Courses Taken: Shelley Stilwell
wk7 portfolio project
The tips for wk2 submission was that I should address these people as a memo and clarity behind paragraphs will help with flow. For instance, headings and paragraph breaks.
In wk3 submission, I didn't add the title page of my proposal.
In wk4 submission I had issues with the instructor being able to view my work. After working at it, I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong.
Wk 5 submission, I was having the same issues with submitting my wok correctly.
wk6 Report, I received a zero because the instructor said that they felt like my paper meshes with the directions.
Courses Taken: Shelley Stilwell
Completed and Active Courses
- J-VOIM 109012-ONOD-mar112020- Office Apps Word Processing- Heather Riffle
- J-SOSC226014-ONOD-jan132021- Career Dev II- Irem Cuellar
- J-PHIL310010-ONOD-sep092020- Logic and Reasoning- Shannon Duval
- J-PHIL222008-ONOD-jan152020- Ethics in Health and Human Service- Catherine Morrison
- J-NSCI280001-ONOC-nov042020-Ecology- Jessica Hibbert
- J-MATH201028-ONOD-nov062019-College Mathematics- Isaac Raymond
- J-HURS205009-ONOD-jul12020- Organizational Behavior- Tamara Kimble
- J-HTHS301003-ONOD-se-092020- Health Service Management- Geraldine Rosol
- J-HTHS230001-ONOD-may062020- Funding Health & Human Services- Compreca Martin
- J-HTHS121005-ONOD-jan132021- Health Care Information- Brianna Harris
- J-ENGL202018-ONOD-may062020- Research and Writing- Bailey Ray
- J-ECON195015-ONOD-jul012020- Macroeconomics- Isaac Boring
- J-BUSS410004-ONOD-jul012020- Performance Management- Kathleen Gray
- J-BUSS215008-ONOC-nov062019- Management Principles- Kathy Buyck
- J-ACCT110013-ONOD-nov042020- Accounting Princilpes- Debra Tyson
- J-ACCT110010-ONOD-mar112020- Accounting Principles- Katie O'Neill
- J-MATH309005-ONOD-mar10202021-Statistics-N.Ayoub
- J-PSYC310007-ONOD-may052021-Organizational psychology
- J-SOSC226027-ONOD-may052021-Career Dev II-Brianna Harris
Employment History: Shelley Stilwell
Was recently promoted to management 2 months ago. I began my employment at Carter's Fried chicken in November, 2017 as a cashier.
Faculty Positions: Shelley Stilwell
wk7 portfolio project
The tips for wk2 submission was that I should address these people as a memo and clarity behind paragraphs will help with flow. For instance, headings and paragraph breaks.
In wk3 submission, I didn't add the title page of my proposal.
In wk4 submission I had issues with the instructor being able to view my work. After working at it, I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong.
Wk 5 submission, I was having the same issues with submitting my wok correctly.
wk6 Report, I received a zero because the instructor said that they felt like my paper meshes with the directions.
Leadership: Shelley Stilwell
wk7 portfolio project
The tips for wk2 submission was that I should address these people as a memo and clarity behind paragraphs will help with flow. For instance, headings and paragraph breaks.
In wk3 submission, I didn't add the title page of my proposal.
In wk4 submission I had issues with the instructor being able to view my work. After working at it, I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong.
Wk 5 submission, I was having the same issues with submitting my wok correctly.
wk6 Report, I received a zero because the instructor said that they felt like my paper meshes with the directions.
Simulation (Training Simulations): Shelley Stilwell
Interview preperation
Shelley Stilwell
2029 Ga. Hwy 257
Cordele, Ga. 31015
Family Support Worker
Turner County Family
Skills: Shelley Stilwell
wk7 portfolio project
The tips for wk2 submission was that I should address these people as a memo and clarity behind paragraphs will help with flow. For instance, headings and paragraph breaks.
In wk3 submission, I didn't add the title page of my proposal.
In wk4 submission I had issues with the instructor being able to view my work. After working at it, I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong.
Wk 5 submission, I was having the same issues with submitting my wok correctly.
wk6 Report, I received a zero because the instructor said that they felt like my paper meshes with the directions.
Skills: Shelley Stilwell
logic and reasoning
I had a lot of complications during these 7.5 weeks in both of my courses. Although, I learned a great deal from my instructor as well as my peers. I had gotten really discouraged during these weeks because of the fact that I put so much effort into doing my work to recieve good grades and every time I turned around, I had so many problems with submitting my work. When I would try to resubmit my work, I would either lose the file or could not figure out what it was that I needed to do to submit it so that you could view it. I really enjoyed the lessons but I grew frustrated and was not able to put my full attention on the subject at hand because I constantly had the thoughts of my previous grades not going through. I have been enrolled in this college for 2 years now and I have never had complications like I have during this course. Thanks for trying to help all that you could. It was very appreciated.