Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
W4 Legal and Ethical Concepts Portfolio
Use legal and ethical principles to analyze and apply management practices of health care organizations and delivery of patient care.
230413115051_W4_Legal_and_Ethical_Concepts_Portfolio.docx (.docx) 0.05mb
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
HTHS310 – Portfolio Project
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
230413114849_HTHS310_Portfolio_Project.docx (.docx) 14.87mb
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
Multicultural Awareness Project
With this project I participated in social, academic, and professional
communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a
multicultural world.
Multicultural Awareness Project (.docx) 0.05mb
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
HTHS310-Portfolio Project
Analyze and apply contemporary knowledge and skill sets to work and problem solve effectively in a managerial/leadership capacity in a health services setting.
HTHS310-Portfolio Project (.docx) 14.87mb
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
BUSS410 J02-Performance Management
Analyze and apply contemporary knowledge and skill sets to work and problem solve effectively in a managerial/leadership capacity in a health services setting.
230413112644_BUSS410_Performance_Management_Portfolio.pptx (.pptx) 8.34mb
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
Health Service Management II Report
Utilize effective skills in leadership, long-term care management, human resource development, financial and strategic planning, legal and ethical considerations, and patient safety and quality care in the health service environment.
Health Service Management II Report (.docx) 0.02mb
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
Graduation Ready Portfolio Presentation
My courses and projects I selected all provided me with the KSBs (Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors) to effectively perform the needed outcome in the workplace. They all contributed to helping me utilize effective leadership techniques that foster regulatory and corporate compliance among my staff and physicians. My outcomes also enhance my job performance, improve patient outcomes, and promoted compliance with ethical, legal and accreditation guidelines. This was established by teaching me how to obtain meaningful feedback that established effective reflective learning. All outcomes will promote quality patient healthcare and co-worker focused communication. In our continuing care within the health care/correctional setting, the KSBs (Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors) I acquired will help with conflict management and the skills to resolve daily issues and non-compliance in my organization and medical facilities. My courses and projects provided decision-making skills, that I will utilize to promoted strategic planning, legal and ethical considerations, patient safety, and quality care in the health service environment. I believe my courses and portfolio projects provided the necessary outcomes by introducing me to the role of management in the long-term care system. These courses provided knowledge of various segments of technology, and how technology is developed to its current state, compares it to an ideal system, and projects future trends. These selected courses and all taken at Bryant & Stratton, I feel have provided the skills and tools I need to strive to reach my management principal goals. They contributed to the knowledge of understanding the functions of management and how to evolve with the increasing workforce diversity, when treating patients and working with co-workers.
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
ENGL101 – Portfolio Project:
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
HTHS230 – Portfolio Project
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
Case Study- Containing Operating Cost
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
Harris ECON195 ePortfolio
I am trying to go back and resubmit week 3 project but is unavailable.
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
Graph final Draft
I struggled with this
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
Formal and Informal Learning Reflection
Assignments: Twiglenda Lasharon Harris
Graph Final Draft