Educational Background: Zoey Brooks Clinkenbeard
I believe from the document attached I show that I am able to adapt to change as well as learn from mistakes and take life lessons while providing an example for my younger sisters and others around me.
Educational Background: Zoey Brooks Clinkenbeard
Educational Background
- high-school diploma
- currently attending Bryant&Stratton
(associates in human and health services)
Employment History: Zoey Brooks Clinkenbeard
I believe from my experience in the food industry, I have developed the ability to build, hold or carry solid communication. In addition to my job history helping me in this area of skills would be the fact that I come from a big family and naturally pick up on social cues.
Employment History: Zoey Brooks Clinkenbeard
Past and Current Employment
All my life I have worked in the food service Industry, rather it being apart of food prep or serving. I understand my work history does not pertain to the job I will be shooting for once I have my degree, although I do believe the skills I have developed from these jobs will give me a boost in the right direction.
Resume & CV: Zoey Brooks Clinkenbeard
I have attached my resume below
Resume (.pdf) 0.09mb
Skills: Zoey Brooks Clinkenbeard
Skills related to future profession
- goal oriented
- problem solver
- ability to stay on task
- team player
- management
- active listener
- creative
- communication
- attention to detail
- leadership
- patient and passionate
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Zoey Brooks Clinkenbeard
Volunteer Work
I have been apart of the big brother and sister program in Indianapolis for the past two summers. Addition to that I volunteered at a horse camp in high-school for mentally and physically handicapped kids.