Stephanie Sy
Pharmacy Student
Chapman University, School of Pharmacy
OC United Health Fair with AMCP
Discussed, defined, and informed attendees about Medicare Part D.
CV Workshop with Chapman University.
Dr. Lam and Dr. Tsu guided students about how to write a good CV.
Membership Chair in CHAPSA
Professional pharmacy fraternity.
Initiate date: 08/07/2020
To provide a lifelong home for pharmacy professionals inspiring Brotherhood, Leadership, Service, and Scholarship
Phi Delta Chi:
- Is a diverse, committed, and engaged Brotherhood of students and alumni
- Is widely recognized for empowering Brothers to lead and serve
- Offers programs and experiences that support Brothers across all stages of their lives
- Has a vibrant national network of both collegiate and alumni chapters
- Sustains a strong pipeline of leaders actively engaged in the pharmacy profession
- Has a robust and agile infrastructure to support growth in a dynamic environment
- Maintains a closely aligned partnership with the Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute (PLEI) to deliver value to the Brotherhood
Values- What we stand for
- We are forward-looking leaders advancing both the pharmacy profession and quality health care.
- We pursue opportunities for self-improvement and empowerment of others.
- We are accountable to high standards of personal and professional excellence.
Brothers For Life
- We create relationships based on trust, responsiveness and mentorship.
- We forge deep and lasting bonds with one another.
- We remain committed to one another throughout our lives.
- We are actively involved in supporting each other and our community.
- We pursue volunteerism, philanthropy and patient-centered care.
- We are passionate about contributing to the greater good.
Lifelong Learning
- We believe a sound education is essential to our success as pharmacy professionals.
- We are dedicated to scholastic excellence.
- We are committed to continuous professional development.
Adopted 71st Grand Council, 2017
Member and Membership Chair
Member and Membership Chair.
Previous Liaison.
Just a member
Just a member
Evaluation of AB1114 Services in a community setting.
Made google forms for membership, extrapolated and organized data on members.
Keeps track of honor cords.
Made announcements in class for the P2s during my P1 year regarding AMCP fundraiser, events, socials, etc.
Made google forms for membership, extrapolated and organized data on members.
Keeps track of honor cords.
In charge of all CUSP-AMCP Social Media: Facebook, Instagram
Made google forms for membership, extrapolated and organized data on members.
Did a presentation for APhA speaker series Foreign Language Series (Chinese).
Keeps track of honor cords.
Family grew up in Vietnam. Household speaks cantonese, mandarin, and vietnamese.
Family practices Buddhism.
Currently attending for Pharm.D. 2022
Major: Public Health Policy
Minor: Health Informatics
Took 1 class to complete pre-reqs to transfer to UCI: Organic Chemistry 2
Major: Chemistry
Taking and delivering orders under pretense of mystery shoppers. Work at expo - ensuring food is properly made to what the customers ordered, packaged to-go orders, phone and online. Constant table touching. Upkeep with restaurant and restroom cleanliness. Poured alcohol
May 2019 - Present
Titles held: Delivery/Clerk, Pharmacist Intern
Clerk/Cashier duties, Stocking, Double-checking patient identities and ensuring the right medication is given to the right person. Delivering and mailing out medications. Used RxTracker to get patient signatures/photos of delivery.
Pharmacist intern: Started training in tech duties, refill reminders, typing, patient counseling, policy and procedures, risk management, and quality assurance.
Dec 2013-Aug 2016
POS system, Word & Excel to send daily sales reports, invoices, equipment orders. Answer and transfer phone calls, stock items, bank deposits and exchange
PCAT Score
430 hours
Native language
English is my second language.
MemorialCare Project and Presentation Research on Biosimilars

MemorialCare Project Presentation on the use of SGLT2s for CKD

Presented P&T Presentation to local judges of CUSP
MemorialCare Project to design a neutral call script on medication adherence for patients at SCAN.

Local P&T Competition - Evaluation of Dayvigo for formulary management
Worked in a team of 4 to produce a 30 page report.
AB1114 Services
Survey was made with Qualtrics and sent to CPhA organization for distribution.
Under Assembly Bill 1114, pharmacist services are rendered as benefits under the Medi-Cal program, allowing pharmacists to bill and receive 85% of the fee schedule for physician services. These trained services include: Smoking Cessation/Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Naloxone Training, Hormonal Contraceptives, Immunizations, HIV PreP, HIV PEP, and Travel Medicine. This survey was made to research how AB1114 services are being provided, the frequency of its provisions, and the barriers to its implementations in community pharmacies. The goal is to see how pharmacists can better implement these services while receiving the appropriate reimbursements. With this research, we hope to improve and increase awareness of pharmacy services to further ensure quality of patient care.
Motivational Interviewing. My role was to play as one super doctor with other interprofessional team members (medical students, pharmacy students, and nursing students). To practice motivational interviewing skills in a simulation while working interprofessionally with other students. We were assigned numbers in each group and we took turns asking the patient questions. Whenever we finished making our question and comments, we would mute, and the next person would go on. I communicated with other medical students, pharmacy students, and nursing student. We also spoke with the facilitator. The patient had many difficulties, and it really showed all the students that it is incredibly complicated to help patients. Textbook answers can only go so far when patients are experiencing different kind of real life struggles that prevent them from being able to take care of their health properly. I always knew that it was difficult for people to adhere to their medication due to cost, scheduling, and etc., but there's always more to it like insurance and whatnot. It's humbling to know that we cannot always fix everything. We collaborated with UCI's school of medicine and nursing school. The collaboration was interesting because whenever we took turns to ask questions, we can see that everyone had a different thing in mind but also with the same purpose. The collaboration was effective and we worked on a good rotation. The challenges we encountered was being unable to answer the patient when we could not provide a good solution. It really made me think about how I can help a patient when insurance is the issue. Medications are sometimes incredibly difficult because price points are an issue with many patients. Insurance doesn't cover everything and sometimes people don't have insurance or can't afford it or not offered it. Then it's like, what can I do now? Does the pharmacy take the hit for the patient's health? You can't do that for every patient; it's not sustainable for the pharmacy. It feels really bad to be unable to help a patient financially.
Pharmacy students and the OSM students were put together to collaborate on the discussion on the use of pharmacogenetics and apply the concept and recommendations to cases. This was an interprofessional session, so an obvious goal was to learn how to communicate with the other profession. We are to understand our roles and responsibilities while working together to optimize treatment for the patient. Another objective was to use the pharmacy student’s knowledge on pharmacogenomics and help the OSM students guide treatment based on the CPIC guidelines. I started off by offering to be the scribe. I asked for everyone’s emails and put it in the google drive for everyone to access. I discussed with the other pharmacy student on concepts we’ve learned and the OSM students supported us with their medical knowledge. As the scribe, I was expected to notate down all our thoughts and opinions for each question while contributing to the conversation. When I am busy typing everything, sometimes I will miss something. In this case, I apologize and ask if they could repeat. I learned that no matter what field we collaborate with during these IPE sessions, I realize that we are all taught to advocate for the patient. We want to maximize and optimize therapy for the patient as necessary. It really made me realize that I only know the pharmacy part well wheras, they understand the pathophysiology and disease states incredibly well. The difference is clear, and that’s why we exist to support each other. I collaborated with 1 other pharmacy student and 2 of the OSM students. We communicated effectively and quickly since we have a limited amount of time. Sometimes we were unsure on a topic so we used our own references and notes to look up the best decision. As a future pharmacist, I don’t particularly intend on working at a hospital or community setting; however, it really puts into perspective what can go on in those settings. It’s necessary to understand the steps to take when doing a patient profile review. To be honest, I felt quite overwhelmed by the amount of lab values given in the case. I realize that this is probably normal to the medical students. As the future pharmacist, it’s important for me to remember these values as well to help make the best recommendation or alternative.
Working interprofessionally with med students and pharm students to work on a patient case. As the pharm students, I was supposed to go over their medication history, do a patient work up, assess adherence, and see if there are any medications they shouldn't be on or what needed adjustments.The goals or objectives was to work with the med students to interview the patient, consult with each other to make a plan, then deliver the plan to the patient. Afterwards, we debriefed to see what we could have improved on. Collaborated with other pharmacy students and medical students. It was mostly effective because we shared what we knew and stated what we didn't know. A challenge was that Michelle was not very participative and did not give much response or feedback during the discussions. There were 3 pharmacists total, me, Isaac, and Michelle. Isaac was very helpful in supporting information as we discussed the patient case with the other two med students. Isaac and I suggested whatever that came to us as an alert and relayed it to the medical students to see what their take on it was. After discussing, we would agree or disagree and explain what we thought. As for delivering the plan, the med students did not participate, and I delivered the entire plan myself. Michelle not speaking during the entire thing aside from introducing herself was an unanticipated experience. Isaac was not part of our team originally; however, I am glad he joined us. Silence on her part caused me to take initiative to lead the conversation with the med students. The feedback from the patient helped improve my patient advocacy. They gave helpful information as to how I should improve because I was the only person that delivered the entire plan. Collaborated with other pharmacy students and medical students. It was mostly effective because we shared what we knew and stated what we didn't know. A challenge was that Michelle was not very participative and did not give much response or feedback during the discussions. Normally, we are counseling in outpatient settings, so sometimes I forget about acute settings. During outpatient, we are trying to give all the information we need to the patient as they transition to home. However, during inpatient, I forget that these situations are acute and should be fast-paced. I could have omitted a lot of information and got the patient to treatment sooner than later.
Video editing program.
Word, Excel, Powerpoint
My family lived here and grew up here. We are Chinese but lived in Vietnam.
Relatives immigrated to Australia. I visited twice to attend two of my aunt's weddings!
My aunt immigrated here. We took a tour bus and went through various states throughout the East Coast, visiting all the tourist spots and famous monuments. We also participated in a Boston Tea Party skit.
My best friend lives here, and I came to visit her 3 times. I was able to experience Pike Place, Leavenworth, and many other great locations in Seattle, Renton, and more.
My sister and her fiancee lived here for work reasons. They flew us over to let us experience Hawai'i with them before they had to move back to California. It was the same year when Hawai'i had that false nuclear missile alarm.
Completed intensive training on U.S. Healthcare System, clinical best practices and practical hands on patient care
Assist with patient care tasks such as bathing, feeding, changing, ambulating, etc.