the Bar