Assignments: Gina Vasquez
Multicultural Awareness Project
Assignments: Gina Vasquez
Assignments: Gina Vasquez
Assignments: Gina Vasquez
Outcomes - Informal Carrer Plan
Educational Background: Gina Vasquez
Recruitment, Selection and Staffing
How important is it to have a platform for onboarding for a company? It’s a way to save money and time. Technology plays a big part in making a company better. The outcomes were met by providing information regarding an onboarding and recruiting program called ICIMs.
230426092754_Staffing_Plan_for_Hoffman_Industries.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: Gina Vasquez
Employee Training and Development
This project was about Employee Training and Development, which is a big part of HR. This project is about what will happen to a business if it does not have a training and development program. The outcome was might by showing how important it is to have HR involved when setting up a training and development program.
230426041239_Employee_Training_and_Devlopment.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Gina Vasquez
Multicultural Awareness
How HR can work together with a company to build a better culture. The outcome was met by using important data from your employees to make sure the company is review all complaints and how the company can be there for their employees.
230426041747_1681776515_CAPS265_Multicultural_Awarenss_Project_3_.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Honors & Awards: Gina Vasquez
Employee of the Year 2019 for Bridge Hospice
Honors & Awards: Gina Vasquez
Branch Office Manager of the Quarter 2023 for Bridge Home Health and Hospice.
Honors & Awards: Gina Vasquez
Branch Office Manager of the Quarter for 2021 for Bridge Home Health and Hospice
Leadership: Gina Vasquez
Youth Director for 4th Street Bowl and Morgan Hill Bowl 2009-present
Leadership: Gina Vasquez
Member of the EDI Committee for Bridge Home Health and Hospice
Skills: Gina Vasquez
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