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Sherron Lorraine Johnson

Customer Service Medicare Representative

Bryant & Stratton

Address: 1104 Pointer Street, Petersburg VA. 23803

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Educational Background: Sherron Lorraine Johnson
MCCG 212 advanced ICD diagnostic codes
1711214639_Week7_final_Portfolio_project_ (.docx) 0.04mb
Educational Background: Sherron Lorraine Johnson
MCCG 262 Articulation Worksheet for MCCG program
240418074528_WEEK3MCCG262_Articulation_Worksheet_for_MCCG_Program_3_.docx (.docx) 0.04mb
Educational Background: Sherron Lorraine Johnson
Math 101 Graphing Project
Math101 Graphing Project June2022 (.xlsx) 0.04mb
Educational Background: Sherron Lorraine Johnson
MCCG2132 Portfolio project
240417060443_1711214639_Week7_final_Portfolio_project_.docx (.docx) 0.04mb
Educational Background: Sherron Lorraine Johnson
MCCG240 Portfolio project
Educational Background: Sherron Lorraine Johnson
week3sosc225elevatorspeech7272023 (.docx) 0.01mb
Educational Background: Sherron Lorraine Johnson
sosc225 career development II
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement View

week7.5sosc225august132023reflection (.5sosc225august132023reflection) 0.01mb
Educational Background: Sherron Lorraine Johnson
math201 portfolio project

1697675082_october2023MATH2012FINAL_PORTFOLIOPROJECTWEEK7 (3) (.docx) 0.10mb
Educational Background: Sherron Lorraine Johnson
graduation ready portfolio week 3
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement. View

WEEK3MCCG262 - Articulation Worksheet for MCCG Program(3) (.docx) 0.04mb
Educational Background: Sherron Lorraine Johnson
I have included instructor comments and grades from all courses. This shows when I have progressed and also my learning knowledge at Bryant & Stratton
2021-2024 Bryant & Stratton College
Study Medical Billing and Coding
1991 Graduate from Frank H. Morrell High School instructor Comments from all courses taken from portfolio projects (.docx) 0.05mb
Employment History: Sherron Lorraine Johnson
MEDICARE CSR| MAXIMUS FEDERAL, CHESTER VA. | SEPTEMBER 2021-PRESENT • Responsible for enrolling beneficiaries into Medicare advantage plans and Prescription drug plans. • Resolving issues with the Medicare plans and any plan relating to their Medicare plans. • Providing proper information to the beneficiaries needing to understand the Medicare system. • Directing call flow to the proper representative to assist them. • Responsible for maintaining a positive experience for the beneficiary.
240417064245_New_2024_Resume_for_Sherron_Johnson.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Projects: Sherron Lorraine Johnson