Assignments: Antoine Quentin Smith
Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - Provide an example and discuss the ways in which you followed established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
Assignments: Antoine Quentin Smith
Explain how you evaluated strategic compensation and benefits tactics to increase overall organization productivity.
this project we had to include a detailed benefits portion of the employee handbook so employees knew what benefits and perks to expect as a member of the team.
Assignments: Antoine Quentin Smith
Describe how you solved various labor and employment challenges in non-profit, for-profit, and public sectors
this project was about collective bargaining and I had to conduct research as to how this would effect the organization the research was conducted for non profit and profit businesses
Assignments: Antoine Quentin Smith
Explain how you have developed a code of ethics including sexual harassment and diversity components.
this was an employee handbook that I had to compile and I had to develop a code of conduct and sexual harassment policy and diversity components that were presented to the CEO of the company during this project
Assignments: Antoine Quentin Smith
Explained how you analyzed employee training and development systems aligned to individual and organizational goals to promote success.
I had to revamp the training and development at this organization and fine tune a program to improve employees both professionally and personally
Assignments: Antoine Quentin Smith
Explain how you applied knowledge of various business disciplines to problem solve and promote organizational viability.
applied knowledge of various business disciplines to help guide this organization through a period of change under three different cirumstances i had to find solutions that would keedp the organization viable and relevant
Assignments: Antoine Quentin Smith
Describe how you identified the value of human resource management and its role in organization operations and strategy such as recruiting, testing, and interviewing programs; counseling managers on candidate selection; conducting and analyzing exit interviews and creating job descriptions.
I found and identified the value of HR role in organization startegy by coming up with a complete employee handbook which helps the employee acclimate and understand what the mission and vision of the company is helping the organization recruit and retain employees by offering recommendations to Human Resources Director
Assignments: Antoine Quentin Smith
Community and Career
Persuasive Essay was written about a social issue plaguing the nation. it was my assignment to persuade my opponents on the need for reform
Assignments: Antoine Quentin Smith
Thinking Abilities
as with any assignment in order to compile it I had to think . As I went through the assignment I and to reflect and determine what would be included and what would not be from sources to words
Assignments: Antoine Quentin Smith
Relational Learning
for this project I was assigned three different scenarios acting as an HR manager for an organization that is going through serious change. This shows that i am able to transfer knowledge and skills to different situations
Assignments: Antoine Quentin Smith
Information Literacy and Communication
this was my final project for psychology and demonstrates my ability to conduct research and use that information to compile a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over