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Normajean Robbins

Address: 486 East 9th Street Clearfield, PA 16830
Phone: 814-761-3277

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Academic Service: Normajean Robbins
CAPS265 - Portfolio Project
here is the Articulation worksheet, My Multicultural essay and the links for the youtube and mycred View

Academic Service: Normajean Robbins
CAPS265 - Portfolio Project
here is the Articulation worksheet, My Multicultural essay and the links for the youtube and mycred View

Academic Service: Normajean Robbins
my multiculture essay
Professor Jackson I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I can not get the title and page numbers to stay on the top of the page and then everything else moves up on the page. My margins are all set for 1 View

Academic Service: Normajean Robbins
Multiculture essay

Academic Service: Normajean Robbins
merchandise template

Academic Service: Normajean Robbins
My Cred Portfolio

Academic Service: Normajean Robbins
ethical decisions
To do payroll procedures you need to use ethical decisions because this means you are being honest. if you use unethical decisions that means you must be cheating or doing something wrong. View

Academic Service: Normajean Robbins
ethical or unethical decisions
To do payroll procedures you need to use ethical decisions because this means you are being honest. if you use unethical decisions that means you must be cheating or doing something wrong. View

Academic Service: Normajean Robbins
Excel project

Skills: Normajean Robbins
My presentation portfolio

Technical & Computer Skills: Normajean Robbins
Caps265- Portfolio Project
here is the Articulation worksheet, My Multicultural essay and the links for the youtube and mycred View

Technical & Computer Skills: Normajean Robbins
Portfolio presentation