Jack Khawaja
Class of 2026 Pharm. D Student
St. Johns University
My name is Jack Nicolas Khawaja, and I am currently a student at St. John’s University. I am in a competitive and exciting 6-year Pharm. D program and loving it. The environment here is great and it makes me enjoy this career path much more. The reason I chose pharmacy as my career path is the fact that there is so much unknown about the pharmaceutical and medical world, and what there is to be known could one day help people immensely as it does already. Providing medical care to those who are in need hits a soft spot for me because I've had personal experiences with family members who have benefited off of the medical attention they received, but also those who haven't. My vision for the practice of pharmacy is to be able to provide care for the countless health situations that people run into, and not have to tell a patient that there isn’t anything I can do for them. My goal is to either work as a pharmacist at a hospital with good social communication opportunities with patients, or in the future run my own pharmacist. I understand the amount of work that I will need to ever achieve this, and nothing is instantaneous. Being a pharmacist is a goal with big importance to me because I've had my mind set on it for years, and I've had one too many experiences seeing medical care really affect a person's life. I love the communicative side of Pharmacy as well, because I feel like that is something I excel in and I can always relate to someone many situations. I also believe my assertiveness can really help a patient feel that they are getting the best care possible which is the care that every pharmacist should strive to give.
1. In the next 1-5 years, I want to pay off my student loans, and be able to graduate proudly as a Doctor of Pharmacy.
2. In the next 5-10 years, I want to be able to work as a pharmacist if everything goes as planned, and really get familiar with the career I chose. I would also like to have my own place, preferably a house.
3. In the years after that, I would like to still be a pharmacist either at a hospital or open up my own pharmacy, and be living with a family and be able to support whoever I need to at that time.
4. Somewhere throught out my career I would want to be able to help all people that I know personally, and give them medication or medical attention in whatever way possible.
5. One day I wanna be able to move my parents down South with the warmer weather, and/or buy my mother the car she has always wanted.
6. For my last goal, I would really like to get into the research part of treating Alzheimers because it runs badly through my family, especially on my Dad's side and it is very tragic watching people close to you have it.
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Expected May 2026
Pharmacy (Six-year Pharm.D) Major
Pharm D Candidate, 2026
Monsignor McClancy Memorial High School East Elmhurst, Queens September 2016-June 2020
Graduated June 2020
Advanced Regents Diploma
Spring 2021 Semester Courses
Philosophy Human Person PHI 1000 C-179 (CRN 10338)
Interpersonal Communication for Pharmacy RCT 1005 C-0 (CRN 10808)
Catholic Vision & Imagination THE 2000-0 (CRN 12630)
Intro to Pharmacy Practice CPP 1101-0 (CRN 10721)
Chemistry Lecture CHE 1120-0 (CRN 11147)
Chemistry Lab CHE 1121 L-0 (CRN 10629)
Chemistry Recitation CHE 1122 R-0 (CRN 10188)
Fall 2020 Semester Courses
Perspective on Christianity THE 1000 C-145 (CRN 70883)
Literature in Global Context ENG 1100 C-300 (CRN 73007)
Statistics Applied to Pharmacy MTH 1250 C-0 (CRN 70484)
DNY: Experience of the Hispanic Kind DNY 1000 C-563 (CRN 72208)
Intro Seminar for Pharmacy Students PHR 1000-0 (CRN 70914)
Intro to General & Organic Chemistry Lecture CHE 1110-0 (CRN 71413)
Intro to General & Organic Chemistry Lab CHE 1111 L-0 (CRN 73691)
Intro to General & Organic Chemistry CHE 1112 R-0 (CRN 70173)
Modeling, New York Model Management, Manhattan, NY —
March 2019-Present
Fashion Model
One of the top modeling agencies in New York. Started work in early 2019, worked with many different and famous clients and brands, and picking up many social communication skills that provide useful for future endeavors.
Sponsor- Monsignor McClancy Memorial Highschool
Induction: April 2019
Must demonstrate academic excellence, maintain a GPA of 3.5, requires tutoring hours.
Sponsoring Organization: St. John's University
Date received: March 2020
Description: As a scholarship recipient please note that you must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA at the end of each academic year and maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to retain your scholarship.
Full Academic Scholarship - Monsignor McClancy Memorial High School
Honor Roll student 2016-2020
Hours: ~140
Description: Every spring and summer I coached a team in a tournament, and throughout my whole life I helped with book-keeping and doing the scoreboard. I have played CYO my whole life and always gave back with whatever help I could
1. My first real meaningful accomplishment was receiving a full academic scholarship to high school back in 2015. It marked my effort and work I put in to be able to save my parents money and higher the bar for the education I wanted to receive.
2. My second and last accomplishment is receiving a very good amount of scholarship to St. Johns University last year, but I still have a long way to go to maintain it>
I am in a competitive 6-year Pharm. D program and loving it. I chose SJU because the environment here is great and it makes me enjoy this career path much more. The reason I chose pharmacy as my career path is the fact that there is so much unknown about the pharmaceutical and medical world, and what there is to be known could one day help people immensely as it does already. Providing medical care to those who are in need hits a soft spot for me because I've had personal experiences with family members who have benefited off of the medical attention they received, but also those who haven't. My vision for the practice of pharmacy is to be able to provide care for the countless health situations that people run into, and not have to tell a patient that there isn’t anything I can do for them. My goal is to either work as a pharmacist at a hospital with good social communication opportunities with patients, or in the future run my own pharmacist. I understand the amount of work that I will need to ever achieve this, and nothing is instantaneous. Being a pharmacist is a goal with big importance to me because I've had my mind set on it for years, and I've had one too many experiences seeing medical care really affect a person's life.
My top 5 strengths are Activator, Competition, Communication, Individualization, Ideation
I feel like these strengths really relate to my virtues of my personality that I use everyday. Being an activator means turning words into actions and that is something I live by, because you can't talk things into existence you simply have to do them. My competitive spirit is also a big part of me because I never like to come in last in anything, and I wanna succeed in whatever I take on. Communication is a huge part of someones life as to go far in whatever you desire, you need to be able to communicate with people and to be able to understand people trying to communicate with you. Individualization is a strength of mine that I have realized when trying to do something in a group of people. I try to be a leader and point out peoples' strengths to help the group take down tasks in the most effective way. My final strength is ideation, and I utilize this every day. I always find myself thinking about the "ifs", but I always strive and make those "ifs" an reality.