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Thompson Newkirk

Phone: 912-308-6304

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Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Thompson Newkirk
Articulation Worksheet Narration

Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Thompson Newkirk
Torts an Remedies

Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Thompson Newkirk
Bryant and Stratton College
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Thompson Newkirk
Valdosta State University
Athletics: Thompson Newkirk
Sports I have played

Foot ball




Jiu Jitsu


Capstone: Thompson Newkirk
Articulation Worksheet

This walks through all of the courses and their outcomes

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Educational Background: Thompson Newkirk
Memorial Day School (high school)
Educational Background: Thompson Newkirk
Savannah Tech (joint enrollment program)
Educational Background: Thompson Newkirk
Valdosta state University (2007 - 2011)
Educational Background: Thompson Newkirk
Bryant and Stratton Paralegal Program (2021-2022)
Exam History: Thompson Newkirk
Exams and portfolio projects (Duplicate)
Exam History: Thompson Newkirk
Exams and portfolio projects (Duplicate)
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Exam History: Thompson Newkirk
Exams and portfolio projects
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Immunization History: Thompson Newkirk

Got the Covid 19 Vaccine as well as the 1st booster shot

Languages Spoken / Skills: Thompson Newkirk
Partially Trilingual

I Speak English as my mother tounge, but i am partially fluent in French and Spanish

Musical Instruments, Recordings & Concerts: Thompson Newkirk

I have been playing music for my whole life and I write, produce, release and perform music availabel on all platforms under my name  Thompson Newkirk.

Other Accomplishments: Thompson Newkirk
Two Hawaiian Shirts

Started a catering business that serves authentic Hawaiian food in the NYC area.

 We deliver pre packaged meals to bars withour kitchens and to your home if you desire.