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Alexa Rae Dinoff

Bryant & Stratton College

Address: 9467 Chalkstone Course 3L, Brewerton , NY 13029
Phone: 315-409-3887

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My Bio: Alexa Rae Dinoff
BUSS320 portfolio project

My Bio: Alexa Rae Dinoff
ENGL302 portfolio project

My Bio: Alexa Rae Dinoff
ENGL302 portfolio project

My Bio: Alexa Rae Dinoff
BUSS230 portfolio project

My Bio: Alexa Rae Dinoff
CAPS265 portfolio project

My Bio: Alexa Rae Dinoff
CAPS265 multicultural awareness project

My Bio: Alexa Rae Dinoff
BUSS215 week 4 essay impacts on management

My Bio: Alexa Rae Dinoff
CAPS265 week 1 networking

My Bio: Alexa Rae Dinoff
BUSS215 portfolio project

My Bio: Alexa Rae Dinoff
My Bio

My name is Alexa Dinoff. I am a 30-year-old woman and a mother to two little girls. I was born in Syracuse NY, and I live in Brewerton NY where I was raised. I enrolled in Bryant & Stratton College in November of 2022. I am pursuing my degree in the Associate of Applied Science in Business Management. Bryant & Stratton has made fulfilling my dreams more possible because of the online classes. By obtaining this degree, I hope to earn a job as a successful business manager and continue to be successful in the field of business management.

Assignments: Alexa Rae Dinoff
buss420 portfolio project

Assignments: Alexa Rae Dinoff
buss420 portfolio project

Assignments: Alexa Rae Dinoff
buss213 portfolio project

Assignments: Alexa Rae Dinoff
buss213 portfolio project

Assignments: Alexa Rae Dinoff
buss213 portfolio project

Assignments: Alexa Rae Dinoff
BUSS215 portfolio project View

Assignments: Alexa Rae Dinoff
econ195 portfolio

Educational Background: Alexa Rae Dinoff
education background


  • Associate of Applied Science in Office Management

Bryant & Stratton College-Online

November 2022 to Present

Dean's list status since second term enrolled.



  • High school or equivalent

Paul V Moore High School - Central Square, NY

High honor roll for grades maintained.

Graduated in the year 2011.

Goals (Personal & Professional): Alexa Rae Dinoff
personal and professional goals

In November of 2022, I decide to enroll in Bryant & Stratton to fulfill both my personal and professional goals. I want to earn my associate degree in business management while remaining with a GPA of 4.0. That is a personal goal for me. With the success of earning this degree, I want to land a job as a business manager. The courses that come along with the degree program will educate me and help make this goal possible. I have always wanted to start my own business as well; this is a personal and professional goal for me to fulfill. By enrolling in Bryant & Stratton College and successfully earning my degree and education, I can make reaching these personal and professional goals come true.

Resume & CV: Alexa Rae Dinoff
240128102559_ADinoff_Resume_1_.docx (.docx) 0.05mb