Liliana Dam
PharmD Candidate Class of 2027
St. John's University
Goals 1-5 years:
- Complete my course requirements
- Perform well in my classes and maintain a good GPA
- Gain skills and experience as a pharmacy intern
- Improve time management and effective communication skills
- Explore different career paths within the pharmaceutical field
- Working in my community and collaborating with local healthcare providers
- Stay updated on the latest advancements in pharmacy practice and technology
- Educate patients on safe and effective use of medications as well as promote medication adherence
- Advocate and help patients get informed when making decisions about their health and medications
- Collaborate with patients and healthcare providers to optimize treatment plans
Goals 15 years
- Explore different career paths and opportunities within the pharmaceutical field
- Share knowledge and experience with aspiring pharmacists
- Advance my knowledge and passion for medicine
- St. John's University of Queens, New York (College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences): September 2021- Expected May 2027
- Pelham Preparatory High School of Bronx, New York: September 2017 - June 2021 (Advanced High School Regents Diploma)
4th Academic Year:
Fall 2024 Courses - PRESENT
- PHR 4105 - Drugs & Infectious Diseases
- PHR 4109 - Introduction to D&D
- PHR 4110 - D&D/Cardio/Renal Systems I
- PHS 4601 - Extemporaneous Compounding
- CPP 4301 - Drug Information & Lab
- TOX 5301 - Toxicology/Drug Abuse
- PHR 4201 - Pharmacy Practice Lab III
3rd Academic Year:
Spring 2024 Courses:
PHS 3603 - Pharmaceutics II: I learned about advanced concepts in pharmaceutical formulation and drug delivery systems, including principles of drug stability, kinetics, and dosage form design. I gained understanding into how physicochemical principles are used in pharmaceutical product development.
PHS 3604 - Pharmacy Practice Lab II: I utilized principles from my Pharmaceutics course to formulate various pharmaceutical products. I gained skills in data analysis and record-keeping for pharmaceutical formulation processes.
PHS 3508 - Intro. To Medicinal Chemistry: I learned about the fundamentals of drug chemical properties, and the principles of structure-activity relationships (SAR) and drug design. I gained an understanding of how chemical structures impact drug interactions and pharmacological effects.
PHS 3509 - Intro. To Pharmacology: I learned about the effects of drugs on biological systems, including mechanisms of drug action, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. I was introduced to different classes of drugs and their therapeutic uses.
PHS 3510 - Gen. Pathology & Clinical Lab Data: I learned the foundational principles of disease pathology as I explored how various diseases develop and progress within the body. I learned about the connection between disease processes and the visible signs of illness in patients, helping me understand how changes in the body's functions show up as symptoms and signs.
CPP 3203 - Experiential Pharmacy I: I learned the importance of professionalism in pharmacy practice through a course that balances online learning with hands-on simulations as well as individual and group activities. I gained valuable skills that will prepare me for my future IPPE rotations and advanced coursework.
PHS 3303 - Biomedical Lab III: I learned drug properties and extraction methods as well as applied principles from my Pharmacology course to hands-on experience with animal handling. I analyzed experimental data and wrote comprehensive lab reports.
PHR 6103 - Leadership Development in Pharmacy Practice: I learned various leadership styles and distinguished between management and leadership roles. I improved my skills in communication and collaboration with others.
Fall 2023 Courses:
PHS 3601 - Pharmaceutics I: I learned about advanced concepts in pharmaceutical formulation and drug delivery systems, including principles of drug stability, kinetics, and dosage form design. I gained understanding into how physicochemical principles are used in pharmaceutical product development.
PHS 3602 - Pharmacy Practice Lab I: I utilized principles from my Pharmaceutics course to formulate various pharmaceutical products. I gained skills in data analysis and record-keeping for pharmaceutical formulation processes.
PHS 3505 - Clinical Immunology: I learned about the mechanisms of innate and adaptive immunity as well as antigen-antibody relationships. I gained understanding of the development, function, and immunopathology of immune responses such as defense against pathogens and autoimmune diseases.
PHS 3506 - Intro. To Infectious Diseases: I learned about how microbes cause disease through mechanisms of infection and pathogenesis. I gained understanding of their biology/features and focused on various pathogens.
PHS 3507 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II: I learned both the anatomy and physiology of various biological systems. I gained understanding of the nervous system, endocrine system, urinary system including electrolytes & buffering, reproductive systems, embryonic development, and inheritance.
CPP 3201 - Intro. To Pharmaceutical Care: I learned important skills required to deliver patient-oriented pharmacy services and provide quality care to patients. I gained insights into providing patient-centered care and navigating ethical, cultural, and professional challenges encountered in healthcare practice.
PAS 3301 - Pharmacy/US Health Care: I learned about the U.S. healthcare delivery system and how the role of pharmacy evolves. I gained knowledge of the public and private sectors of healthcare, pharmaceutical industry, and managed care.
PHS 3302 - Biomedical Lab II: I applied concepts of human anatomy and physiology including skeletal, muscular, circulatory systems etc. I performed hands-on experiences with dissections, gaining understanding of muscle, nerve, and cardiac physiology.
2nd Academic Year
Spring 2023 Courses:
PHS 2201 - Biopharmaceutical Chemistry/Biotechnology: I learned about the chemical and physical processes in living organisms. I gained an understanding of cellular development, growth, and the mechanisms underlying diseases.
PAS 2201 - Intro. To Pharmacoeconomics: I learned about the economic principles related to pharmaceuticals and healthcare. I gained an understanding of how economic factors impact decisions related to drug development, pricing, and utilization.
PHS 3504 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I: I learned about the structure and function of the major body systems, covering cell structure and organization, tissues/muscles, integumentary system, bone physiology and skeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. I gained insight into the structure of a cell with respect to its molecular biology and physiology.
PHI 3000C - Metaphysics: I learned about the philosophical study of reality, existence, and the nature of being. I explored the fundamental questions involving the nature of reality and existence of abstract concepts, overall gaining a deeper understanding of how various principles shape our perception of the world.
PHS 2101 - Public Health: I learned about factors that influenced population well-being as well as governmental policies to private initiatives. I gained insights into the challenges present in implementing public health policies and examined major health concerns like smoking and obesity.
PHS 2301 - Biomedical Lab I: I learned about enzyme physical properties, kinetics, and inhibition, along with techniques like bacterial transformation and protein extraction. I performed applications in pH and buffers, spectrophotometry, and determination of pKa and solubility.
Fall 2022 Courses:
CHE 1130 Intro to Gen & Organic Chemistry III - I learned about organic chemistry and the different types of reactions that occur along with stereochemistry of molecules.
CHE 1131 - Intro to Gen & Organic Chemistry III Lab - I learned how to apply the concepts I understood from organic chemistry lecture and recitation in real life experiments.
CHE 1132 - Intro to Gen & Organic Chemistry III Recitation - I learned how to apply concepts from lectures and practice my skills on several questions which helped me study for my exams.
RCT 1005C Interpersonal Comm for Pharmacy - I learned how to effectively communicate to patients and deal with situations requiring emotional intelligence.
BIO 2000 - Fund of Bio II: Cell/Molecular - I learned about cellular structure and function like how our cells work and how traits are passed down.
PAS 2301 Social Aspects of Pharmacy Practice - I learned about the profession of pharmacy and what it means to be a pharmacist.
PHI 3000 Metaphysics - I learned about philosophers and their different perspectives on how thinking originated and concepts of reality/existence.
THE 2400 Christian Spirituality & Myst - I learned about types of spirituality and their origins which helped me understand more about my spirituality.
1st Academic Year
Spring 2022 Courses:
CHE 1120 Intro to Gen & Organic Chemistry II - I continue to learn about general chemistry and watch lectures about topics including kinetics and solutions.
CHE 1121 - Intro to Gen & Organic Chemistry II Lab - I learn how to apply the concepts I understood from lecture and recitation in real life experiments.
CHE 1122 - Intro to Gen & Organic Chemistry II Recitation - I apply concepts from lectures and practice my skills on several questions which are my problem solving techniques.
MTH 1260C - Calc Appl-Pharm & Allied - I exercise my mathematical skills and improve my understanding of concepts.
PHI 2240C - Moral Life-ETH HLTH CARE - I continue to learn about philosophy and how it relates to health care cases.
THE 1000C - Pers. On Christianity - I am introduced to theology which is my first religion class that I took in my school career.
CPP 1101 – Introduction to Pharmacy Practice - I am introduced to more course requirements and am informed of internships/making portfolios.
Fall 2021 Courses:
CHE 1110 - Intro to Gen & Organic Chemistry - I learned about general chemistry and applying calculations to word problems.
CHE 1110 - Intro to Gen & Organic Chemistry Recitation - I applied what I learned from lecture and did presentations to explain different concepts.
CHE 1111 - Intro to Gen & Organic Chemistry Lab - I did experiments which. gave me a better understanding of the topic through real life experience.
MTH 1250C - Stat App-Phar/Allied Health - I exercise my mathematical skills and improve my understanding of concepts.
FYW 1000C - Writing-Self Exploration - I exercised my reading and writing skills, and learned how to better express myself through creative writing.
PHI 1000C - Philosophy Human Person - I learned about different philosophers and their viewpoints on life, morality, and government.
PHR 1000 - Intro Seminar for Pharmacy - I was introduced to pharmacy topics and learned what is expected of me as a pharmacy student for the next 6 years.
DNY 1000C - Past & Present Intersect - I experienced what living in New York was like by going on trips to museums and reading history of New York books.None
- St. Vincent De Paul Scholarship
Sponsoring Organization: St. John's University - Dean's List
The Letter Project (Online, November 2021 - Dec 2021, 3 hours): I contributed to The Letter Project, a nonprofit organization that focuses on the power of women supporting one another. I volunteered in writing letters to girls and women around the world who may need encouragement and guidance in their lives. I helped them feel more empowered and valued in their journeys.
Support Our Troops (Online, November 2021 - December 2021, 3 hours): I contributed to Support Our Troops, a public purpose charity that provides millions of dollars’ worth of goods and services for soldier support. I volunteered in writing letters to soldiers who helped serve the country and overall expressed gratitude for their sacrifices and dedication to our nation's safety and freedom.
Total Service Hours: 6 hours
One accomplishment I had was when I was valedictorian in high school. I worked hard to get a high GPA and do well in my classes. I was also quite shy and had a fear of public speaking. Being valedictorian helped me become a better speaker and more confident in myself. I wrote my speech and spoke in front of 200+ people on a football field. It was a new and interesting experience because when I spoke, I wasn’t afraid anymore. I felt confident in my speaking skills and voicing my thoughts. I was also able to show my appreciation for my family, friends, teachers, and staff of the school. I spoke about the impact my school had on me and the memories I created there. I encouraged my peers and myself to follow our passions and live in the present. I learned to be okay with speaking in front of others without the fear of judgement or saying something “wrong”. Becoming valedictorian grounded my thoughts that speaking is actually very simple and doesn’t require overthinking every word. I became more confident in who I was and didn’t isolate myself from others because I was quiet and shy. I felt like my words had a purpose and that they matter. Being valedictorian also taught myself to appreciate all of the hard work and effort I put in to get here. I went through ups and downs, but I finally made it! I was proud of myself for graduating highschool and completing a huge milestone in my life.
Throughout my life, I believe that working hard and having motivation is important in achieving my dreams. My future goal is to become a pharmacist in order to guide patients on their health journey and deepen my knowledge on medicine. I chose a career in pharmacy because I have a passion for helping patients feel better and get well as quickly as possible. To me, being a pharmacist means playing an important role in achieving positive health outcomes and contributing to the community. I am interested in supporting the needs of others and educating them about their health. Empathy is also an important factor in being a pharmacist. As a pharmacy student, I plan to do well in my courses and deepen my interests in medicine and chemistry. I plan to interact with other pharmacy students, mentors, and professional pharmacists to learn more about the pharmaceutical field. I look forward to completing the course requirements and improving my study skills. I chose St. John's University because it has a great community and program that provides opportunities for pharmacy students. St. John's University is an amazing place to connect with others who are also interested in the pharmaceutical field and get internships. I believe that trying my best is important in order to get better and build more confidence in myself. I always work towards reaching my full potential and creating a better mindset. As a first year pharmacy student, I found myself exploring different classes including general and organic chemistry, pharmacy practice, etc. I gained even more interest in chemistry and learned the details about the pharmacy profession which has deepened my passion of becoming a pharmacist. Being a pharmacy student has taught me that pharmacy is an amazing job and contributes greatly to the community. I learned different medical terms used and demonstrated my chemistry lessons in lab. I will continue to do well in my classes and deepen my interest for pharmacy.
My top 5 strengths are adaptability, restorative, empathy, consistency, and harmony. What surprised me about my strengths was that they complimented my personality and showed a lot about myself as an aspiring pharmacist. I plan on utilizing my strengths to help accomplish my goals by being able to adapt to my environment and learn new things quickly. Adaptibility is important to me as a student because it helps me work through adversity and become more dedicated to my studies. When I am adaptable, I find myself adjusting lesson pacing and any sudden changes regarding my school work. Another trait I possess is restorative which means that I am good at figuring out any problems and resolving it which can help me become a better student. Restorative is an important trait because it drives me to become a better student and overcome my obatacles by observing any problems and using them to improve. As a student, being restorative has helped me feel more motivated and accept that it's okay to make mistakes as long as I continue to work hard. Consistency has impacted my life greatly as a student and individual. To be consistent means to act or do the same way over time. I believe that despite changing environments, it's important to adapt to them and make a plan and stick to it no matter what. I exercise empathy which has helped me interact with others in an open, friendly way and build connections with people around me. Empathy has allowed me to interact with other students and make new friends I can relate to. I believe that empathy is important in a school or work environment because it builds good connections and prevents any misunderstandings or conflicts between people. Harmony relates to this where it allows me to be in tune with my environment and get along with others.