In 2001, I graduated from Sentara School of Professions.
I'm an alumni of Tidewater Community College and graduated May 2012. I received double degrees in Health Information Management and Coding and Billig.
Once again. I will be graduating from Bryant and Stratton with an AAS in Paralegal Studies.
Some of the courses I participated in, group assignments were a huge part of those assignments. I enjoy group work but not as much as single projects. In a group, one has more heads and opinions to draw from; but as the team leader, some of the time there's no communication or group input. Some of the group members may never put in, but are looking for a participation grade.
I have a facebook page titled "Redd Peach Poetry" which includes work written since high school.
I've had a chance to do reserch for cases and understand ethics and the process of a paralgal's job, counsel, jdge and jury.
I remeber taking CEU's in the medical field and recieving better pay and other benefits. In the law field, laws, ammendments, and procedural aspects change very often.
Intro to the Justice System
Research and Writing I
Criminal Law and Procedures
Legal Research and Writing II
Criminal Law and Procedures
Career Dev II Theory&Practice
Torts and Remedies
Law Office Mgt and Technology
Intro to Legal Studies
Contract Law
Career Dev I Theory & Practice
Learning Communities
Workplace Mathematics
Employee Training & Devel
Business Law & Ethics
2017 – present
Graduated 05/2012
TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE-Graduated Sum Cum Lade, With Honors-AAS-Health Information Management with a concentration in Billing & Coding
Graduated 12/2001
Sentara School of Health Professions-LPN
Uber driver
Uber eats driver (food delivery)
Lyft driver
Yellow cab driver
Administrative Assistant; Biller/Coder
Family First Management Care 1/2016-3/2017
Received inbound, placed outbound calls, and follow up calls
Input data entry and scheduled appointments
Bookkeeping; billing for insurance compensation
Caretaker 2012-2016
Administered medications and assist with personal hygiene care
Assisted with cleaning, shopping, cooking and other household duties
Managed patients personal accounts and assist with phone calls
Responsible for transportation to doctor's appointments, provided care information to the doctor
Home Maker 2006-2008
My personal relationship provided me the opportunity to be stay at home mom and raise my children
Attended parent meeting when problems arose, set Dr. appointments, shuttled children to varied social and school activities, paid expenses, and upkeep of household
Certified LPN
Sentara Healthcare 12/2001-7/2005
Noninvasive and invasive procedures such as, phlebotomy; catheter and IV placement and removal
Ordered charts for patient and physician; wound care; patient transport; care of deceased patients
Therapy and consulted patients; feeding tube insertions and removals
Discharged patients; customer care; trained new employees
Customer Service Representative
Abacus Communications 1/1998-7/2000
Processed inbound calls for clients sending cell phone texts
Trained new employees
I'm OCD when it comes to my grades. I'm a micromanager and sometimes over do it accidently. Taking exams and quizzes and receiving straight 100% grades is always my intentions.
I acquired an internship in the family law field with the Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations. The highest judge had to approve my internship once I submitted my resume and and reference letters. Judge Willis approved me within 48 hours. That was an accomplishment in itself, of which I'm excited. I was also given my own office and phone extension. To date, I've only worked with adult cases. Some of my duties are:
- Judge Willis placed me in charge of a much needed program system entitled "expungements". I have guidelines in which to follow, as per every case file i expunge. My average expungement is about 130-145 cases daily.
- Going into the judges courtroom and testifing about the cases I've eradicated.
- Filing cases that weren't ready to be expunged.
- Destroying files by shredding expunged cases.
- I'm now working with divorce cases.
In a week, I will be trained to do other positions. My supervisor has informed me that the judge is immensly proud of the work I've done thus far, and as given me permission to be trained in all areas of my department, and he will sign certifications of all the work I've done. This will be a huge addition to my resume. I've been told that all internships have turned into a full time job. I'm so excited because I'm ready to start my new carreer. I plan on acquiring a position in the field of criminal defense.

Hi, my name is Redd Erwin. I have four children, ages 28, 26, 24 and 20 years old. I'm now working on my third degree. I can't believe I'm finally excited to say tthat in one week, I will have completed my degree program at Bryant & Stratton College. Being that the school only has one graduation per year, I won't actually walk until May 2021. I'm very excited to lunge into my new career with the skills I've been taught and have practiced hands on throught my degree.
I've lived in Sicily, Italy for about five years. I've visited Bahrain; landed in Heathrow, London; and I've been to Germany.
I've atteneded the Virginia campus.