Courses Taken: Ariane Latreace Walker
CRJU-155, ENGL-102, ENGL-202, INFT-124, MATH-201, ORNT-999, SOSC-116, COMM-104, CRJU-112, CRJU-135, CRJU-145, CRJU-155, CAPS-265, SOSC-226
Educational Background: Ariane Latreace Walker
Sinclair Community College (2008-2009; criminal Justice Science), Southern Crescent Tech (2010-2012; Cosmetology) , John Casablanca's (Television & Print; 2018 graduate), Bryant & Stratton College (2019- current; criminal Justice Science)
Projects: Ariane Latreace Walker
Security Data Breaches and Security Protocol and Reinforcements
Resource Link
Projects: Ariane Latreace Walker
Multicultural Law Enforcement Training Plan
The purpose of this project was to familiarize us with some of the common issues within todays law enforcement making us more knowledgable of our chosen career path and its history as well as providing us with research and general problem solving skills. All will enhance our communication skills and improve our critical thinking skills.
CRJU112-Training Plan (.docx) 0.33mb
Projects: Ariane Latreace Walker
In SOSC116- we were taught to create a resume tailored to the job description you are being hired for.
SOSC116-Resume (.docx) 0.02mb
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Ariane Latreace Walker
Volunteered for Relay For Life, Children's Medical Center blood drive, and United Community Brethren Baptist Church Food Drive (feeding communities to make a change).