Jacquelyn Reid
Student Pharmacist
Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
My name is Jacquelyn Reid, and I am from Gastonia NC. I am the second child of four, and the second grandchild of twenty. I began playing sports at the age of 5 and this has caused me to have a competitive attitude towards life. I enjoy playing soccer, basketball, volleyball, football, and running track. During my senior year of high school, I was the North Carolina State Champion in track and field in the triple jump. I came to Campbell and began my studies to obtain my undergraduate degree in pharmaceutical sciences. I graduated in May of 2018 where I began working in the cosmetic industry manufacturing all-natural cosmetics. I was accepted into the dual degree MSPS/PharmD program in April 2020 and plan to graduate in May 2025.
Some things I am very passionate about include my faith my family and football. I am a huge University of Georgia and New York Giants football fan and I try to watch them as much as I can. After graduation, I would like to pursue a career in either industrial or retail pharmacy. When I began pharmacy school I planned on becoming a compounding pharmacist because I enjoy working in the lab and being hands-on, but the more I learn in pharmacy school, the more specialties I become interested in. I enjoy Campbell thoroughly and I appreciate my professors very much! The time that I have spent here has already been beneficial and I pray that the rest of my time here I continue to learn and grow as God sees fit.
I participated in the Mobile Clinic with CUSOM and PA students. We went to evaluate patients at a farm and I was able to scribe for the student doctors. This experience made me realize how much I want to learn Spanish. I feel as though if I learned Spanish I would not be dependent upon a translator and I could build a closer relationship with my patients.

I received my White Coat marking the beginning of my professional life as a student pharmacist. I really appreciated that my family could be here for this moment. I thought that COVID would interfere, but I thank God that I was able to share this moment with my loved ones.
I received my Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Science from Campbell University in May of 2018.
I worked as a Technical Service Scientist in the last semester of my undergraduate year and continued into a full-time employee after graduation. I work at a private cosmetic company and manufacture a variety of all-natural and/or organic products which include items such as shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, face lotion, and face scrubs.
Going into my final block of pharmacy school I have only a few goals. One of my main goals is to ensure that I am focused on God, the Kingdom of Heaven, and His righteousness and to remember that all else shall be added. I also want to continue to make sure that I am, not only achieving good grades but, understanding the material and can go out into my rotations and be a great representative of Campbell University. I look forward to continuing to have a healthy school-life balance. I am also looking forward to walking in May for my master's in pharmaceutical sciences.
I think it is very important to not stress about the things that are out of my control. I have struggled with that concept for a long time, but I do feel like in this new year I have done a better job at trusting God more and leaving things in his hands.
I also want to continue to improve my overall health and manage my time and money effectively.
I want to be the Liaison for he P1 class. I want to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 throughout my academic career. I want to graduate knowing that I know what I am doing and I am confident in my abilities. I want to be trusted in my personal and professional community. I want to have a network of health care professionals that I can call when I need advice, or help with any patients of mine. Lastly, but most importantly, I want to be God's instrument that heals the sick and gives life to those that can only see death.
My personal goals change very frequently. Currently I want to lose about 15 pounds of fat while gaining muscle. I want to improve my overall health; mentally, spiritually and physically. I want to find financial balance and manage my money better. This is my last block of my P1 year and I am happy with my performance, however, I do want to improve my study habits and my test performance. I want to make all A's during my P2 year and I know I can if I just apply myself.

Expired January 11th, 2024

Expires January 11 2024

Expires January 11th 2024

Expires: March 3rd 2025

I completed the course to become a Certified Immunizer.

The second year of pharmacy school was absolutely amazing. I enjoyed every day and every module last year offered. Professionally, I feel as though I am right where I need to be. I know enough at this stage, but I also know that I have more to learn. I am very excited to gain more knowledge in the upcoming block before going into clinical rotations.
In comparing who I am now to who I was in August of 2021, I would say I have grown exponentially! The knowledge that I have gained over these years is hard to put into words. The amount of material that I have obtained honestly blows my mind. I am so proud that I can say that the information that I know, I know with confidence. I am also grateful that I can find the answers to questions that my family has about their medications. I love that people trust me with their medical information and know that I will tell them the truth. My sister is now a practicing PA and I appreciate that I can discuss patient cases with her and that we can bounce ideas off of each other. I look forward to the day when she and I collaborate in practice and help as many patients as possible.
If you would have told me in August 2021 that I would be where I am, I would believe you. I know that I am working hard to achieve these goals and become the pharmacist that God has called me to be. I am not perfect by any means, but I am trusting that I am on the right path, doing what He wants me to do and learning on every step of the way. I am excited about the next two years and for whatever else is to come after graduation. I feel as though at this point in my education, I know how to study to be effective. I like that my grades reflect my knowledge and that I feel confident going into the exams. Going into my last block I am excited to continue to grow and learn as much as possible. I want to make my professors proud when I go to my clinical rotations and I hope that I am ready when that time comes!
I really do wish that Campbell allowed people the first year to feel out what they like then take the remaining didactic years to focus on one or two concentrations that the student is interested in instead of giving us just a taste of everything. Some students don't know what they want to do so they should be exposed to more, but for the students that know what they want to do or even know what they definitely don't want to do, they should be given that option. The foundation of every pharmacist should be the same, but the concentrations should be individualized.
When I think back over the last couple weeks, I become overwhelmed with emotions. I always knew that I would be a pharmacist and be in pharmacy school, but to actually be doing it is breathtaking. The first block of pharmacy school was a transition. I am very grateful that I went through the masters of pharmaceutical science program because it prepared me very well for this first semester of classes. I feel like the hardest classes have been biomedical foundations, US healthcare, and now pharmaceutical science foundation. Having a background in pharmaceutical sciences has really prepared me for these classes. The pace that we are working at is very fast, but it can be done. The workload is hard, and it requires lot of time, but people always say it will be worth it.
I have already made some new friendships and have enjoyed getting to know my colleagues outside of the classroom. I have had a few personal issues with the program, but I am going to handle those problems in the near future. Overall, I look forward to the journey ahead and I am honored to be here.
Preceptor: Charlene Smalls
Preceptor: Dr. Charles Herring
Preceptor: Dr. Christina Roels
Preceptor: Dr. James Groce
Preceptor: Lee Brogden, BS Pharmacy
Preceptor: Dr. James Groce
Preceptor: Dr. Krista Woods
Preceptor: Julie Tedder, BS Pharmacy
Preceptor: Dr. Lisa Moore
Researchers: J. Reid, S. Sallah, A. Ravada