With playing baseball in college, I have learned a lot of life skills that I value. Having baseball and school to do has thought me to prioritize my work as well as practice. This I can take into the workpalce and help me and the company get jobs done correctly and in a timely fashion. The position I play is catcher, having this role has given me leadership skills I can use to lead other employees and myself to get project done and be a team player.
I am working towards getting an Assosiates degree in business. In business we learn about the math behind business, learn about the laws of businesss, and effectifly comunicate in the workplace. All these will help further my knowledge in business and prepare me for when I graduate.
My intrests include baseball and watching football. I'm a big fan of sports and in my free time I'm either playing those sports or watching them on T.V. I do like to hunt but haven't had time to with being a student-athlete.
Playing baseball in college and being a catcher has made me grow as a person a lot these last two years. A lot of what I learn in baseball can be applied to real life and the leadership role of being a catcher has made me a more vocal person and everyday I become a better leader for the people around me leading by example.
My skills in the workplace would be I am a hand on person and have learned construcitons for the last two years. Working a long side my dad and him showing me the do's and don'ts are one of the skills I have. Other skills I have is that I'm a good people person and can be very socialable. I beleive these skills will give me options in the future to further my toolbox of skills.