My Bio: Alvin Tan
Alvin Tan Bio
My name is Alvin Tan and I am a second year pharmacy student at the University of Connecticut and I will be graduating in 2025. I am currently an intern at CVS Pharmacy and have been working there for about 3 years. I am very involved at UConn with AZO, ASCP, IPhO, Leaders Track, Honors, Research, Student Ambassadors, and have helped with the Student Health Fair!
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Alvin Tan
University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy Second-Year Student
I attend the University of Connecticut's School of Pharmacy. I am in the PharmD. program and a "P2", meaning that it is my second year in this professional program.
Association & Society Membership: Alvin Tan
UConn School of Pharmacy Ambassadors
I am a student ambassador for the UConn School of Pharmacy.
Association & Society Membership: Alvin Tan
Pharmacy Student Government
I will be part of the pharmacy student government as a representative for both American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, UConn chapter, as well as for Alpha Zeta Omega in Fall 2023.
Association & Society Membership: Alvin Tan
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
I am a part of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, UConn chapter. We provide education, advocacy, and resources to aid the practice of Senior Care Pharmacy. Recently, I've given 2 presentations in 2 different senior centers on behalf of the UConn chapter of ASCP regarding cholesterol and vaccines respectively. I am also going to be the Pharmacy Student Government representative for ASCP in Fall 2023.
Association & Society Membership: Alvin Tan
Alpha Zeta Omega Nu Chapter Brother
Alpha Zeta Omega is a co-ed pharmaceutical professional fraternity. I am currently just a brother as I was admitted at the end of Fall 2021 semester. I have applied and am now going to be the Alpha Zeta Omega representative in the Uconn Pharmacy Student Government. I am going to be professional chair for AZO next year (2023-2024).
Association & Society Membership: Alvin Tan
Minority Health Matters Secretary
I am on the executive board of a UConn club, "Minority Health Matters, as a secretary where I take down meeting notes for our executive board as well as general body meetings. I also send out and respond to e-mails in order to initiate collaborations with other clubs.
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Alvin Tan
IPPE Rotation at Independent Walpole Pharmacy
A contract between University of Connecticut's School of Pharmacy and an independent pharmacy, Walpole Pharmacy allows me to work at Walpole Pharmacy unpaid, as technically an "intern". This will occur over the Summer of 2022.
Educational Background: Alvin Tan
University of Connecticut, Doctor of Pharmacy, anticipated 2025
Educational Background: Alvin Tan
University of Connecticut, Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Sciences, anticipated 2023
Educational Background: Alvin Tan
Westwood High School Graduate May 2019
I graduated from Westwood High School in Massachusetts in May of 2019.
Employment History: Alvin Tan
Metrowest Medical Center
Employment History: Alvin Tan
Metrowest Medical Center
Employment History: Alvin Tan
Metrowest Medical Center
Employment History: Alvin Tan
CVS Pharmacy
I work at CVS and have been working there for over 2 years now. I started off as a pharmacy technician, then transitioned into a pharmacy intern once I was accepted into UConn's professional pharmacy program.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Alvin Tan
Professional Goal
I aim to land a hospital internship close to Storrs, CT where I can work during my P3 year.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Alvin Tan
Personal Goal
Over this upcoming Summer, I plan to effectively counsel at least 5 patients regarding OTC treatment at CVS Pharmacy where I work.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Alvin Tan
Clinical Pharmacy
I aim to acquire a paid internship at Metrowest Medical Center in Massachusetts once I finish my IPPE HS rotation there this Summer.
Internships: Alvin Tan
Metrowest Medical Center
Internships: Alvin Tan
CVS Pharmacy Intern
I have been working at CVS Pharmacy in Massachusetts as an intern.
Licenses & Certifications: Alvin Tan
Immunization Certified
I got Immunization certified through University of Connecticut's School of Pharmacy Program.
Licenses & Certifications: Alvin Tan
Massachusetts Pharmacy Intern
I became a Massachusetts Pharmacy Intern on 2/27/2022.
Number: PI167829
Licenses & Certifications: Alvin Tan
Connecticut Pharmacy Intern
I became a Connecticut Pharmacy Intern issued by the Department of Consumer Protection.
Number: PCI.0009905
Licenses & Certifications: Alvin Tan
Child and Baby First Aid/CPR/AED
I got Child and Baby First Aid/CPR/AED certified on 2/20/21 through the American Red Cross
Co-Curricular Activities: Alvin Tan
AZO Professional Chair and PSG Rep
Co-Curricular Activities: Alvin Tan
Co-Curricular Activities: Alvin Tan
Co-Curricular Activities: Alvin Tan
Student Health Fair Event Coordination Committee Head
Co-Curricular Activities: Alvin Tan
AMCP Health Economics and Outcomes Research and Pop. Health Chair
Co-Curricular Activities: Alvin Tan
Student Ambassadors
Co-Curricular Activities: Alvin Tan
Wellness Committee
CPD Plan Management: ACTION / LEARNING: Alvin Tan
Goals Update
I acquired that internship at Metrowest Medical Center and was able to counsel over 5 patients that Summer at CVS
Fraternal Organizations: Alvin Tan
Alpha Zeta Omega
Professional Pharmaceutical Fraternity developing my network and opening the door to multiple leadership opportunities
Honors & Awards: Alvin Tan
UConn New England Scholar
2020, 2024
Honors & Awards: Alvin Tan
Phi Lambda Sigma
Feb 2024 - Present
Honors & Awards: Alvin Tan
Dean's List
Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2023
Honors & Awards: Alvin Tan
Leadership Scholarship
Honors & Awards: Alvin Tan
Honors Program
Currently working on Honors Thesis with research project on ASO & siRNA Drugs
Leadership: Alvin Tan
AZO Professional Chair, PSG Rep, ASCP PSG Rep, AMCP HeOR and Pop Health Chair, Wellness Committee, Leaders Track, Student Health Fair Event Coordination head
Presentations: Alvin Tan
ASHP Midyear: Risk of Charley Horse Pain with Insulin Titration in Patients with T2DM
Publications: Alvin Tan
All it Takes is a Conversation: Deprescribing Benzodiazepines in Older Adults.
Pharmacy Times Website