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Meghan McGonagle

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

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Co-Curricular Activities: Meghan McGonagle
APPE Ambulatory Care IPE (Updated 2024)
Date: 12/03/2024
Rotation Type: APPE Ambulatory Care
Comments: ?
423APPE) 1. During this APPE rotation, which of the following health care professionals did you interact with? Select all that apply: Physician (MD or DO)
Physician learner (MD or DO medical resident, MD or DO medical fellow, or MD or DO medical student)
Other - Practitioner
423APPE) 2. Values and Ethics (VE) are core competencies for interprofessional education and collaboration. During this APPE rotation, which of the following competencies related to values and ethics were you able to demonstrate? Select all that apply: Promote the values and interests of persons and populations in health care delivery, One Health, and population health initiatives. (VE1)
Advocate for social justice and health equity of persons and populations across the life span. (VE2)
Uphold the dignity, privacy, identity, and autonomy of persons while maintaining confidentiality in the delivery of team-based care. (VE3)
Value diversity, identities, cultures, and differences. (VE4)
Value the expertise of health professionals and its impacts on team functions and health outcomes. (VE5)
Collaborate with honesty and integrity while striving for health equity and improvements in health outcomes. (VE6)
Practice trust, empathy, respect, and compassion with persons, caregivers, health professionals, and populations. (VE7)
Apply high standards of ethical conduct and quality in contributions to team-based care. (VE8)
Maintain competence in one's own profession in order to contribute to interprofessional care. (VE9)
Contribute to a just culture that fosters self-fulfillment, collegiality, and civility across the team. (VE10)
Support a workplace where differences are respected, career satisfaction is supported, and well-being is prioritized. (VE11)
423APPE) 3. In 3-5 sentences, describe an encounter where you demonstrated competency in working with team members to maintain a climate of shared values, ethical conduct, and mutual respect.: We met with a patient, and their caretaker, via telehealth, in conjunction with a resident physician and social worker. There were concerns regarding the patient's access to healthcare and the barriers they may be experiencing. The patient had recently received a challenging medical diagnosis and had a complex history along with a tendency to cancel and no-show appointments. We worked as a team, bringing medication-related concerns or potential causes of issues from the pharmacy perspective to the meeting in conjunction with the physician's care suggestions and the social worker's access/accommodation recommendations.
423APPE) 4. Roles and Responsibilities (RR) are core competencies for interprofessional education and collaboration. During this APPE rotation, which of the following competencies related to roles and responsibilities were you able to demonstrate? Select all that apply: Include the full scope of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of team members to provide care that is person-centered, safe, cost-effective, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable. (RR1)
Collaborate with others within and outside of the health system to improve health outcomes. (RR2)
Incorporate complementary expertise to meet health needs including the determinants of health. (RR3)
Differentiate each team member's role, scope of practice, and responsibility in promoting health outcomes. (RR4)
Practice cultural humility in interprofessional teamwork. (RR5)
423APPE) 5. In 3-5 sentences, describe an encounter where you demonstrated competency in using your knowledge of your own role and team members' expertise to address individual and population health outcomes.: A resident at our site asked if we could collectively present on mood disorder treatment options for patients who are pregnant and lactating. The three of us came together to research and create a cohesive presentation. We were able to present on anxiety, bipolar depression, depression, sleep, and postpartum psychosis during a learning lunch session to the residents and providers. The presentation was very well received, and we had great feedback from the resident who requested the information, stating that it was both a great refresher and she learned a few pieces of information that she did not previously know.
423APPE) 6. Communication (C) is a core competency for interprofessional education and collaboration. During this APPE rotation, which of the following competencies related to communication were you able to demonstrate? Select all that apply: Communicate one's roles and responsibilities clearly. (C1)
Use communication tools, techniques, and technologies to enhance team function, well-being, and health outcomes. (C2)
Communicate clearly with authenticity and cultural humility, avoiding discipline-specific terminology. (C3)
Promote common understanding of shared goals. (C4)
Practice active listening that encourages ideas and opinions of other team members. (C5)
Use constructive feedback to connect, align, and accomplish team goals. (C6)
Examine one's position, power, role, unique experience, expertise, and culture towards improving communication and managing conflicts. (C7)
423APPE) 7. In 3-5 sentences, describe an encounter where competently communicated in a responsive, responsible, respectful, and compassionate manner with team members.: One of our assignments this rotation was to attend and present in a Journal Rounds session. I selected a recent article on tirzepatide and reduction in progression from prediabetes to type two diabetes. I compiled a brief, but comprehensive overview of the findings, and presented it to my peers in the Journal Rounds session. This was great because it can influence practice in significantly reducing the number of patients receiving a T2DM diagnosis.
423APPE) 8. Teams and Teamwork (TT) are core competencies for interprofessional education and collaboration. During this APPE rotation, which of the following competencies related to teams and teamwork were you able to demonstrate? Select all that apply: Describe evidence-informed processes of team development and team practices. (TT1)
Appreciate team members' diverse experiences, expertise, cultures, positions, power, and roles towards improving team function. (TT2)
Practice team reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. (TT3)
Use shared leadership practices to support team effectiveness. (TT4)
Apply interprofessional conflict management methods, including identifying conflict cause and addressing divergent perspectives. (TT5)
Reflect on self and team performance to inform and improve team effectiveness (TT6)
Share team accountability for outcomes. (TT7)
Facilitate team coordination to achieve safe, effective care and health outcomes. (TT8)
Operate from a shared framework that supports resiliency, well-being, safety, and efficacy. (TT9)
Discuss organizational structures, policies, practices, resources, access to information, and timing issues that impact the effectiveness of the team. (TT10)
423APPE) 9. In 3-5 sentences, describe an encounter where you demonstrated competency in applying teamwork to adapt one's own role in a variety of team settings.: One day while on-site, a resident asked us about options to treat female pattern hair loss. Jenna, Sana, and I worked collectively to research options available, and which would be most economical and suitable for the patient. We collectively found that topical minoxidil seems to have the best data in FPHL. We were able to communicate this to the resident, who went on to recommend this treatment option to her patient.
Co-Curricular Activities: Meghan McGonagle
Student Interventions, Interactions with Diverse Patient Populations (Updated 2024)
Date: 11/14/2024
Rotation Type: APPE Ambulatory Care
Comments: ?
Patient Sex: F
Patient Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino
Patient Age Category: Adult (19-64 years old)
During this intervention did you collaborate with a prescriber, student prescriber or a member of the health care team (other than pharmacy)?: No
How many medications were involved in this intervention?: 2
Disease/Disorder: Obstetric Disorder
As part of this encounter, please select the values and skills that have contributed to your growth and development as a future pharmacist:: Collaboration
Problem Solving
Based on the values and skills you selected above, describe (in at least 5 sentences) how this experience made you think and act as future pharmacist.: This patient encounter was great to have exposure and involvement in. The patient really preferred a natural supplement to treat her menopausal symptoms, over a drug product. This is one area where pharmacy can play a great role. It helped me strengthen my literature search skills in applying them to patient recommendations. This can be used in both an inpatient, ambulatory, and community setting, as patients in all of these areas may seek supplements over pharmacotherapy. Having practice in making these recommendations was great, as it may be used in so many future settings. The collaboration with the ambulatory care pharmacist was also great, as she gave us each time to explain our findings and recommendations, along with our reasoning behind them. From this, we were able to collectively decide on a supplement regimen recommendation for the patient prior to meeting with her.
Type of Intervention: Additional Therapy Required
Dose Recommendation
Patient Counseling
Patient Education
Outcome of Intervention: Patient Education
My preceptor or pharmacist in charge has reviewed and approved this intervention prior to making any recommendations.: Yes
Co-Curricular Activities: Meghan McGonagle
Co-Curricular Activity: Professionalism
Co-Curricular Activities: Meghan McGonagle
Co-Curricular Activity: Elective #2
Co-Curricular Activities: Meghan McGonagle
Co-Curricular Activity: Elective #1
BLS for Healthcare Providers

Co-Curricular Activities: Meghan McGonagle
Co-Curricular Activity: Self-Awareness

Co-Curricular Activities: Meghan McGonagle
Co-Curricular Activity: Innovations and Entrepreneurship
Innovations and Entrepreneurship Co-Curricular Activity (.doc) 0.02mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Meghan McGonagle
Co-Curricular Activity: Leadership
Leadership Co-Curricular Activity (.doc) 0.02mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Meghan McGonagle
IPPE Institutional Rotation: 2 reflections that discuss unique experiences
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Institutional
Write Reflection Here:: Going into my institutional IPPE rotation I did not think that I would have much desire to follow an institutional career path. I knew that I did not have a strong interest in working in a hospital setting, and I did not think that I would find long-term care very interesting. However, after my last four weeks, I have changed my mind. I ended up enjoying long-term care pharmacy more than I expected that I would. One thing that changed my mind was seeing the strong relationship between the pharmacists and the providers. Because the pharmacy services over fifteen facilities, I found this very surprising. The pharmacists were very familiar with all the providers, which enabled better patient care. Another thing that changed my mind regarding long-term care pharmacy was seeing how the pharmacy is patients-only. This makes medication reconciliation and management much easier for both the patient and the pharmacy which I enjoyed.
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Meghan McGonagle
Personal Wellbeing Reflection
  • What do you do well to take care of your well-being?  List 2 things.

To maintain my well-being while in school, I try to exercise at least 200 minutes per week and participate in at least one social activity on the weekends.

  • What is one area of well-being that you would like to improve upon?  Give 2 specific things that you can do to make that improvement.  What are some barriers to making this improvement and how can you address those barriers- list 2.

An area of well-being that I would like to improve upon is my tendency to linger over not achieving a desired grade on an assignment. One way to improve this is not to discuss grades with other students. A barrier to this is staying at school after completing exams. I will try to start taking walks after exams to clear my mind and focus on future assignments. Another thing I can do to improve in this area is try to reflect on what I did well, despite the outcome. This can be hard because it can be much easier to linger on the things I did wrong, but focusing on the positives may improve my outlook for subsequent assignments/exams.

CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Meghan McGonagle
IPPE Institutional Rotation: 2 reflections that discuss unique experiences
Date: 09/15/2023
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Institutional
Write Reflection Here:: During my current institutional IPPE rotation, I was surprised that my site allows the technicians to count and keep track of the CII medications. While this is allowed legally, most pharmacies do not allow technicians to handle CII's just to have better traceability if anything were to go wrong or appear missing. I learned this while being shown the pharmacy. One of the technicians who has been with the pharmacy for a very long time showed me how they store the CII medications and maintain the perpetual inventory log book. I was surprised because at my community site and other community pharmacies that I have worked in only the pharmacist, and sometimes the interns, are typically allowed, by company policy, to handle the CII medications. It was nice to see that my current site has a technician that they dedicate to be allowed to handle the CII's because this can help balance the workload that the pharmacist's have, while still being safe. I also realized that having a designated technician who is allowed to handle the CII medications at this sight is not as much of a risk as if it were a community site such as a CVS. This is because this pharmacy is closed-door and there are always the same people inside the pharmacy, where as a community pharmacy has customers, floating pharmacists and technicians, which would make it much harder to find out who is accountable if something were to go missing.
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Meghan McGonagle
IPPE Community Rotation: 2 reflections that discuss unique experiences
Date: 08/31/2023
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Community
Write Reflection Here:: Overall, I have had an extremely positive experience on my community IPPE rotation. This rotation reaffirmed my career goals. The patients at my site were friendly and had a high level of respect for the pharmacists at my site. I had one experience that made me doubt my goals. I had to call another pharmacy regarding an issue with a prescription that they had transferred to us. The pharmacist at the transferring pharmacy was highly unfriendly, making me doubt my skills. This was the only encounter I experienced on my rotation that made me question my career goals. One thing I experienced that reaffirmed my career choice was seeing how much the patients at my site respected the pharmacists. When there would be payment issues, and the pharmacists went above and beyond to ensure that the patient did not have to pay the pure cash price, the patients were genuinely grateful to have pharmacists who demonstrated that they cared for their patients.
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Meghan McGonagle
IPPE Community Rotation Reflections: Part One
Date: 08/18/2023
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Community
Write Reflection Here:: Description - Describe the event. A patient was prescribed a topical antibiotic cream. I put the prescription through data entry with the patient's insurance information. The prescription was then sent to adjudication with an insurance rejection. The patient had Mass Health as their insurance provider. I learned that Mass Health does not cover the cream formulation of mupirocin, only the ointment formulation. I asked the pharmacist about this, and she told me that Mass Health can be very picky about formulations that they will cover and will typically be very specific about one particular one that they will cover. The pharmacist told me that since the prescription was written for the cream formulation, we needed to call the prescriber and ask if it would be alright to switch the prescription to the ointment formulation. I called the prescriber's office and spoke with the physician's assistant who wrote the prescription. I informed her that the patient has Mass Health which does not cover the cream formulation. I asked if we could switch the prescription to dispense the ointment formulation. The prescriber then confirmed with us that this is an alright substitution so we were able to switch the prescription to the mupirocin ointment, which was covered for the patient. II. Feelings - Describe the feelings you experienced during this event. At first, I was nervous to call the prescriber because I was scared that they would ask something that I would not know the answer to, and I did not want to feel like I was bothering them. I first confirmed with the pharmacist I worked with that I would say the correct things to the prescriber. She assured me that I would do this correctly, which made me feel much better about calling. During the call, I was nervous, but the assistants and PA I spoke with were extremely friendly, and I felt much better about calling the office. III. Evaluation - What is your evaluation (positive or negative) of your experience? Overall, this was an extremely positive experience for me. IV. Analysis - Why do you feel this way? This was a positive experience because I did not feel confident going in, but the providers I spoke with were very friendly and receptive. This boosted my confidence in myself and made me more comfortable with the idea of having to call patients and providers in regard to their medications and prescriptions in the future. V. Conclusion/action - What actions do you plan to take based on what you learned from this experience? This made me much more aware of how some people are still learning and new to pharmacy and prescribing. Even if I or someone else needs to call a provider or if a provider calls the pharmacy with questions, everyone is always learning something new, and people genuinely appreciate kindness and patience. It is also better to be friendly and patient with people to build mutual respect and encourage others to ask each other when unsure rather than assuming that you are doing the correct thing.
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Meghan McGonagle
SPPD I: Reflection on IPE Book Club
Reflection on IPE Book Club (.pdf) 0.04mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Meghan McGonagle
Pharmacy Administration: Business Planning Project Reflection
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Meghan McGonagle
Service-Learning: Concluding Essay
Service-Learning Concluding Essay (.pdf) 0.04mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Meghan McGonagle
SPPD I: Reflection on the book "Who Moved My Cheese?"
"Who Moved My Cheese" Reflection (.pdf) 0.04mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Meghan McGonagle
SPPD I: APhA Career Pathway Reflection
SPPD I: APhA Career Pathway Reflection (.pdf) 0.04mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Meghan McGonagle
SPPD I: Learning Styles (PILS) Reflection
221016020823_PILS_Assessment_PDF.pdf (.pdf) 0.04mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Meghan McGonagle
SPPD I: APhA Career Pathway Survey Results
221102093557_APhA_Career_Pathway_Evaluation_Results.pdf (.pdf) 0.12mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Meghan McGonagle
SPPD I: Career Goals Statement & Reflection
Career Goals Statement and Reflection (.pdf) 0.06mb
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Meghan McGonagle
IPPE Institutional Rotation: IPE Fall field encounter
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Institutional
Interprofessional collaboration occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers, and communities to deliver the highest quality of care. (WHO, 2010): -
Interprofessional education occurs when learners, educators, or health care workers from two or more health professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective interprofessional collaboration and improve health outcomes. (adapted from WHO, 2010 & Buring, et al. AJPE 2009;73(4): article 59): -
During this IPPE rotation, did you interact with any of the following (please select all that apply)?: Physician (MD or DO)
During this IPPE rotation, did you interact with any of the following (please select all that apply)?: Medical Assistant - Practitioner
Nurse Practitioner
If you selected "Other" or "Other - Student" from the list above, please list the type of health care professional you interacted with here:: -
As you complete the following questions, please think about all of the interprofessional observations and/or interactions you had during this IPPE rotation.: -
I was able to place the interests of patients at the center of interprofessional health care delivery.: Strongly Agree
I was able to act with honesty and integrity in relationships with patients, families, communities, and other team members.: Strongly agree
I was able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of other health care providers.: Strongly Agree
I was able to recognize how the team works together to provide patient care.: Strongly Agree
I was able to recognize limitations of my skills, knowledge, and abilities.: Strongly Agree
I was able to express my knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care with clarity and respect.: Strongly Agree
I was able to listen actively to other team members.: Strongly Agree
I was able to encourage ideas and opinions of other team members.: Strongly Agree
I was able to engage other health care professionals in shared problem-solving appropriate to the specific patient care situation.: Strongly Agree
I was able to reflect on my individual performance for improvement.: Strongly Agree
Please provide one example of an interprofessional observation and/or interaction that you had during this IPPE rotation in one to two sentences.: The pharmacist I was working with had to call a prescriber regarding a prescription for both Plavix and pantoprazole. Normally this interaction would not be significant, but the patient was being discharged from the hospital for GI bleeds, which is the effect of the possible interaction of these two medications.

Interprofessional Education (IPE): Meghan McGonagle
IPPE Community Rotation: IPE Fall field encounter
Date: 08/30/2023
Rotation Type: Wor/Man IPPE Community
During this IPPE rotation, did you interact with any of the following (please select all that apply)?: Dentist - Practitioner
Nurse Practitioner
Physician Assistant - Practitioner
I was able to place the interests of patients at the center of interprofessional health care delivery.: Strongly Agree
I was able to act with honesty and integrity in relationships with patients, families, communities, and other team members.: Strongly agree
I was able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of other health care providers.: Strongly Agree
I was able to recognize how the team works together to provide patient care.: Strongly Agree
I was able to recognize limitations of my skills, knowledge, and abilities.: Strongly Agree
I was able to express my knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care with clarity and respect.: Strongly Agree
I was able to listen actively to other team members.: Strongly Agree
I was able to encourage ideas and opinions of other team members.: Strongly Agree
I was able to engage other health care professionals in shared problem-solving appropriate to the specific patient care situation.: Strongly Agree
I was able to reflect on my individual performance for improvement.: Strongly Agree
Please provide one example of an interprofessional observation and/or interaction that you had during this IPPE rotation in one to two sentences.: I had to call a doctor's office to clarify directions for a patient's prescription when there were two different sets provided on a prescription.
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Meghan McGonagle
SPPD I: Reflection on the IPE Book Club "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down"
Reflection on the IPE Book Club "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down" (.pages) 0.32mb
Interprofessional Education (IPE): Meghan McGonagle
IPC I: Roles & Responsibilities Reflection
IPC I: Roles & Responsibilities Reflection (.pdf) 0.03mb
Licenses & Certifications: Meghan McGonagle
Naloxone Training Certificate
250302085229_naloxone_certificate.pdf (.pdf) 0.78mb
Licenses & Certifications: Meghan McGonagle
IPC III: APhA Immunization Certificate
APhA Immunization Certificate (.pdf) 0.13mb
Licenses & Certifications: Meghan McGonagle
BLS Certification
BLS Certification (.pdf) 0.17mb
Licenses & Certifications: Meghan McGonagle
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens

Licenses & Certifications: Meghan McGonagle
MA Pharmacy Intern License

Presentations: Meghan McGonagle
Capstone Project Presentation
250302085854_Capstone_AI.pdf (.pdf) 1.86mb
Projects: Meghan McGonagle
Institutional APPE: MDD Presentation
Instituational APPE: MDD Presentation (.pdf) 0.66mb
Projects: Meghan McGonagle
Pharmacy Administration: Business Plan Project
Resume & CV: Meghan McGonagle
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae (.pdf) 0.14mb