Goals (Personal & Professional): Kenesienna Ifemesia
After I finish school, I want to go into my ECE career. The next step is to return to school for my Bachelor's degree.
I want to homeschool, my boys.
Projects: Kenesienna Ifemesia
ECED 105 Child Behavior, Observation and Evaluation
Observe, document, and asses to support young children and families teaching and learning.
I understand the process of observing and evaluating young children in a classroom.
Projects: Kenesienna Ifemesia
SOSC115 Career Development Theory and Practice
Participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.
I have gained insight on the different skills and resources, when going into my career, after college,
Projects: Kenesienna Ifemesia
Math 201 Quantitative Reasoning
Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
I understand and can interpret quantitative information to make critical decisions, while also learning simple mathematical techniques to help me in my career or personal life.
Projects: Kenesienna Ifemesia
SOSC 225 Career Development 2: Theory and Development
Implement developmentally appropriate and inclusive activities and guidance strategies designed to positively impact child behaviour and support growth in all domains.
I have a better insight into my needs, drive, and goals so I can use them to structure a professional development plan for my job application process.
Projects: Kenesienna Ifemesia
COMM104 Learning Communities
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
I have learned about the three types of communities academic, professional, and personal communities that are basic skills that will help me in my future course, career, and personal life
Projects: Kenesienna Ifemesia
INFT 124 Computing Skills
Utilize current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
I now understand basic computing skills and have explored creative problem-solving strategies, that will help in my future career.
Projects: Kenesienna Ifemesia
ECED 202 Early Childhood Program Administration
Organize work effectively to create a purposeful, responsive program, including the preparation of written plans, progress records, parent communication and various reports.
I have gained insight into the many roles, responsibilities and benefits of an Early Childhood Education director or administrator.
Projects: Kenesienna Ifemesia
ECED 102 Child Growth and Development
Incorporate developmentally appropriate guidance strategies to positively impact child behaviour and social-emotional development.
I have gained insight into the physical, cognitive, social, emotional and language growth of young children, both typical and atypical, from birth through the age of 8.
Projects: Kenesienna Ifemesia
ECED 105 Child Behavior, Observation and Evaluation
Observe, document and assess to support young children and families
Projects: Kenesienna Ifemesia
ECED 106 Family and Community Connections
Create respectful, reciprocal relationships with children’s families and communities to foster involvement and support children’s development and learning.
I gained insight into the various communication techniques and an understanding of family trends and how they affect the community.
Projects: Kenesienna Ifemesia
ECED 104 Health Nutrition and Safety
Integrate health, safety and nutrition practices according to local, state and national standards.
I have a better understanding of how to create a hands-on lesson plan, that is well organized, age-appropriate, of health, safety and nutrition.
Projects: Kenesienna Ifemesia
ECED 103 Creative and language arts for children
Design, execute and assess meaningful, challenging curricula that promote comprehensive child development and learning outcomes for every child.
I have a better understanding of how to create a hands-on lesson plan, that is well-organized and age-appropriate.