Unofficial Transcript - Semester Credit
Name : Hinton,Dawn P
Student ID: 3067119
Address : 3536 Sugar Run
Chesapeake, VA 23321-4379
United States
Tidewater Community College
Post Office Box 9000
Norfolk, VA 235099000
United States
Identifying Code: 003712
Check for Virginia Two Year College Transfer Grant Eligibility.
Print Date : 2015-07-20
- - - - - Beginning of Credit Record - - - - -
2011 Spring Semester (2011-01-10 to 2011-05-09)
Program : Curricular
Plan : Nursing/Pre-Admission Only Major
BIO 100 Basic Human Biology 3.00 3.00 B 9.000
ENG 111 College Composition I 3.00 0.00 W
HLT 143 Medical Terminology I 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
MTH 2 Arithmetic 4.00 4.00 S
SDV 101 Orientation to Health Care 1.00 1.00 B 3.000
TERM GPA : 3.429 TERM TOTALS : 7.00 7.00 24.000
CUM GPA : 3.429 CUM TOTALS : 7.00 7.00 24.000
Good Standing
2011 Summer Semester (2011-05-23 to 2011-08-02)
Program : Curricular
Plan : Nursing/Pre-Admission Only Major
ENG 111 College Composition I 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
MTH 3 Algebra I 5.00 0.00 R
TERM GPA : 4.000 TERM TOTALS : 3.00 3.00 12.000
CUM GPA : 3.600 CUM TOTALS : 10.00 10.00 36.000
Good Standing
2011 Fall Semester (2011-08-18 to 2011-12-12)
Program : Curricular
Plan : Nursing/Pre-Admission Only Major
ENG 112 College Composition II 3.00 0.00 W
ITE 115 Intro Computer Apps & Concepts 4.00 4.00 A 16.000
PSY 201 Introduction To Psychology I 3.00 3.00 C 6.000
TERM GPA : 3.143 TERM TOTALS : 7.00 7.00 22.000
CUM GPA : 3.412 CUM TOTALS : 17.00 17.00 58.000
Good Standing
2012 Spring Semester (2012-01-09 to 2012-05-07)
Program : Curricular
Plan : Nursing/Pre-Admission Only Major
BIO 141 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4.00 4.00 B 12.000
TERM GPA : 3.000 TERM TOTALS : 4.00 4.00 12.000
CUM GPA : 3.333 CUM TOTALS : 21.00 21.00 70.000
Good Standing
2012 Summer Semester (2012-05-21 to 2012-07-31)
Program : Curricular
Plan : Nursing/Pre-Admission Only Major
BIO 142 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4.00 4.00 C 8.000
TERM GPA : 2.000 TERM TOTALS : 4.00 4.00 8.000
CUM GPA : 3.120 CUM TOTALS : 25.00 25.00 78.000
Good Standing
2012 Fall Semester (2012-08-23 to 2012-12-17)
Program : Curricular
Plan : Nursing/Pre-Admission Only Major
BIO 150 Introductory Microbiology 4.00 4.00 B 12.000
PSY 235 Child Psychology 3.00 0.00 W
SPA 101 Beginning Spanish I 4.00 4.00 A 16.000
HLT 105 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 1.00 1.00 B 3.000
TERM GPA : 3.444 TERM TOTALS : 9.00 9.00 31.000
CUM GPA : 3.206 CUM TOTALS : 34.00 34.00 109.000
Good Standing
2013 Spring Semester (2013-01-07 to 2013-05-06)
Program : Curricular
Plan : Nursing/Pre-Admission Only Major
BIO 101 General Biology I 4.00 4.00 B 12.000
CST 100 Principles of Public Speaking 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
PSY 235 Child Psychology 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
MTE 4 First Degree Equations 1.00 0.00 W
MTE 4 First Degree Equations 1.00 0.00 W
MTE 4 First Degree Equations 1.00 0.00 R
MTE 4 First Degree Equations 1.00 0.00 U
Repeated : Repeated Course
TERM GPA : 3.600 TERM TOTALS : 10.00 10.00 36.000
CUM GPA : 3.295 CUM TOTALS : 44.00 44.00 145.000
Good Standing
2013 Fall Semester (2013-08-22 to 2013-12-16)
Program : Curricular
Plan : Science Major
BIO 102 General Biology II 4.00 4.00 A 16.000
ENG 112 College Composition II 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
HIS 111 History World Civilization I 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
HLT 204 Women's Health 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
TERM GPA : 4.000 TERM TOTALS : 13.00 13.00 52.000
CUM GPA : 3.456 CUM TOTALS : 57.00 57.00 197.000
Good Standing
2014 Spring Semester (2014-01-13 to 2014-05-12)
Program : Curricular
Plan : MedLabTech/Pre-Admission Only Major
HIS 112 History World Civilization II 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
PED 110 Zumba 2.00 0.00 W
SPA 102 Beginning Spanish II 4.00 4.00 B 12.000
MTE 4 First Degree Equations 1.00 1.00 S
MTE 5 Linear Equations, Inequalities 1.00 0.00 W
MTE 5 Linear Equations, Inequalities 1.00 0.00 R
MTE 5 Linear Equations, Inequalities 1.00 1.00 S
TERM GPA : 3.429 TERM TOTALS : 8.00 8.00 24.000
CUM GPA : 3.453 CUM TOTALS : 65.00 65.00 221.000
Good Standing
2014 Summer Semester (2014-05-19 to 2014-07-29)
Program : Curricular
Plan : MedLabTech/Pre-Admission Only Major
MTE 6 Exponents, Factoring, Poly 1.00 1.00 S
MTE 7 Rational Expressions/Equations 1.00 0.00 R
MTE 7 Rational Expressions/Equations 1.00 1.00 S
TERM GPA : 0.000 TERM TOTALS : 0.00 0.00 0.000
CUM GPA : 3.453 CUM TOTALS : 65.00 65.00 221.000
2014 Fall Semester (2014-08-25 to 2014-12-19)
Program : Curricular
Plan : Social Sciences Major
HLT 144 Medical Terminology II 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
HUM 201 Survey of Western Culture I 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
MTH 152 Mathematics Liberal Arts II 3.00 0.00 W
TERM GPA : 4.000 TERM TOTALS : 6.00 6.00 24.000
CUM GPA : 3.500 CUM TOTALS : 71.00 71.00 245.000
Good Standing
President's Honor Roll
2015 Spring Semester (2015-01-12 to 2015-05-11)
Program : Curricular
Plan : Social Sciences Major
HLT 215 Personal Stress & Stress Mgmnt 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
HUM 202 Survey of Western Culture II 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
MTH 152 Mathematics Liberal Arts II 3.00 3.00 B 9.000
PSY 230 Developmental Psychology 3.00 3.00 C 6.000
TERM GPA : 3.250 TERM TOTALS : 12.00 12.00 39.000
CUM GPA : 3.463 CUM TOTALS : 83.00 83.00 284.000
Good Standing
Dean's List
2015 Summer Semester (2015-05-26 to 2015-08-04)
Program : Curricular
Plan : Social Sciences Major
MTH 157 Elementary Statistics 3.00
TERM GPA : 0.000 TERM TOTALS : 0.00 0.00 0.000
CUM GPA : 3.463 CUM TOTALS : 83.00 83.00 284.000
Credit Career Totals
CUM GPA : 3.463 CUM TOTALS : 83.00 83.00 284.000