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Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar

California Northstate University College of Pharmacy


All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.
-Walt Disney
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Co-Curricular Activities: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
CoCuLO 1: Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity

This webinar was conducted by Dr. Kristee Haggins Associate Professor at Califonia Northstate University College of Psychology. She delivered a talk on the topic of understanding implicit bias, racial stress, trauma and the role healthcare providers play in this. Dr. Haggins started her webinar by defining some terms. She defined racism as “unequal distribution of power” and described it as “often used to disadvantage certain groups of the society. Further in her presentation, she explained the types of racism: individual, institutional, and structural. Dr. Haggins mentioned that each single event of racial discrimination can cause acute social stress and chronic exposure could lead to reorganization of neural stress regulatory circuits in the brain and eventually racial trauma. As healthcare professionals, it is our responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of our patients in every way we can be of assistance including doing what we can to put an end to racial discrimination and racial trauma. Some things healthcare workers can do to avoid implicit bias includes listening to people of color, educating yourself and others around you to treat all as equals, and speaking out against injustice, being just a few examples. From my previous experiences, I have observed that those who treat everyone equally tend to be the most successful. During my last pharmacy rotation, my preceptor greeted everyone happily and equally regardless of color, race, and their ability to communicate in English. She never showed implicit bias of any kind by removing any notation of stereotypes and viewing all people as individuals. Her ideology kept attracting customers who became repeat patients and brought referrals with them thereafter. This concept of removing stereotypic thoughts and treating everyone as individuals assured me that we are battling racist discrimination one by one and have hope that racial trauma will come to an end in the near future.

Co-Curricular Activities: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
CoCuLO 3: Self-Awareness and Learning

The professional career development fall seminar series consisted of three presentations: Residency, Fellowship, and Interview skills.

The first seminar on presented was on Residency which included discussion of residency programs, fellowship programs, and navigating residency showcases. Since I hope to pursue residency, this presentation gave me valuable information on how to prepare a first-year pharmacy student. The second seminar presented was on Fellowships which included how to view, apply, and prepare for a pharmacy fellowship. From this seminar, I learned the importance of how to speak for everything written on my resume. I originally assumed I should list everything I am a part of but the speaker advised only include associations that I had or am actively participating in to strengthen my resume. The third seminar about Interview Skills recommended researching the company I’m applying to, preparing for interview questions, and being punctual.

I learned a lot of helpful information. The first and second seminars introduced the opportunities available after graduation while the final seminar provided me with valuable information I can utilize in order to get those opportunities. Personally, being interviewed has always been tough for me as I often struggle with finding the right things to say in a timely manner. With the tips from all the speakers at the seminar, I will definitely practice answering interview questions early on to be prepared for interviews to advance my professional growth. Each seminar lasted one hour so a total of three hours was spent to fulfill this series.



Co-Curricular Activities: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
CoCuLO 5: Public Health and Education Activities

This event was a webinar presentation by Dr. Michael Brown from Merck. Dr.Brown presented on Human Papillomavirus and in his presentation he discussed what is HPV, why we are vaccinating and gave tips on administering vaccinations.

During his presentation, Dr. Brown discussed the vaccine that is currently given to prevent HPV, Gardasil 9, and put emphasis on the fact that Gardasil 9 does not treat nor cure patients with HPV. This made me realize that although vaccines play an integral role in disease prevention, it is not very useful once a person has the sickness they are trying to avoid. For this reason, it is integral to discuss disease prevention methods with patients and to encourage all patients to receive necessary vaccines while it is still early. Dr. Brown also gave valuable tips on administering vaccines like making sure the patient rests for at least 15 minutes before allowing them to leave to ensure that they do not have a vasovagal response. Dr. Brown also mentioned important vaccines series to look out for with patients. For example, according to Dr. Brown, “only 10-20% of college-aged kids have received both doses of the HPV vaccine” and he emphasized that if something like this were to come to my attention, I should highly encourage the patient to complete the series. Completion of vaccines must be done before exposure and it is up to healthcare professionals to ensure these are done to potentially save many lives. As a student stepping into the healthcare field, Dr. Brown shared great information with me that not only was insightful but also made me more cautious towards vaccinating my future patients. With my vaccination training being days away, this information was greatly appreciated.

Educational Background: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
California Northstate University College of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy candidate 2023

Educational Background: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
University of the Pacific

Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences 

Educational Background: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
San Joaquin Delta College

Associates of Science in Mathematics and Science 

Internships: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
Hospital Institutional rotation at Sutter Health, Modesto


  • Prepared medication for administration
  • Observed the roles and responsibilities of an inpatient pharmacist, Emergency department pharmacist, and intensive care unit pharmacist
Internships: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
Specialty rotation at California Northstate University
  • Administered vaccine to patients
  • Filed syringes with the correct dose of vaccine
  • Provided consultations regarding Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine
Internships: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
IPPE rotation at Mercy Plaza Pharmacy
  • Knowledge of processing, dispensing, filling prescriptions
  • Knowledge of CURES program
  • Assisted in quarterly pharmacy reconciliation
  • Participated in ordering and restocking of pharmacy inventory
Languages Spoken / SkillsUpdated: 04-04-20
Licenses & Certifications: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
BLS training - 08/27/2021
  • Obtained from American Heart Association
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Licenses & Certifications: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
Naloxone Training - 4/1/2020
Licenses & Certifications: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
Bloodborne Pathogens Training - 03/11/2020
  • Obtained from Pharmacist's letter 
  • This course meets all Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for bloodborne pathogens training
  • This course outlined basic principles of avoiding and eliminating bloodborne pathogens 
Proof of training (.pdf) 0.11mb
Licenses & Certifications: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
Compounding: Sterile Compounding and USP Chapter <797> - 02/07/2020
  • Obtained from Pharmacist's letter
  • Fulfills the training requirement for proper knowledge of compounding sterile product preparations according to USP Chapter standards
Proof of training (.pdf) 0.11mb
Licenses & Certifications: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
HIPAA & Security Training - 08/23/2019
  • Obtained from Pharmacist's letter
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Licenses & Certifications: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
HIPAA & Privacy Training - 08/23/2019
  • Obtained from Pharmacist's letter 
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My BioUpdated: 09-05-20
Presentations: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
University of the Pacific - Hooper Research Lab

Research project completed in Spring of 2019 to study the rapid decline in the Sage Grouse population. This research was conducted under the supervision of Dr.Stacie Hooper, Professor at the University of the Pacific. 

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READINESS is an eLearning platform that hosts eLearning Centers for various colleges and institutions. The entries below are the specific activities I have completed.
READINESS Certificates: Sweta Sanjeevni Kumar
COVID-19 CDC Guidance for Pharmacy Practice and Infection Control

Training includes guidance for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in a healthcare setting

Resume & CVUpdated: 09-01-21