I. Description: Describe the most memorable scenario from the book.
When the lady from New Zealand, who was skipping church went swimming wearing her favorite shirt. She hit a log and became paralyzed. Who kept a positive attitude and refused to get an electric chair.
II. Feeling: What feelings did you notice in yourself as you read that memorable scenario?
It felt very empowering that she kept a great outlook, considering a small mistake changed her life. She held her values even after a situation that many would give up on. It was powerful and a exemplary story of that even the smallest mistakes have consequences.
III. Evaluation: What did you learn from the other members of your inter-professional team? What this a positive or negative experience? Why?
It was very positive, i learnt that many background and professions view things in similar lights. Certain topics such as in my group (Speaking Spanish) are frequent and important in many lives.
IV. Analysis: There are many advantages for patients when a culturally sensitive team provides their care. What is one advantage for the team?
Comfort and knowing that theres an expert in certain cultures who can help you, provide the best care. Teams working together in different backgrounds will be able to provide different cultures to learn about and improve our team relationships.
V. Conclusion: What steps will you take to ensure you will interact with patients in a culturally sensitive manner?
I will always ask questions to constantly evolve my knowledge and make a constant effort to not discriminate and judge. Learning new cultures and differences will be a daily task as a healthcare professional.
Goal 1: Graduate Pharmacy School, Get a fellowship and Become an industry pharmacist.
I. Description – What past experiences have influenced your career goals?
Working in a pharmacy and learning about the career path in undergraduate school, allowed me to study and develop a desire to become a pharmacist, while giving me some tools to do so. I worked under a pharmacist for years and he further gave me reason and guidance on my path, and educated me on the roles of pharmacists in community, hospital and even industry. Research and development is my background, which enhances my focus on industry and research roles.
II. Feelings – What are your feelings regarding your career goals (anxious, optimistic, etc)?
I'm anxious but optimistic for my goals, my future. Anxious because it's alot of work and you never know its going to pay off. Optimistic because the potential for success is high and the reward is worth the effort and risk.
III. Evaluation – What is your evaluation (positive or negative) of your experiences and why do you feel this way?
So far my evaluation is both positive and negative. Positivity is because my years in academia has provided me education, knowledge and skills that will help me achieve my goals, even get me excited for them. While the negativity is due to the anxiety, difficulty and stress related.
IV. Analysis – What did you learn from your experiences and how does it apply to your current career goals? Have your career goals change after your participation in the MCPHS Curriculum?
My experiences have mostly honed my skills and encouragement for my goals, while providing me some of the important soft and hard skills to not just get the career i desire but excel at it. My time at MCPHS has mostly discouraged my goals and made it hard to think they're possible, but i believe its more important to hold my head high and continue to work towards my goals no matter the difficulty and challenges.
V. Conclusion/action – What actions do you plan to take to achieve your career goals? Do you plan to pursue any post-graduation education or additional training?
During my schooling here i plan on working hard in classes and in extracurriculars to fill out my resume and experiences to add skills such as leadership, sociability and knowledge that will enhance not just my applications to fellowship, but my applicability to being the pharmacist i see myself as. Conducting a concentration while here, and looking for opportunities to excel, wether on campus or off. I plan on possibly conducting more academic education post-grad to fill out my knowledge base and acquire degrees of high utility.
I. Description: Describe something in your academic, personal, or professional life that has changed.
Recently i moved in with my girlfriend, who i've only been dating since i started this program. moving in with someone who you care about but don't know incredibly well can be scary, but i faced it with a smile and its been great!
II. Feelings: What are your feelings regarding this change (anxious, optimistic, scared, etc)?
At first i was excited and a little scared but mostly optimistic. ITs evolved into pure enjoyment and satisfaction, IT was a great choice for both of us and i'm so happy to have made it.
III. Evaluation: What is your evaluation (positive or negative) of how you handled this change? Why do you feel this way?
At first very positive but my schooling started to take a hit for it, now i've adjusted and i'm very happy with it. This has been a very positive experience.
IV. Analysis: What did you learn from how you dealt with this change? Would it have been more beneficial to be a different character? Why or why not?
I learnt that how you feel is sometimes more important then the logistics and what other people think, things if meant to will work out. May even end up more beneficial then believed.
V. Conclusion/Action: From this experience, how would you handle a similar situation? What actions do you plan to take when faced with such an event in the future?
When it comes to the heart, feelings and needs, i will always follow my gut and my own readiness determination. people may protest, people my disagree but if you and the person you care for are happy, then nothing else matters. Sometimes a heart on the sleeve and headfirst works, sometimes it doesn't, but it's better to try and fail, then to never have attempted at all.