Cassandra McIntyre
Bryant and Stratton College
I am currently 27 years old. I am working on my Associate's degree for Medical Office Assistant. I have a 1 year old daughter. I did extremely well in my years of schooling, but as I reached my final stretch of my degree I started falling behind. I am lucky enough to have a great support system and that includes my professors and advisors. I have a lot of close friends and a great family. I have many hobbies and interests. I have such high ambitions for myself. I eventually want to become a doctor but I am taking baby steps.
Obtained High School Diploma in 2011. Made Honor Roll and got good grades. I never once skipped school and the only time I missed school I was home sick with a excused note. I never got in trouble where I required detention or even faced expulsion.
I organized school dances and helped with school sporting events. I helped out with the school year book. I also participated in several after school clubs.
During my Junior and Senior year of High school I was an office aide for my guidance counselor. I did different things. I ran office slips. I also made copies, answered telephone calls, organized files on the computer and answered emails. I had this for 2 periods a day and that is what build my clinical and office experience.
I attended these colleges and tried my hardest to obtain as many credits as possible. I also tutored students while attending Bristol Community College.
Bus monitor. I get put on a bus route sometimes since I am spare. I go onto the bus open all the windows a inch. Then leave the bus yard to go pick up the students. If they need help buckling in I do that for them. I get on and off the bus crossing them if necessary. In between runs I spray down the seats with spray and wipe it down with paper towels in between runs. At the end of the afternoon shift, I put the windows up and then leave.
Packer. I logged into the computer. Scanned my badge. Did warm up exercises. Left my station to obtain a cage with a variety of items. I scanned the cage and started scanning the items and if they require a box it tells you the type of box. I built the box. Put the item inside it. Added packaging. I put a label on it and scanned the label and put it on the coveyor belt to be shipped out.
Making smart decisions and bettering myself to set a better example for my daughter.
Create a budget each month with my current expenses and try finding various ways to manage my money better.
I want to make sure I have a stable living environment. The more stable I feel the better I will do in school.
Once I obtain my degree I will start the process of looking for a job in my field of study and once I get the job I will transfer from my current job to my new career.
I am on the last stretch to obtain my degree. I am struggling a bit. I am working extra hard to make sure I do not fail any classes and obtain my degree on time.
Honor roll, student of the term, dean's list.
Once I entered High School, I became interested in school sports. My freshmen year I joined the swim and dive team. My Sophomore year I joined the basketball team. My Junior year I joined the soccer team. My senior year came and I joined the swim and dive team again then in the spring I joined the track and field team.
As I transitioned out of dance, I became interested in horseback riding. I took several lessons for 3 years and also participated in horse shows and even got 1st place ribbons.
As a kid I did dance classes that participated in dance recitals. I did tap, jazz, ballet and hip hop. I enjoyed it very much but as I got older I grew out of it.