Kathryn Colker
Bachelors In Health Service Administration
Certified Nursing Assistant
Patient Care Coordinator
Bryant and Stratton College
I am so excited for you to be on my page, I am a fun personality who is eager to learn!

Week 7 Portfolio Project performance management

Logic and reasoning portfolio project.

Cover letter to go with resume.

Professional Goal:
To become a manager at an assisted living facility and be able to make a positive difference in senior lives. I love what I do in caring for them now, and want to move onto a next step using my degree. I have seen what a bad manager can mean for a building like this and I want to be a positive influence in the lives of my senior residents and employees that work with me.
Professional Goal:
On a sad note, to prove my parents wrong, my parents said I would never amount to anything or be a good parent. My husband and I own our own home, cars and are expecting a baby in December. Improving my finical aspect by using my degree is my next step, I never want to tell my kids no because we can’t afford something, and want to show myself and everyone else I can achieve every goal I set for myself.
This was updated with my consulor and making sure that I did my best to updated it I just started another job a couple of weeks ago that isn't on here, but since I am still in training. I wanted to learn more before I added my new job for my resume.

Health Service Management II portfolio project, how healthcare evolves and changes in today's world. How leaders in Healhtcare will need to adapt to these changes. Being in the healthcare profession means to never stop learning, growing, and teaching the current and next generation.

Hi my name is Katie, I have been doing certified nursing assistant work for the last eight years, currently I take care of senior residents. I love what I do, but I know the physical work won't be an option forever. Then deciding to further my education in Health Service Administration was my next best fit. Then that would allow me to run a facility like where I work someday. I love caring for others my eleven pets would speak to that, I always am willing to learn. I know I would be new to the administrative side, but I am not new to being a manager. I have done management work in previous jobs so I understand how to be a fair and earn employees trust to get them to talk to me. Even knowing some of the floor work I would be able to tell new employees what to expect of this job. Most administration doesn't seem to know when some employees may not be a good fit, not everyone can be someone who takes care of people in their vulnerable state of mind. Having these years of floor experience would give me that advantage for sure, I would even be able to give advice and help others provide the best care for the residents.
I haven’t had family support since I was eighteen, and this taught me to be really independent, work hard for myself and accomplish my goals without help. This has caused me to even at times work from the bottom and earn my place within a company, when I am hired I like it to be for the long run and really make something of myself and positive person for those I work with and for. Any questions about myself or anything related to Harry Potter or Disney or my experience thus far I am happy to get to know you better.
Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and I hope I can get to know you soon!
~Katie Colker