Marie Postiglione-Dupell
School Counselor
M.Ed. in School Counseling
Clinical Skills Self-Assessment for Taped Session
Internship Student: _Marie Postiglione-Dupell_____________________________________________
Liberty Faculty Supervisor: Chesney Weeden_______________________________________
Name of Internship Site: ____Oak Street Elementary School______________________________________
Directions: Please check the rating that best describes the performance of the skills demonstrated.
Ratings: 4 (Distinguished), 3 (Proficient), 2 (Basic), 1 (Unsatisfactory), N/O (Not Observed)
Counseling Skill |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
N/O |
Addressed Confidentiality/Limits to Confidentiality |
X |
Open Question |
X |
Closed Question |
X |
Clarifying |
X |
Paraphrasing |
X |
Reflection of Feeling |
X |
Attending Behaviors |
X |
Active Listening |
X |
Minimal Encouragers |
Nonverbal Communication of Client/Student (mentioned or used) |
X |
Rapport Building |
Linking |
X |
Confronting |
X |
Silence |
X |
Suggesting |
X |
Information/Psychoeducation |
X |
Interpreting |
X |
Reframing |
X |
Facilitating |
X |
Modeling |
X |
Summarizing |
X |
Goal Setting |
X |
Terminating |
X |
Counseling Theory & Technique |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
N/O |
Helps client/student identify concerns |
X |
Ability to apply counseling theory |
X |
Ability to apply counseling technique(s) |
X |
Helps client/student identify counseling goals |
X |
Culturally sensitive counseling |
X |
Please respond to the following self-reflections:
- Did the counseling session increase your personal and professional awareness of the counseling skills? In what ways?
Yes. Awareness of my responses is fully exposed when engaging with the client face to face in the moment for me is where the rubber meets the road!
- Did the counseling session increase your personal/professional awareness of the importance of demonstrating multi-social/cultural sensitivity in the delivery of your counseling skills? In what ways?
Given the fact that this session was with a minor of recently divorced parents one of the parents household has been resolved to a low SES. Therefore, great sensitivity toward the students’ basic living needs is needed.
- Would you change or add anything to enhance or improve your session?
Perhaps the use of the micro skill of silence to give the student time to self-reflect regarding on what she said.
- In what ways did you demonstrate professionalism?
The use of simple please and thank you as appropriate. Use of language age appropriate to ensure students understanding by not making the session discussion complicated and stressful.
- What counseling skills and/or theoretical techniques do you plan to explore/practice for future sessions?
CBT, modeling & role-playing techniques.
- What were your strengths? What moments of your video were you most pleased with?
Psychoeducational information regarding clients self-reporting that she was anxious most of the time. I was most pleased by the fact that the student by our discussion now recognizes her triggers.
Benchmark Critical Incident
Marie Postiglione-Dupell
Liberty University
Scenario #2 Jane
The presenting issue regarding school counselor Jane is that she did not adhere to basic therapeutic counseling protocol. Jane school counselor did not screen students for group membership. Screening potential students prior to allowing participation is an essential component when developing a counseling group. It is the professional school counselor’s responsibility to make ethical decisions regarding selection of participants via the process of screening individuals., Furthermore, not every student is appropriate candidate for every group. The case of Alice(student) if screened may have provided information that she was not a proper fit for Jane’s group and benefit from individual school counseling or a counseling group specific to her depression. Potentially perhaps Alice’s struggles and suicide attempt could have been prevented if school counselor Jane would have conducted a high-quality screening tool such as Group Readiness Questionnaire (GRQ).
American School Counseling Association
The American School Counseling Association (ASCA), ethical codes and standards that address issues specific to school counselors group work code A.7.C states “Screen students for group membership.” ASCA, (2014). The school counselor did not follow (ASCA) recommended ethical standard for group membership selection regarding screening protocol therefore issues may have developed due to this oversight by the school counselor. In this case the student struggled in group and escalated into an attempt to commit suicide.
American Counseling Association
The American Counseling Association (ACA), ethical codes and standards that address issues specific to professional school counselor responsibilities to parents working with minor’s code B.1. state’s school counselors “Recognize that providing services to minors in school setting requires school counselors to collaborate with students’ parents/guardians as appropriate” (ACA), 2014. The school counselor observed student in group was struggling to what degree the information is limited. Although, school counselor preventively could have communicated that to student’s parents as a follow up check in. The counselor also could have processed the difficulty issues the student was having in current group session with student and parents present at time of pick up.
There could be legal and ethical implications for this school counselor due to the lack of professional oversight in membership selection for this group. Therefore, may have contributed to stressors that resulted in suicide attempt by student. School counselor should consult with parents that their daughter should be seen at local mental health facility for complete mental health/suicidal ideation assessment and medical care if needed. Referral to outside mental health professional for counseling additional with school counseling services. Resources provided to parents regarding support groups specific to depression and or suicide.
American Counseling Association. (2014). ACA Code of Ethics, Alexandria, VA: Author
American School Counselor Association. Ethical Standards for School Counselors. American School Counselor Association, n.d. Web.24 April 2014

Please type directly in this template to structure your Benchmark Comprehensive School
Counseling Program Assignment, retaining all original language and headings. Students may
use assignments completed in the course or other Liberty School Counseling courses to satisfy
relative components of the benchmark assignment.
1. When creating the program, each component must mirror the headings of the template
since each heading is a separate section of the template.
2. The only files that should be attached when uploading your assignment are required or
desired supplemental forms such as those noted in some components of the template
(e.g., action plans, results reports, guidance curriculum lessons, assessments, generic
community or staff letters, etc.). Attachments do not take the place of fully responding to
the template items—attachments are for supplementing or exemplifying template
components only.
3. Please keep the exact, descriptive language in the template as part of your headings. Use
single spacing in the template with double spaces between paragraphs. APA style is only
required for citations and references. You may use lists and bullets, but should NOT use
tables, figures, or pictures—only use text under each heading.
4. Under each heading and question in the template, you will fully respond to the questions,
in addition to responding to the components’ requirements in the template. Please mirror
the headings of the template as well as each numbered item of the template.
Component #1: Define
1. Describe how these four integral components: leadership, advocacy, collaboration,
and systemic change are incorporated into the professional functioning of a school
counselor and the framework of the ASCA National Model.
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model specifies
varying themes a professional school counselor can demonstrate leadership such as,
human resource leadership, symbolic leadership, political leadership, and structural
Structural school counseling leadership tend to be analytical when formatting
school counseling interventions. School counselors utilize data to analyze efficacy of
school counseling services including service assessments, service outcomes and
organizational needs. When designing foundational school counseling service, the
counselor must also be mindful that services promote student learning.
COSC 661
Human resource leadership focus in school counseling program is to be
supportive and advocate for all students. This includes school counselors inspiring the
student that they have the skills and ability to achieve their goals. Therefore, motivating
the student to participate moving forward toward their current and future goals.
Efficacious leadership entails the focus on the ability of the school counselor to provide
continued supportive guidance and relevant instruction. Additionally, transparency is a
key component of the school counseling program when partnering with student, parents,
colleagues, and community regarding goals and plans to accomplish mission statement
for school counseling program services.
Symbolic leadership the responsibility role of the school counselor includes
consistent counseling program evaluation, review data regarding school counseling
program for efficacy, and role modeling. The role of the school counselor in respect to
symbolic leadership is to be mindful of the ASCA Ethical Standards are adequately
represented within the school counseling program.
Political leadership theme includes the insurance of a successful school
counseling program by establishing an advisory council. School advisory council
assist in supporting student accomplishment and provide student the opportunity
to acquire quality academic experiences. Collaboration with school counselor,
school professional staff, community businesses/organizations and parents.
A vital responsibility as a professional school counselor is an advocate for all
students whom they serve. School counselors assist students by encouraging
student achievement, and advocate in the best interest of the student regarding
their individual aspirations. School counselors provide services to students both
indirect and direct as needed to ensure success.
The professional school counselor collaborates routinely with partners from within the
school environment and local community organizations. School counselors need to
realize they cannot alone provide efficacious student and school outcomes without
partners. One of the key responsibilities of a school counselor is to establish and maintain
a variety of productive partners.
Systemic Change:
Professional school counselors consistently use and analyze data to advance a
COSC 661
systematic change regarding school counseling program. The school counselor
focuses on this context to bring to light systemic barriers that impede students’
achievement. Additionally, school counselor can make improvements within the
school counseling program such as varies achievement gaps. Achievement gaps
may present themselves as negative student behaviors, student truancy and low
graduation rates. Furthermore, systemic change “occurs when inequitable
policies, procedures, and attitudes are changed” (ASCA National Model, 2012).
2.Create a mission statement that includes a list of philosophical guiding principles
demonstrating critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making, and the
interpersonal relations with stakeholders. Create and attach a school counseling
brochure that illustrates your mission statement and school counseling services.
Lake Placid Elementary School Counseling Mission Statement in the Lake Placid
School District provides and supports all students’ intellectual, social, and personal
development. Partnering with students, school counseling services provide opportunities
to develop skills in areas of social-emotional growth, problem solving, and organization.
3.Identify the three interrelated developmental domains (academic development,
career development and social/emotional development) of a comprehensive school
counseling program and the domains’ purpose in establishing program and
curriculum goals.
Comprehensive school counseling program consist of three interrelated
developmental domains which are, academic, career, and personal/social. The focus of
the academic domain’s is to make sure students acquire the highest achievement ranking
regarding academic grades and preventively do not cause a gap in academic
achievement. The focus of the career domain is development of skills such as decisionmaking and making good choices regarding problem-solving. Furthermore, the career
domain involves support and guidance regarding future career options. Exposure to
varying career choices could be very productive by the student to attended job fairs,
career shadowing, internships, and networking. Finally, the personal/social domain
includes developmental of skills necessary for emotional competence. Varying skills
include working on students’ ability to make good choices and navigate conflict
4.. Describe the relationship between the School Counselor Professional Standards
& school counseling program that aligns with the ASCA National Model.
COSC 661
Professional school counselors must have the expertise, attitudes, and skills to
coordinate, develop, execute, and review the comprehensive, results-based,
developmental school counseling program to warrant it follows the ASCA National
Model (American School Counselor Association, 2012).
5. Summarize how the mission statement, philosophical principles, developmental
domains, and the national standards and competencies form a foundation that
identifies “what” every student should know and be able to do because of
participation in a comprehensive school counseling program.
The school counseling Mission statement is a key component of a comprehensive
school counseling program. The Mission statement establishes initial direction
and focus regarding the essential requirements of the students in the school. The
philosophical principles and developmental domains are employed to develop
relevant program services that adequately provide the needs of all students.
Furthermore, this application will assist the student in successfully achieving
academic goals, career aspirations, social development, and personal outcomes.
Component #2: Manage
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the annual administrative agreement by a)
identifying components of the agreement, b) listing steps for creating an annual
agreement, and c) identifying ASCA-recommended time distribution for the
delivery of direct and indirect services.
Identing components of the agreement:
The ASCA Annual Agreement model has the following components:
Counselors’ name and school year
The school counseling program mission statement
School counseling program goals
Use of time plan for direct and indirect services
Advisory council information including dates of the meetings
List of planning and results documents
List of any planned professional development
Caseload and school counselors’ responsibilities chart showing how large
the caseload is, and the responsibilities that the counselor will be performing
that school year
COSC 661
Chart of professional collaboration responsibilities indicating which
groups the counselor will be collaborating with, how often they will meet
and who the designator coordinator is of the group.
Annual budget information including material and supplies.
The times that the office is open, and the counselors’ hours.
The roles and responsibilities of other staff and volunteers within the
Counseling department.
Signature lines for the counselor and principal.
b. Listing steps for creating an annual agreement:
The step for creating an annual agreement are as follows:
Devise the mission statement of the counseling program (if being changed)
based upon the school’s mission statement and the district’s mission statement
Analyze the school data to determine goals for the upcoming school year.
Coordinate with the counseling office’s hours and availability.
Meet with collaboration groups to decide on meeting dates and coordinator
Determine the roles of responsibilities of the other counseling staff including
caseload assignments.
Develop a plan for the use of time for direct and indirect services to the
Obtain the dates for the advisory council meetings and include them on the
Decide upon professional development attendance and obtain dates,
information, and costs for these.
Prepare budget information for materials and supplies need for the upcoming
school year.
Meet with the principal, go over the agreement and obtain signatures prior to
the beginning of the school year.
c. Identifying ASCA-recommended time distribution for the delivery of direct and
indirect services. The ASCA National Model recommends that 80 percent or more of the
counselor’s time should be spent in direct student services.
COSC 661
2. Describe the purpose and functions of an advisory council and identify who
would invite to be members of the committee and why.
Possible invitees to serve on the advisory committee would include students,
parents/guardians, educators, businesses, and community organizations. The ASCA
recommends a minimum of eight members to a maximum of 20. The purpose of an advisory
council is to “review and advise on the implementation of the school counseling program”
(ASCA National Model, 2012).
3.Describe how data and technology is integrated in a comprehensive school counseling
program. Your paragraph description should include the following needs identification,
achievement outcomes, counseling outcomes and progress, closing achievement gaps,
demonstrating overall program.
A foundational component of the school counseling program is data. Data
information is necessary to formulate goals of the school counseling program. This is an
essential aspect of the identification procedure. Achievement outcomes are realized when
data is reviewed and analyzed. Additionally, data assist in establishing goals to lesson
achievement gaps. Data is also utilized to monitor school counseling program effectiveness
moving forward.
4.Describe both “action plans” and “closing-the-gap action plans”:
Action plans provide vital documentation of the activities and impact of a
comprehensive school counseling program. Additionally, action plans help in the
development and management of important school counselor interventions. Action plans are
implemented in various areas such as, school counseling curriculum, closing-the-gap
activities, and small groups.
Small group action plan entails: designated counselor, ASCA Domain, Standard and
Student Competency, outline of group sessions to be delivered, resources needed,
projected number of students affected, type of surveys (perception data), and projected
start and end date.
Curriculum action plans are activities and lessons associated to goals. Key components of
the curriculum action plan entails grade level, lesson topic, ASCA Domain, Standard and
Competency, materials and curriculum lists, projected start and end dates, projected
COSC 661
number of students affected types of surveys or assessments to be utilized (perception
data), attendance, achievement and student behavior data and contact person.
Closing-the -gap action plan contains: ASCA Domain, designated counselor, Standard
and Student Competency, type of activities to be delivered and in what matter, resources
needed, projected number of students affected (process data), type of surveys (perception
data), achievement, attendance, and behavior data to be collected (outcome data), and
projected start and end dates.
5.Discuss the purpose of an annual, monthly, and weekly school counselor calendar and
attach a sample of a one-month (any month) calendar depicting the role and functions
of the school counselor.
A proactive professional school counselor will plan annually prior to the start of the
academic school year. School counselor will take into consideration all school scheduled
days closed throughout the school year and added this into school counseling calendar. All
school counseling services should be noted on calendar monthly and weekly including days
of the week along with times noted. Weekly plans include classroom counseling lessons
(Individual and group). School counseling calendars should be accessible to school staff,
administration, student, and parents. School counselors can provide school counseling
schedules by brochures, posting, and student/parent school handbook and school website
under school counseling webpage.
Component #3: Deliver
1. Describe and attach five examples of school counseling core curriculum in the form
of a classroom guidance lesson using the following topics (bullying, communication,
leadership, emotional regulation, friendship, career discovery, career exploration,
study tips, etc.). Discuss whether classroom guidance lessons are considered a direct
or indirect student service and whether classroom guidance lessons are considered
preventative or responsive in nature.
Note I have attached my k-12 classroom lesson plan. Lesson is topic is ‘Making
Good Choices’. My classroom lesson ‘Making Good Choices’ is a direct student
service due to this lesson is offered directly to students. Additionally, this lesson
is considered preventive in nature due to it will be presented initially in the start
of the new school year. Regarding the individual needs of the student by placing
students in multiple groups with other peers’ collaborative discussion. The
COSC 661
delivery system includes school counselor and students participatory modeling,
reading aloud class involved, discussion among peer to peer and lesson
2. Identify developmentally appropriate, culturally sensitive classroom/group
behavioral management strategies used in the implementation of the school
counseling core curriculum that are motivational and maximize learning for a
diverse student body.
Strategies for classroom/group behavioral management include developmentary
appropriate expectations to ensure achievement of classroom lesson. Student
participation expectations are explained and discussed with students at the time of
the initial lesson both written and verbally presented. Student spacing is important
and fluid based on lesson tasks. Time management is very important it is always
good management to build in a 10-minute window of time for the unpredictable.
Additionally, be mindful of the diversity of your students present in each class
and support as needed.
3. Describe and attach an example of an individual counseling session outline. Discuss
whether individual counseling is considered a direct or indirect student service and
whether individual counseling is considered preventative or responsive in nature.
Demonstrate your understanding of the importance of personal integrity and
sensitivity to human needs in the delivery of individual counseling services.
Note! Example of Individual Counseling Session Outline is Attached.
Planning lessons are considered indirect hours due to the nature of task is
considered time spent on management of school counseling services for student.
Furthermore, student lesson planning is responsive in nature due to students
learning needs and preferences regarding planning with end in mind.
4. Describe an example of individual student planning. Discuss individual student
planning is considered a direct or indirect student service and whether individual
student planning is preventative or responsive in nature.
This following example of individual student planning is specific to 9th-12th grade.
First steps of individual student lesson planning is goal setting in various specific
areas, such as, academic goal setting and postsecondary plans. Student goal setting
initially should be in collaboration with student and counselor discussions requires
COSC 661
direct services. Once established formatting student plan goals can be continued as an
indirect service potentially. Reviewing student grades and developing counseling
interventions should be an ongoing discussion with collaboration with student assist
them in making informed decisions regarding their current and future aspirations.
Discussions planning student’s areas of improvements as needed this is both
preventative and proactive in nature.
5. Describe and attach an example of collaboration by way of a parent/teacher
workshop. Discuss whether a parent/teacher workshop is considered a direct or
indirect student service. Demonstrate your understanding of the need for reflective
practices in determining the need for consultation, collaboration, and referrals.
Draft and attach a generic letter to 1) parents, 2) teachers, and 3) community
organizers for collaborative partnerships.
My understanding of the need for reflective practices regarding consultation,
collaboration, and referral is that reflective practice permits school counselor to
provide school counseling services to the highest standards. Collaboration and
transparency with other helping professionals assist that counselor don’t waste
efforts and time on methods that are not efficacious and repeat methods that do
work in the best interest of the student.
Parent/ Teacher workshop and example letters to the above mentioned are
indirect counseling services because they are not a face -to-face intervention with
Note attached is Parent/teacher Workshop Agenda
Note attached is Generic Letters:
6. Describe small group counseling and attach five group lessons targeting the
following themes: gender specific (a group only for girls or boys), culturally specific
(a group for a specific culture (i.e., Asian culture, Black culture, Hispanic or
Mexican culture, LGBTQ+), and a career discovery. Discuss whether group
counseling is considered a direct or indirect student service and whether group
counseling is preventative or responsive in nature.
Small school group counseling sessions focus on areas of topic regarding students
academic, social/emotional and career development. The foundational component
of small group counseling is to help and support students by enhancing
development of awareness regarding student’s interpersonal skills and further
their development of strategies to achieve best outcomes that positively affect
COSC 661
their goals. Small group counseling is considered direct service due to face -toface implementation of intervention involving participation of student(s).
Note see attached small group lesson attached.
7. Discuss when and why a school counselor might make a referral to an outside
agency/community resource.
There are various reasons for a school counselor to refer a student to an outside
agency/community resource. Be assessed that referral outside school counseling is
always for the betterment of the student. Referrals do not always mean
termination of school counseling services it can also mean a collaborative effort
of services with other helping services in combination. Referrals also can mean
additional services the school counseling program currently does not offer due to
availability limitations of specialized professional specific therapist. Additionally,
other reasons for referral student require more in depth and complex counseling
than a school counselor can offer in school setting. Therefore, school counselor
may identify the student’s mental health status needs extensive evaluation and
Component #4: Assess
1. Describe the purpose of “Classroom and Group Mindsets & Behaviors Results
Report” and identify essential elements of a results report. Create or attach a
sample result report that you may have created in any of your courses as a sample
to illustrate your understanding
The purpose of the “Classroom and Group Mindsets & Behaviors Results Report”
is used to assist in organizing and report results of school counseling classroom
lessons and small group intervention activities. Additionally, report is to function
regarding to inform school counseling program improvement. Essential elements
of the results report are as follows; Grade level, lesson topic, ASCA Mindsets and
behaviors, ASCA Domain, Standards, and Competency, Process Data (# of
students affected), Perception Data, Outcome Data, Implications and Curriculum
Note School counseling classroom results report attached.
COSC 661
2. Describe the difference between participation data, mindsets & behaviors data, and
outcome data. Describe in detail a process for assessing the effectiveness of a
comprehensive school counseling program using participation data, mindsets &
behaviors data, and outcome data.
The difference between difference between participation data, mindset &
behaviors data and outcome data is they each have a specific role to play.
Participation data ASCA role is to identify expected number of students who will
participate and planned length of school counseling lesson. Job of the mindsets &
behaviors data promote mindsets and behaviors that enhance the learning process
of student. Therefore, the student establishes readiness to pursue future college
and or career aspirations. Outcome data is utilized for assessing changes to data
upon completion of intervention. The results serve as a reliable support in student
achievement or impact regarding the duration of intervention. All specific in
nature but, collaboratively enhances school counseling directional productivity.
3. Discuss the importance of the “School Counselor Performance Appraisal” in
relation to the two major functions of a school counseling program: A) Professional
Beliefs and B) Professional Responsibilities.
The primary importance of “School Counselor Performance Appraisal” is to
ensure school counselor’s effectiveness on student achievement. A school
counselors’ primary responsibility is to assist students by providing socialemotional support, academic achievement and reach their highest potential toward
career aspirations that are realist and obtainable. School counselor’s professional
beliefs are based on the highest moral and ethical standards to enhance all
student’s development.
4. Discuss the role of accountability in identifying “how students are different because
of participation in a comprehensive school counseling program”.
When students participate and experience exposure to an effective comprehensive
school counseling program it will make impactful positive changes regarding
students’ ability to thrive and achieve their goal. Increase accountability is a very
important element that school counselors are called on to perform regards to
evaluating counseling programs and interventions on a consistent basis.
Therefore, students will benefit from a high-quality comprehensive school
COSC 661
counseling programs efforts and supports. Effective comprehensive counseling
offers benefits to the student such as building self-confidence, become effective
learners and develop interpersonal social skills. School comprehensive school
counseling programs tend to be proactive and preventative by nature which is an
important plus for students and parents.
American Counseling Association. (2014). ACA Code of Ethics, Alexandria, VA:
American School Counselor Associations, n.d. Web. 24 April 2014BENCHMARK COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM TEMPLATE*
Please type directly in this template to structure your Benchmark Comprehensive School
Counseling Program Assignment, retaining all original language and headings. Students may
use assignments completed in the course or other Liberty School Counseling courses to satisfy
relative components of the benchmark assignment.
1. When creating the program, each component must mirror the headings of the template
since each heading is a separate section of the template.
2. The only files that should be attached when uploading your assignment are required or
desired supplemental forms such as those noted in some components of the template
(e.g., action plans, results reports, guidance curriculum lessons, assessments, generic
community or staff letters, etc.). Attachments do not take the place of fully responding to
the template items—attachments are for supplementing or exemplifying template
components only.
3. Please keep the exact, descriptive language in the template as part of your headings. Use
single spacing in the template with double spaces between paragraphs. APA style is only
required for citations and references. You may use lists and bullets, but should NOT use
tables, figures, or pictures—only use text under each heading.
4. Under each heading and question in the template, you will fully respond to the questions,
in addition to responding to the components’ requirements in the template. Please mirror
the headings of the template as well as each numbered item of the template.
Component #1: Define
1. Describe how these four integral components: leadership, advocacy, collaboration,
and systemic change are incorporated into the professional functioning of a school
counselor and the framework of the ASCA National Model.
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model specifies
varying themes a professional school counselor can demonstrate leadership such as,
human resource leadership, symbolic leadership, political leadership, and structural
Structural school counseling leadership tend to be analytical when formatting
school counseling interventions. School counselors utilize data to analyze efficacy of
school counseling services including service assessments, service outcomes and
organizational needs. When designing foundational school counseling service, the
counselor must also be mindful that services promote student learning.
COSC 661
Human resource leadership focus in school counseling program is to be
supportive and advocate for all students. This includes school counselors inspiring the
student that they have the skills and ability to achieve their goals. Therefore, motivating
the student to participate moving forward toward their current and future goals.
Efficacious leadership entails the focus on the ability of the school counselor to provide
continued supportive guidance and relevant instruction. Additionally, transparency is a
key component of the school counseling program when partnering with student, parents,
colleagues, and community regarding goals and plans to accomplish mission statement
for school counseling program services.
Symbolic leadership the responsibility role of the school counselor includes
consistent counseling program evaluation, review data regarding school counseling
program for efficacy, and role modeling. The role of the school counselor in respect to
symbolic leadership is to be mindful of the ASCA Ethical Standards are adequately
represented within the school counseling program.
Political leadership theme includes the insurance of a successful school
counseling program by establishing an advisory council. School advisory council
assist in supporting student accomplishment and provide student the opportunity
to acquire quality academic experiences. Collaboration with school counselor,
school professional staff, community businesses/organizations and parents.
A vital responsibility as a professional school counselor is an advocate for all
students whom they serve. School counselors assist students by encouraging
student achievement, and advocate in the best interest of the student regarding
their individual aspirations. School counselors provide services to students both
indirect and direct as needed to ensure success.
The professional school counselor collaborates routinely with partners from within the
school environment and local community organizations. School counselors need to
realize they cannot alone provide efficacious student and school outcomes without
partners. One of the key responsibilities of a school counselor is to establish and maintain
a variety of productive partners.
Systemic Change:
Professional school counselors consistently use and analyze data to advance a
COSC 661
systematic change regarding school counseling program. The school counselor
focuses on this context to bring to light systemic barriers that impede students’
achievement. Additionally, school counselor can make improvements within the
school counseling program such as varies achievement gaps. Achievement gaps
may present themselves as negative student behaviors, student truancy and low
graduation rates. Furthermore, systemic change “occurs when inequitable
policies, procedures, and attitudes are changed” (ASCA National Model, 2012).
2.Create a mission statement that includes a list of philosophical guiding principles
demonstrating critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making, and the
interpersonal relations with stakeholders. Create and attach a school counseling
brochure that illustrates your mission statement and school counseling services.
Lake Placid Elementary School Counseling Mission Statement in the Lake Placid
School District provides and supports all students’ intellectual, social, and personal
development. Partnering with students, school counseling services provide opportunities
to develop skills in areas of social-emotional growth, problem solving, and organization.
3.Identify the three interrelated developmental domains (academic development,
career development and social/emotional development) of a comprehensive school
counseling program and the domains’ purpose in establishing program and
curriculum goals.
Comprehensive school counseling program consist of three interrelated
developmental domains which are, academic, career, and personal/social. The focus of
the academic domain’s is to make sure students acquire the highest achievement ranking
regarding academic grades and preventively do not cause a gap in academic
achievement. The focus of the career domain is development of skills such as decisionmaking and making good choices regarding problem-solving. Furthermore, the career
domain involves support and guidance regarding future career options. Exposure to
varying career choices could be very productive by the student to attended job fairs,
career shadowing, internships, and networking. Finally, the personal/social domain
includes developmental of skills necessary for emotional competence. Varying skills
include working on students’ ability to make good choices and navigate conflict
4.. Describe the relationship between the School Counselor Professional Standards
& school counseling program that aligns with the ASCA National Model.
COSC 661
Professional school counselors must have the expertise, attitudes, and skills to
coordinate, develop, execute, and review the comprehensive, results-based,
developmental school counseling program to warrant it follows the ASCA National
Model (American School Counselor Association, 2012).
5. Summarize how the mission statement, philosophical principles, developmental
domains, and the national standards and competencies form a foundation that
identifies “what” every student should know and be able to do because of
participation in a comprehensive school counseling program.
The school counseling Mission statement is a key component of a comprehensive
school counseling program. The Mission statement establishes initial direction
and focus regarding the essential requirements of the students in the school. The
philosophical principles and developmental domains are employed to develop
relevant program services that adequately provide the needs of all students.
Furthermore, this application will assist the student in successfully achieving
academic goals, career aspirations, social development, and personal outcomes.
Component #2: Manage
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the annual administrative agreement by a)
identifying components of the agreement, b) listing steps for creating an annual
agreement, and c) identifying ASCA-recommended time distribution for the
delivery of direct and indirect services.
Identing components of the agreement:
The ASCA Annual Agreement model has the following components:
Counselors’ name and school year
The school counseling program mission statement
School counseling program goals
Use of time plan for direct and indirect services
Advisory council information including dates of the meetings
List of planning and results documents
List of any planned professional development
Caseload and school counselors’ responsibilities chart showing how large
the caseload is, and the responsibilities that the counselor will be performing
that school year
COSC 661
Chart of professional collaboration responsibilities indicating which
groups the counselor will be collaborating with, how often they will meet
and who the designator coordinator is of the group.
Annual budget information including material and supplies.
The times that the office is open, and the counselors’ hours.
The roles and responsibilities of other staff and volunteers within the
Counseling department.
Signature lines for the counselor and principal.
b. Listing steps for creating an annual agreement:
The step for creating an annual agreement are as follows:
Devise the mission statement of the counseling program (if being changed)
based upon the school’s mission statement and the district’s mission statement
Analyze the school data to determine goals for the upcoming school year.
Coordinate with the counseling office’s hours and availability.
Meet with collaboration groups to decide on meeting dates and coordinator
Determine the roles of responsibilities of the other counseling staff including
caseload assignments.
Develop a plan for the use of time for direct and indirect services to the
Obtain the dates for the advisory council meetings and include them on the
Decide upon professional development attendance and obtain dates,
information, and costs for these.
Prepare budget information for materials and supplies need for the upcoming
school year.
Meet with the principal, go over the agreement and obtain signatures prior to
the beginning of the school year.
c. Identifying ASCA-recommended time distribution for the delivery of direct and
indirect services. The ASCA National Model recommends that 80 percent or more of the
counselor’s time should be spent in direct student services.
COSC 661
2. Describe the purpose and functions of an advisory council and identify who
would invite to be members of the committee and why.
Possible invitees to serve on the advisory committee would include students,
parents/guardians, educators, businesses, and community organizations. The ASCA
recommends a minimum of eight members to a maximum of 20. The purpose of an advisory
council is to “review and advise on the implementation of the school counseling program”
(ASCA National Model, 2012).
3.Describe how data and technology is integrated in a comprehensive school counseling
program. Your paragraph description should include the following needs identification,
achievement outcomes, counseling outcomes and progress, closing achievement gaps,
demonstrating overall program.
A foundational component of the school counseling program is data. Data
information is necessary to formulate goals of the school counseling program. This is an
essential aspect of the identification procedure. Achievement outcomes are realized when
data is reviewed and analyzed. Additionally, data assist in establishing goals to lesson
achievement gaps. Data is also utilized to monitor school counseling program effectiveness
moving forward.
4.Describe both “action plans” and “closing-the-gap action plans”:
Action plans provide vital documentation of the activities and impact of a
comprehensive school counseling program. Additionally, action plans help in the
development and management of important school counselor interventions. Action plans are
implemented in various areas such as, school counseling curriculum, closing-the-gap
activities, and small groups.
Small group action plan entails: designated counselor, ASCA Domain, Standard and
Student Competency, outline of group sessions to be delivered, resources needed,
projected number of students affected, type of surveys (perception data), and projected
start and end date.
Curriculum action plans are activities and lessons associated to goals. Key components of
the curriculum action plan entails grade level, lesson topic, ASCA Domain, Standard and
Competency, materials and curriculum lists, projected start and end dates, projected
COSC 661
number of students affected types of surveys or assessments to be utilized (perception
data), attendance, achievement and student behavior data and contact person.
Closing-the -gap action plan contains: ASCA Domain, designated counselor, Standard
and Student Competency, type of activities to be delivered and in what matter, resources
needed, projected number of students affected (process data), type of surveys (perception
data), achievement, attendance, and behavior data to be collected (outcome data), and
projected start and end dates.
5.Discuss the purpose of an annual, monthly, and weekly school counselor calendar and
attach a sample of a one-month (any month) calendar depicting the role and functions
of the school counselor.
A proactive professional school counselor will plan annually prior to the start of the
academic school year. School counselor will take into consideration all school scheduled
days closed throughout the school year and added this into school counseling calendar. All
school counseling services should be noted on calendar monthly and weekly including days
of the week along with times noted. Weekly plans include classroom counseling lessons
(Individual and group). School counseling calendars should be accessible to school staff,
administration, student, and parents. School counselors can provide school counseling
schedules by brochures, posting, and student/parent school handbook and school website
under school counseling webpage.
Component #3: Deliver
1. Describe and attach five examples of school counseling core curriculum in the form
of a classroom guidance lesson using the following topics (bullying, communication,
leadership, emotional regulation, friendship, career discovery, career exploration,
study tips, etc.). Discuss whether classroom guidance lessons are considered a direct
or indirect student service and whether classroom guidance lessons are considered
preventative or responsive in nature.
Note I have attached my k-12 classroom lesson plan. Lesson is topic is ‘Making
Good Choices’. My classroom lesson ‘Making Good Choices’ is a direct student
service due to this lesson is offered directly to students. Additionally, this lesson
is considered preventive in nature due to it will be presented initially in the start
of the new school year. Regarding the individual needs of the student by placing
students in multiple groups with other peers’ collaborative discussion. The
COSC 661
delivery system includes school counselor and students participatory modeling,
reading aloud class involved, discussion among peer to peer and lesson
2. Identify developmentally appropriate, culturally sensitive classroom/group
behavioral management strategies used in the implementation of the school
counseling core curriculum that are motivational and maximize learning for a
diverse student body.
Strategies for classroom/group behavioral management include developmentary
appropriate expectations to ensure achievement of classroom lesson. Student
participation expectations are explained and discussed with students at the time of
the initial lesson both written and verbally presented. Student spacing is important
and fluid based on lesson tasks. Time management is very important it is always
good management to build in a 10-minute window of time for the unpredictable.
Additionally, be mindful of the diversity of your students present in each class
and support as needed.
3. Describe and attach an example of an individual counseling session outline. Discuss
whether individual counseling is considered a direct or indirect student service and
whether individual counseling is considered preventative or responsive in nature.
Demonstrate your understanding of the importance of personal integrity and
sensitivity to human needs in the delivery of individual counseling services.
Note! Example of Individual Counseling Session Outline is Attached.
Planning lessons are considered indirect hours due to the nature of task is
considered time spent on management of school counseling services for student.
Furthermore, student lesson planning is responsive in nature due to students
learning needs and preferences regarding planning with end in mind.
4. Describe an example of individual student planning. Discuss individual student
planning is considered a direct or indirect student service and whether individual
student planning is preventative or responsive in nature.
This following example of individual student planning is specific to 9th-12th grade.
First steps of individual student lesson planning is goal setting in various specific
areas, such as, academic goal setting and postsecondary plans. Student goal setting
initially should be in collaboration with student and counselor discussions requires
COSC 661
direct services. Once established formatting student plan goals can be continued as an
indirect service potentially. Reviewing student grades and developing counseling
interventions should be an ongoing discussion with collaboration with student assist
them in making informed decisions regarding their current and future aspirations.
Discussions planning student’s areas of improvements as needed this is both
preventative and proactive in nature.
5. Describe and attach an example of collaboration by way of a parent/teacher
workshop. Discuss whether a parent/teacher workshop is considered a direct or
indirect student service. Demonstrate your understanding of the need for reflective
practices in determining the need for consultation, collaboration, and referrals.
Draft and attach a generic letter to 1) parents, 2) teachers, and 3) community
organizers for collaborative partnerships.
My understanding of the need for reflective practices regarding consultation,
collaboration, and referral is that reflective practice permits school counselor to
provide school counseling services to the highest standards. Collaboration and
transparency with other helping professionals assist that counselor don’t waste
efforts and time on methods that are not efficacious and repeat methods that do
work in the best interest of the student.
Parent/ Teacher workshop and example letters to the above mentioned are
indirect counseling services because they are not a face -to-face intervention with
Note attached is Parent/teacher Workshop Agenda
Note attached is Generic Letters:
6. Describe small group counseling and attach five group lessons targeting the
following themes: gender specific (a group only for girls or boys), culturally specific
(a group for a specific culture (i.e., Asian culture, Black culture, Hispanic or
Mexican culture, LGBTQ+), and a career discovery. Discuss whether group
counseling is considered a direct or indirect student service and whether group
counseling is preventative or responsive in nature.
Small school group counseling sessions focus on areas of topic regarding students
academic, social/emotional and career development. The foundational component
of small group counseling is to help and support students by enhancing
development of awareness regarding student’s interpersonal skills and further
their development of strategies to achieve best outcomes that positively affect
COSC 661
their goals. Small group counseling is considered direct service due to face -toface implementation of intervention involving participation of student(s).
Note see attached small group lesson attached.
7. Discuss when and why a school counselor might make a referral to an outside
agency/community resource.
There are various reasons for a school counselor to refer a student to an outside
agency/community resource. Be assessed that referral outside school counseling is
always for the betterment of the student. Referrals do not always mean
termination of school counseling services it can also mean a collaborative effort
of services with other helping services in combination. Referrals also can mean
additional services the school counseling program currently does not offer due to
availability limitations of specialized professional specific therapist. Additionally,
other reasons for referral student require more in depth and complex counseling
than a school counselor can offer in school setting. Therefore, school counselor
may identify the student’s mental health status needs extensive evaluation and
Component #4: Assess
1. Describe the purpose of “Classroom and Group Mindsets & Behaviors Results
Report” and identify essential elements of a results report. Create or attach a
sample result report that you may have created in any of your courses as a sample
to illustrate your understanding
The purpose of the “Classroom and Group Mindsets & Behaviors Results Report”
is used to assist in organizing and report results of school counseling classroom
lessons and small group intervention activities. Additionally, report is to function
regarding to inform school counseling program improvement. Essential elements
of the results report are as follows; Grade level, lesson topic, ASCA Mindsets and
behaviors, ASCA Domain, Standards, and Competency, Process Data (# of
students affected), Perception Data, Outcome Data, Implications and Curriculum
Note School counseling classroom results report attached.
COSC 661
2. Describe the difference between participation data, mindsets & behaviors data, and
outcome data. Describe in detail a process for assessing the effectiveness of a
comprehensive school counseling program using participation data, mindsets &
behaviors data, and outcome data.
The difference between difference between participation data, mindset &
behaviors data and outcome data is they each have a specific role to play.
Participation data ASCA role is to identify expected number of students who will
participate and planned length of school counseling lesson. Job of the mindsets &
behaviors data promote mindsets and behaviors that enhance the learning process
of student. Therefore, the student establishes readiness to pursue future college
and or career aspirations. Outcome data is utilized for assessing changes to data
upon completion of intervention. The results serve as a reliable support in student
achievement or impact regarding the duration of intervention. All specific in
nature but, collaboratively enhances school counseling directional productivity.
3. Discuss the importance of the “School Counselor Performance Appraisal” in
relation to the two major functions of a school counseling program: A) Professional
Beliefs and B) Professional Responsibilities.
The primary importance of “School Counselor Performance Appraisal” is to
ensure school counselor’s effectiveness on student achievement. A school
counselors’ primary responsibility is to assist students by providing socialemotional support, academic achievement and reach their highest potential toward
career aspirations that are realist and obtainable. School counselor’s professional
beliefs are based on the highest moral and ethical standards to enhance all
student’s development.
4. Discuss the role of accountability in identifying “how students are different because
of participation in a comprehensive school counseling program”.
When students participate and experience exposure to an effective comprehensive
school counseling program it will make impactful positive changes regarding
students’ ability to thrive and achieve their goal. Increase accountability is a very
important element that school counselors are called on to perform regards to
evaluating counseling programs and interventions on a consistent basis.
Therefore, students will benefit from a high-quality comprehensive school
COSC 661
counseling programs efforts and supports. Effective comprehensive counseling
offers benefits to the student such as building self-confidence, become effective
learners and develop interpersonal social skills. School comprehensive school
counseling programs tend to be proactive and preventative by nature which is an
important plus for students and parents.
American Counseling Association. (2014). ACA Code of Ethics, Alexandria, VA:
American School Counselor Associations, n.d. Web. 24 April 2014BENCHMARK COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM TEMPLATE*
Please type directly in this template to structure your Benchmark Comprehensive School
Counseling Program Assignment, retaining all original language and headings. Students may
use assignments completed in the course or other Liberty School Counseling courses to satisfy
relative components of the benchmark assignment.
1. When creating the program, each component must mirror the headings of the template
since each heading is a separate section of the template.
2. The only files that should be attached when uploading your assignment are required or
desired supplemental forms such as those noted in some components of the template
(e.g., action plans, results reports, guidance curriculum lessons, assessments, generic
community or staff letters, etc.). Attachments do not take the place of fully responding to
the template items—attachments are for supplementing or exemplifying template
components only.
3. Please keep the exact, descriptive language in the template as part of your headings. Use
single spacing in the template with double spaces between paragraphs. APA style is only
required for citations and references. You may use lists and bullets, but should NOT use
tables, figures, or pictures—only use text under each heading.
4. Under each heading and question in the template, you will fully respond to the questions,
in addition to responding to the components’ requirements in the template. Please mirror
the headings of the template as well as each numbered item of the template.
Component #1: Define
1. Describe how these four integral components: leadership, advocacy, collaboration,
and systemic change are incorporated into the professional functioning of a school
counselor and the framework of the ASCA National Model.
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model specifies
varying themes a professional school counselor can demonstrate leadership such as,
human resource leadership, symbolic leadership, political leadership, and structural
Structural school counseling leadership tend to be analytical when formatting
school counseling interventions. School counselors utilize data to analyze efficacy of
school counseling services including service assessments, service outcomes and
organizational needs. When designing foundational school counseling service, the
counselor must also be mindful that services promote student learning.
COSC 661
Human resource leadership focus in school counseling program is to be
supportive and advocate for all students. This includes school counselors inspiring the
student that they have the skills and ability to achieve their goals. Therefore, motivating
the student to participate moving forward toward their current and future goals.
Efficacious leadership entails the focus on the ability of the school counselor to provide
continued supportive guidance and relevant instruction. Additionally, transparency is a
key component of the school counseling program when partnering with student, parents,
colleagues, and community regarding goals and plans to accomplish mission statement
for school counseling program services.
Symbolic leadership the responsibility role of the school counselor includes
consistent counseling program evaluation, review data regarding school counseling
program for efficacy, and role modeling. The role of the school counselor in respect to
symbolic leadership is to be mindful of the ASCA Ethical Standards are adequately
represented within the school counseling program.
Political leadership theme includes the insurance of a successful school
counseling program by establishing an advisory council. School advisory council
assist in supporting student accomplishment and provide student the opportunity
to acquire quality academic experiences. Collaboration with school counselor,
school professional staff, community businesses/organizations and parents.
A vital responsibility as a professional school counselor is an advocate for all
students whom they serve. School counselors assist students by encouraging
student achievement, and advocate in the best interest of the st
Please type directly in this template to structure your Benchmark Comprehensive School
Counseling Program Assignment, retaining all original language and headings. Students may
use assignments completed in the course or other Liberty School Counseling courses to satisfy
relative components of the benchmark assignment.
1. When creating the program, each component must mirror the headings of the template
since each heading is a separate section of the template.
2. The only files that should be attached when uploading your assignment are required or
desired supplemental forms such as those noted in some components of the template
(e.g., action plans, results reports, guidance curriculum lessons, assessments, generic
community or staff letters, etc.). Attachments do not take the place of fully responding to
the template items—attachments are for supplementing or exemplifying template
components only.
3. Please keep the exact, descriptive language in the template as part of your headings. Use
single spacing in the template with double spaces between paragraphs. APA style is only
required for citations and references. You may use lists and bullets, but should NOT use
tables, figures, or pictures—only use text under each heading.
4. Under each heading and question in the template, you will fully respond to the questions,
in addition to responding to the components’ requirements in the template. Please mirror
the headings of the template as well as each numbered item of the template.
Component #1: Define
1. Describe how these four integral components: leadership, advocacy, collaboration,
and systemic change are incorporated into the professional functioning of a school
counselor and the framework of the ASCA National Model.
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model specifies
varying themes a professional school counselor can demonstrate leadership such as,
human resource leadership, symbolic leadership, political leadership, and structural
Structural school counseling leadership tend to be analytical when formatting
school counseling interventions. School counselors utilize data to analyze efficacy of
school counseling services including service assessments, service outcomes and
organizational needs. When designing foundational school counseling service, the
counselor must also be mindful that services promote student learning.
COSC 661
Human resource leadership focus in school counseling program is to be
supportive and advocate for all students. This includes school counselors inspiring the
student that they have the skills and ability to achieve their goals. Therefore, motivating
the student to participate moving forward toward their current and future goals.
Efficacious leadership entails the focus on the ability of the school counselor to provide
continued supportive guidance and relevant instruction. Additionally, transparency is a
key component of the school counseling program when partnering with student, parents,
colleagues, and community regarding goals and plans to accomplish mission statement
for school counseling program services.
Symbolic leadership the responsibility role of the school counselor includes
consistent counseling program evaluation, review data regarding school counseling
program for efficacy, and role modeling. The role of the school counselor in respect to
symbolic leadership is to be mindful of the ASCA Ethical Standards are adequately
represented within the school counseling program.
Political leadership theme includes the insurance of a successful school
counseling program by establishing an advisory council. School advisory council
assist in supporting student accomplishment and provide student the opportunity
to acquire quality academic experiences. Collaboration with school counselor,
school professional staff, community businesses/organizations and parents.
A vital responsibility as a professional school counselor is an advocate for all
students whom they serve. School counselors assist students by encouraging
student achievement, and advocate in the best interest of the student regarding
their individual aspirations. School counselors provide services to students both
indirect and direct as needed to ensure success.
The professional school counselor collaborates routinely with partners from within the
school environment and local community organizations. School counselors need to
realize they cannot alone provide efficacious student and school outcomes without
partners. One of the key responsibilities of a school counselor is to establish and maintain
a variety of productive partners.
Systemic Change:
Professional school counselors consistently use and analyze data to advance a
COSC 661
systematic change regarding school counseling program. The school counselor
focuses on this context to bring to light systemic barriers that impede students’
achievement. Additionally, school counselor can make improvements within the
school counseling program such as varies achievement gaps. Achievement gaps
may present themselves as negative student behaviors, student truancy and low
graduation rates. Furthermore, systemic change “occurs when inequitable
policies, procedures, and attitudes are changed” (ASCA National Model, 2012).
2.Create a mission statement that includes a list of philosophical guiding principles
demonstrating critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making, and the
interpersonal relations with stakeholders. Create and attach a school counseling
brochure that illustrates your mission statement and school counseling services.
Lake Placid Elementary School Counseling Mission Statement in the Lake Placid
School District provides and supports all students’ intellectual, social, and personal
development. Partnering with students, school counseling services provide opportunities
to develop skills in areas of social-emotional growth, problem solving, and organization.
3.Identify the three interrelated developmental domains (academic development,
career development and social/emotional development) of a comprehensive school
counseling program and the domains’ purpose in establishing program and
curriculum goals.
Comprehensive school counseling program consist of three interrelated
developmental domains which are, academic, career, and personal/social. The focus of
the academic domain’s is to make sure students acquire the highest achievement ranking
regarding academic grades and preventively do not cause a gap in academic
achievement. The focus of the career domain is development of skills such as decisionmaking and making good choices regarding problem-solving. Furthermore, the career
domain involves support and guidance regarding future career options. Exposure to
varying career choices could be very productive by the student to attended job fairs,
career shadowing, internships, and networking. Finally, the personal/social domain
includes developmental of skills necessary for emotional competence. Varying skills
include working on students’ ability to make good choices and navigate conflict
4.. Describe the relationship between the School Counselor Professional Standards
& school counseling program that aligns with the ASCA National Model.
COSC 661
Professional school counselors must have the expertise, attitudes, and skills to
coordinate, develop, execute, and review the comprehensive, results-based,
developmental school counseling program to warrant it follows the ASCA National
Model (American School Counselor Association, 2012).
5. Summarize how the mission statement, philosophical principles, developmental
domains, and the national standards and competencies form a foundation that
identifies “what” every student should know and be able to do because of
participation in a comprehensive school counseling program.
The school counseling Mission statement is a key component of a comprehensive
school counseling program. The Mission statement establishes initial direction
and focus regarding the essential requirements of the students in the school. The
philosophical principles and developmental domains are employed to develop
relevant program services that adequately provide the needs of all students.
Furthermore, this application will assist the student in successfully achieving
academic goals, career aspirations, social development, and personal outcomes.
Component #2: Manage
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the annual administrative agreement by a)
identifying components of the agreement, b) listing steps for creating an annual
agreement, and c) identifying ASCA-recommended time distribution for the
delivery of direct and indirect services.
Identing components of the agreement:
The ASCA Annual Agreement model has the following components:
Counselors’ name and school year
The school counseling program mission statement
School counseling program goals
Use of time plan for direct and indirect services
Advisory council information including dates of the meetings
List of planning and results documents
List of any planned professional development
Caseload and school counselors’ responsibilities chart showing how large
the caseload is, and the responsibilities that the counselor will be performing
that school year
COSC 661
Chart of professional collaboration responsibilities indicating which
groups the counselor will be collaborating with, how often they will meet
and who the designator coordinator is of the group.
Annual budget information including material and supplies.
The times that the office is open, and the counselors’ hours.
The roles and responsibilities of other staff and volunteers within the
Counseling department.
Signature lines for the counselor and principal.
b. Listing steps for creating an annual agreement:
The step for creating an annual agreement are as follows:
Devise the mission statement of the counseling program (if being changed)
based upon the school’s mission statement and the district’s mission statement
Analyze the school data to determine goals for the upcoming school year.
Coordinate with the counseling office’s hours and availability.
Meet with collaboration groups to decide on meeting dates and coordinator
Determine the roles of responsibilities of the other counseling staff including
caseload assignments.
Develop a plan for the use of time for direct and indirect services to the
Obtain the dates for the advisory council meetings and include them on the
Decide upon professional development attendance and obtain dates,
information, and costs for these.
Prepare budget information for materials and supplies need for the upcoming
school year.
Meet with the principal, go over the agreement and obtain signatures prior to
the beginning of the school year.
c. Identifying ASCA-recommended time distribution for the delivery of direct and
indirect services. The ASCA National Model recommends that 80 percent or more of the
counselor’s time should be spent in direct student services.
COSC 661
2. Describe the purpose and functions of an advisory council and identify who
would invite to be members of the committee and why.
Possible invitees to serve on the advisory committee would include students,
parents/guardians, educators, businesses, and community organizations. The ASCA
recommends a minimum of eight members to a maximum of 20. The purpose of an advisory
council is to “review and advise on the implementation of the school counseling program”
(ASCA National Model, 2012).
3.Describe how data and technology is integrated in a comprehensive school counseling
program. Your paragraph description should include the following needs identification,
achievement outcomes, counseling outcomes and progress, closing achievement gaps,
demonstrating overall program.
A foundational component of the school counseling program is data. Data
information is necessary to formulate goals of the school counseling program. This is an
essential aspect of the identification procedure. Achievement outcomes are realized when
data is reviewed and analyzed. Additionally, data assist in establishing goals to lesson
achievement gaps. Data is also utilized to monitor school counseling program effectiveness
moving forward.
4.Describe both “action plans” and “closing-the-gap action plans”:
Action plans provide vital documentation of the activities and impact of a
comprehensive school counseling program. Additionally, action plans help in the
development and management of important school counselor interventions. Action plans are
implemented in various areas such as, school counseling curriculum, closing-the-gap
activities, and small groups.
Small group action plan entails: designated counselor, ASCA Domain, Standard and
Student Competency, outline of group sessions to be delivered, resources needed,
projected number of students affected, type of surveys (perception data), and projected
start and end date.
Curriculum action plans are activities and lessons associated to goals. Key components of
the curriculum action plan entails grade level, lesson topic, ASCA Domain, Standard and
Competency, materials and curriculum lists, projected start and end dates, projected
COSC 661
number of students affected types of surveys or assessments to be utilized (perception
data), attendance, achievement and student behavior data and contact person.
Closing-the -gap action plan contains: ASCA Domain, designated counselor, Standard
and Student Competency, type of activities to be delivered and in what matter, resources
needed, projected number of students affected (process data), type of surveys (perception
data), achievement, attendance, and behavior data to be collected (outcome data), and
projected start and end dates.
5.Discuss the purpose of an annual, monthly, and weekly school counselor calendar and
attach a sample of a one-month (any month) calendar depicting the role and functions
of the school counselor.
A proactive professional school counselor will plan annually prior to the start of the
academic school year. School counselor will take into consideration all school scheduled
days closed throughout the school year and added this into school counseling calendar. All
school counseling services should be noted on calendar monthly and weekly including days
of the week along with times noted. Weekly plans include classroom counseling lessons
(Individual and group). School counseling calendars should be accessible to school staff,
administration, student, and parents. School counselors can provide school counseling
schedules by brochures, posting, and student/parent school handbook and school website
under school counseling webpage.
Component #3: Deliver
1. Describe and attach five examples of school counseling core curriculum in the form
of a classroom guidance lesson using the following topics (bullying, communication,
leadership, emotional regulation, friendship, career discovery, career exploration,
study tips, etc.). Discuss whether classroom guidance lessons are considered a direct
or indirect student service and whether classroom guidance lessons are considered
preventative or responsive in nature.
Note I have attached my k-12 classroom lesson plan. Lesson is topic is ‘Making
Good Choices’. My classroom lesson ‘Making Good Choices’ is a direct student
service due to this lesson is offered directly to students. Additionally, this lesson
is considered preventive in nature due to it will be presented initially in the start
of the new school year. Regarding the individual needs of the student by placing
students in multiple groups with other peers’ collaborative discussion. The
COSC 661
delivery system includes school counselor and students participatory modeling,
reading aloud class involved, discussion among peer to peer and lesson
2. Identify developmentally appropriate, culturally sensitive classroom/group
behavioral management strategies used in the implementation of the school
counseling core curriculum that are motivational and maximize learning for a
diverse student body.
Strategies for classroom/group behavioral management include developmentary
appropriate expectations to ensure achievement of classroom lesson. Student
participation expectations are explained and discussed with students at the time of
the initial lesson both written and verbally presented. Student spacing is important
and fluid based on lesson tasks. Time management is very important it is always
good management to build in a 10-minute window of time for the unpredictable.
Additionally, be mindful of the diversity of your students present in each class
and support as needed.
3. Describe and attach an example of an individual counseling session outline. Discuss
whether individual counseling is considered a direct or indirect student service and
whether individual counseling is considered preventative or responsive in nature.
Demonstrate your understanding of the importance of personal integrity and
sensitivity to human needs in the delivery of individual counseling services.
Note! Example of Individual Counseling Session Outline is Attached.
Planning lessons are considered indirect hours due to the nature of task is
considered time spent on management of school counseling services for student.
Furthermore, student lesson planning is responsive in nature due to students
learning needs and preferences regarding planning with end in mind.
4. Describe an example of individual student planning. Discuss individual student
planning is considered a direct or indirect student service and whether individual
student planning is preventative or responsive in nature.
This following example of individual student planning is specific to 9th-12th grade.
First steps of individual student lesson planning is goal setting in various specific
areas, such as, academic goal setting and postsecondary plans. Student goal setting
initially should be in collaboration with student and counselor discussions requires
COSC 661
direct services. Once established formatting student plan goals can be continued as an
indirect service potentially. Reviewing student grades and developing counseling
interventions should be an ongoing discussion with collaboration with student assist
them in making informed decisions regarding their current and future aspirations.
Discussions planning student’s areas of improvements as needed this is both
preventative and proactive in nature.
5. Describe and attach an example of collaboration by way of a parent/teacher
workshop. Discuss whether a parent/teacher workshop is considered a direct or
indirect student service. Demonstrate your understanding of the need for reflective
practices in determining the need for consultation, collaboration, and referrals.
Draft and attach a generic letter to 1) parents, 2) teachers, and 3) community
organizers for collaborative partnerships.
My understanding of the need for reflective practices regarding consultation,
collaboration, and referral is that reflective practice permits school counselor to
provide school counseling services to the highest standards. Collaboration and
transparency with other helping professionals assist that counselor don’t waste
efforts and time on methods that are not efficacious and repeat methods that do
work in the best interest of the student.
Parent/ Teacher workshop and example letters to the above mentioned are
indirect counseling services because they are not a face -to-face intervention with
Note attached is Parent/teacher Workshop Agenda
Note attached is Generic Letters:
6. Describe small group counseling and attach five group lessons targeting the
following themes: gender specific (a group only for girls or boys), culturally specific
(a group for a specific culture (i.e., Asian culture, Black culture, Hispanic or
Mexican culture, LGBTQ+), and a career discovery. Discuss whether group
counseling is considered a direct or indirect student service and whether group
counseling is preventative or responsive in nature.
Small school group counseling sessions focus on areas of topic regarding students
academic, social/emotional and career development. The foundational component
of small group counseling is to help and support students by enhancing
development of awareness regarding student’s interpersonal skills and further
their development of strategies to achieve best outcomes that positively affect
COSC 661
their goals. Small group counseling is considered direct service due to face -toface implementation of intervention involving participation of student(s).
Note see attached small group lesson attached.
7. Discuss when and why a school counselor might make a referral to an outside
agency/community resource.
There are various reasons for a school counselor to refer a student to an outside
agency/community resource. Be assessed that referral outside school counseling is
always for the betterment of the student. Referrals do not always mean
termination of school counseling services it can also mean a collaborative effort
of services with other helping services in combination. Referrals also can mean
additional services the school counseling program currently does not offer due to
availability limitations of specialized professional specific therapist. Additionally,
other reasons for referral student require more in depth and complex counseling
than a school counselor can offer in school setting. Therefore, school counselor
may identify the student’s mental health status needs extensive evaluation and
Component #4: Assess
1. Describe the purpose of “Classroom and Group Mindsets & Behaviors Results
Report” and identify essential elements of a results report. Create or attach a
sample result report that you may have created in any of your courses as a sample
to illustrate your understanding
The purpose of the “Classroom and Group Mindsets & Behaviors Results Report”
is used to assist in organizing and report results of school counseling classroom
lessons and small group intervention activities. Additionally, report is to function
regarding to inform school counseling program improvement. Essential elements
of the results report are as follows; Grade level, lesson topic, ASCA Mindsets and
behaviors, ASCA Domain, Standards, and Competency, Process Data (# of
students affected), Perception Data, Outcome Data, Implications and Curriculum
Note School counseling classroom results report attached.
COSC 661
2. Describe the difference between participation data, mindsets & behaviors data, and
outcome data. Describe in detail a process for assessing the effectiveness of a
comprehensive school counseling program using participation data, mindsets &
behaviors data, and outcome data.
The difference between difference between participation data, mindset &
behaviors data and outcome data is they each have a specific role to play.
Participation data ASCA role is to identify expected number of students who will
participate and planned length of school counseling lesson. Job of the mindsets &
behaviors data promote mindsets and behaviors that enhance the learning process
of student. Therefore, the student establishes readiness to pursue future college
and or career aspirations. Outcome data is utilized for assessing changes to data
upon completion of intervention. The results serve as a reliable support in student
achievement or impact regarding the duration of intervention. All specific in
nature but, collaboratively enhances school counseling directional productivity.
3. Discuss the importance of the “School Counselor Performance Appraisal” in
relation to the two major functions of a school counseling program: A) Professional
Beliefs and B) Professional Responsibilities.
The primary importance of “School Counselor Performance Appraisal” is to
ensure school counselor’s effectiveness on student achievement. A school
counselors’ primary responsibility is to assist students by providing socialemotional support, academic achievement and reach their highest potential toward
career aspirations that are realist and obtainable. School counselor’s professional
beliefs are based on the highest moral and ethical standards to enhance all
student’s development.
4. Discuss the role of accountability in identifying “how students are different because
of participation in a comprehensive school counseling program”.
When students participate and experience exposure to an effective comprehensive
school counseling program it will make impactful positive changes regarding
students’ ability to thrive and achieve their goal. Increase accountability is a very
important element that school counselors are called on to perform regards to
evaluating counseling programs and interventions on a consistent basis.
Therefore, students will benefit from a high-quality comprehensive school
COSC 661
counseling programs efforts and supports. Effective comprehensive counseling
offers benefits to the student such as building self-confidence, become effective
learners and develop interpersonal social skills. School comprehensive school
counseling programs tend to be proactive and preventative by nature which is an
important plus for students and parents.
American Counseling Association. (2014). ACA Code of Ethics, Alexandria, VA:
American School Counselor Associations, n.d. Web. 24 April 2014BENCHMARK COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM TEMPLATE*
Please type directly in this template to structure your Benchmark Comprehensive School
Counseling Program Assignment, retaining all original language and headings. Students may
use assignments completed in the course or other Liberty School Counseling courses to satisfy
relative components of the benchmark assignment.
1. When creating the program, each component must mirror the headings of the template
since each heading is a separate section of the template.
2. The only files that should be attached when uploading your assignment are required or
desired supplemental forms such as those noted in some components of the template
(e.g., action plans, results reports, guidance curriculum lessons, assessments, generic
community or staff letters, etc.). Attachments do not take the place of fully responding to
the template items—attachments are for supplementing or exemplifying template
components only.
3. Please keep the exact, descriptive language in the template as part of your headings. Use
single spacing in the template with double spaces between paragraphs. APA style is only
required for citations and references. You may use lists and bullets, but should NOT use
tables, figures, or pictures—only use text under each heading.
4. Under each heading and question in the template, you will fully respond to the questions,
in addition to responding to the components’ requirements in the template. Please mirror
the headings of the template as well as each numbered item of the template.
Component #1: Define
1. Describe how these four integral components: leadership, advocacy, collaboration,
and systemic change are incorporated into the professional functioning of a school
counselor and the framework of the ASCA National Model.
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model specifies
varying themes a professional school counselor can demonstrate leadership such as,
human resource leadership, symbolic leadership, political leadership, and structural
Structural school counseling leadership tend to be analytical when formatting
school counseling interventions. School counselors utilize data to analyze efficacy of
school counseling services including service assessments, service outcomes and
organizational needs. When designing foundational school counseling service, the
counselor must also be mindful that services promote student learning.
COSC 661
Human resource leadership focus in school counseling program is to be
supportive and advocate for all students. This includes school counselors inspiring the
student that they have the skills and ability to achieve their goals. Therefore, motivating
the student to participate moving forward toward their current and future goals.
Efficacious leadership entails the focus on the ability of the school counselor to provide
continued supportive guidance and relevant instruction. Additionally, transparency is a
key component of the school counseling program when partnering with student, parents,
colleagues, and community regarding goals and plans to accomplish mission statement
for school counseling program services.
Symbolic leadership the responsibility role of the school counselor includes
consistent counseling program evaluation, review data regarding school counseling
program for efficacy, and role modeling. The role of the school counselor in respect to
symbolic leadership is to be mindful of the ASCA Ethical Standards are adequately
represented within the school counseling program.
Political leadership theme includes the insurance of a successful school
counseling program by establishing an advisory council. School advisory council
assist in supporting student accomplishment and provide student the opportunity
to acquire quality academic experiences. Collaboration with school counselor,
school professional staff, community businesses/organizations and parents.
A vital responsibility as a professional school counselor is an advocate for all
students whom they serve. School counselors assist students by encouraging
student achievement, and advocate in the best interest of the student regarding
their individual aspirations. School counselors provide services to students both
indirect and direct as needed to ensure success.
The professional school counselor collaborates routinely with partners from within the
school environment and local community organizations. School counselors need to
realize they cannot alone provide efficacious student and school outcomes without
partners. One of the key responsibilities of a school counselor is to establish and maintain
a variety of productive partners.
Systemic Change:
Professional school counselors consistently use and analyze data to advance a
COSC 661
systematic change regarding school counseling program. The school counselor
focuses on this context to bring to light systemic barriers that impede students’
achievement. Additionally, school counselor can make improvements within the
school counseling program such as varies achievement gaps. Achievement gaps
may present themselves as negative student behaviors, student truancy and low
graduation rates. Furthermore, systemic change “occurs when inequitable
policies, procedures, and attitudes are changed” (ASCA National Model, 2012).
2.Create a mission statement that includes a list of philosophical guiding principles
demonstrating critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making, and the
interpersonal relations with stakeholders. Create and attach a school counseling
brochure that illustrates your mission statement and school counseling services.
Lake Placid Elementary School Counseling Mission Statement in the Lake Placid
School District provides and supports all students’ intellectual, social, and personal
development. Partnering with students, school counseling services provide opportunities
to develop skills in areas of social-emotional growth, problem solving, and organization.
3.Identify the three interrelated developmental domains (academic development,
career development and social/emotional development) of a comprehensive school
counseling program and the domains’ purpose in establishing program and
curriculum goals.
Comprehensive school counseling program consist of three interrelated
developmental domains which are, academic, career, and personal/social. The focus of
the academic domain’s is to make sure students acquire the highest achievement ranking
regarding academic grades and preventively do not cause a gap in academic
achievement. The focus of the career domain is development of skills such as decisionmaking and making good choices regarding problem-solving. Furthermore, the career
domain involves support and guidance regarding future career options. Exposure to
varying career choices could be very productive by the student to attended job fairs,
career shadowing, internships, and networking. Finally, the personal/social domain
includes developmental of skills necessary for emotional competence. Varying skills
include working on students’ ability to make good choices and navigate conflict
4.. Describe the relationship between the School Counselor Professional Standards
& school counseling program that aligns with the ASCA National Model.
COSC 661
Professional school counselors must have the expertise, attitudes, and skills to
coordinate, develop, execute, and review the comprehensive, results-based,
developmental school counseling program to warrant it follows the ASCA National
Model (American School Counselor Association, 2012).
5. Summarize how the mission statement, philosophical principles, developmental
domains, and the national standards and competencies form a foundation that
identifies “what” every student should know and be able to do because of
participation in a comprehensive school counseling program.
The school counseling Mission statement is a key component of a comprehensive
school counseling program. The Mission statement establishes initial direction
and focus regarding the essential requirements of the students in the school. The
philosophical principles and developmental domains are employed to develop
relevant program services that adequately provide the needs of all students.
Furthermore, this application will assist the student in successfully achieving
academic goals, career aspirations, social development, and personal outcomes.
Component #2: Manage
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the annual administrative agreement by a)
identifying components of the agreement, b) listing steps for creating an annual
agreement, and c) identifying ASCA-recommended time distribution for the
delivery of direct and indirect services.
Identing components of the agreement:
The ASCA Annual Agreement model has the following components:
Counselors’ name and school year
The school counseling program mission statement
School counseling program goals
Use of time plan for direct and indirect services
Advisory council information including dates of the meetings
List of planning and results documents
List of any planned professional development
Caseload and school counselors’ responsibilities chart showing how large
the caseload is, and the responsibilities that the counselor will be performing
that school year
COSC 661
Chart of professional collaboration responsibilities indicating which
groups the counselor will be collaborating with, how often they will meet
and who the designator coordinator is of the group.
Annual budget information including material and supplies.
The times that the office is open, and the counselors’ hours.
The roles and responsibilities of other staff and volunteers within the
Counseling department.
Signature lines for the counselor and principal.
b. Listing steps for creating an annual agreement:
The step for creating an annual agreement are as follows:
Devise the mission statement of the counseling program (if being changed)
based upon the school’s mission statement and the district’s mission statement
Analyze the school data to determine goals for the upcoming school year.
Coordinate with the counseling office’s hours and availability.
Meet with collaboration groups to decide on meeting dates and coordinator
Determine the roles of responsibilities of the other counseling staff including
caseload assignments.
Develop a plan for the use of time for direct and indirect services to the
Obtain the dates for the advisory council meetings and include them on the
Decide upon professional development attendance and obtain dates,
information, and costs for these.
Prepare budget information for materials and supplies need for the upcoming
school year.
Meet with the principal, go over the agreement and obtain signatures prior to
the beginning of the school year.
c. Identifying ASCA-recommended time distribution for the delivery of direct and
indirect services. The ASCA National Model recommends that 80 percent or more of the
counselor’s time should be spent in direct student services.
COSC 661
2. Describe the purpose and functions of an advisory council and identify who
would invite to be members of the committee and why.
Possible invitees to serve on the advisory committee would include students,
parents/guardians, educators, businesses, and community organizations. The ASCA
recommends a minimum of eight members to a maximum of 20. The purpose of an advisory
council is to “review and advise on the implementation of the school counseling program”
(ASCA National Model, 2012).
3.Describe how data and technology is integrated in a comprehensive school counseling
program. Your paragraph description should include the following needs identification,
achievement outcomes, counseling outcomes and progress, closing achievement gaps,
demonstrating overall program.
A foundational component of the school counseling program is data. Data
information is necessary to formulate goals of the school counseling program. This is an
essential aspect of the identification procedure. Achievement outcomes are realized when
data is reviewed and analyzed. Additionally, data assist in establishing goals to lesson
achievement gaps. Data is also utilized to monitor school counseling program effectiveness
moving forward.
4.Describe both “action plans” and “closing-the-gap action plans”:
Action plans provide vital documentation of the activities and impact of a
comprehensive school counseling program. Additionally, action plans help in the
development and management of important school counselor interventions. Action plans are
implemented in various areas such as, school counseling curriculum, closing-the-gap
activities, and small groups.
Small group action plan entails: designated counselor, ASCA Domain, Standard and
Student Competency, outline of group sessions to be delivered, resources needed,
projected number of students affected, type of surveys (perception data), and projected
start and end date.
Curriculum action plans are activities and lessons associated to goals. Key components of
the curriculum action plan entails grade level, lesson topic, ASCA Domain, Standard and
Competency, materials and curriculum lists, projected start and end dates, projected
COSC 661
number of students affected types of surveys or assessments to be utilized (perception
data), attendance, achievement and student behavior data and contact person.
Closing-the -gap action plan contains: ASCA Domain, designated counselor, Standard
and Student Competency, type of activities to be delivered and in what matter, resources
needed, projected number of students affected (process data), type of surveys (perception
data), achievement, attendance, and behavior data to be collected (outcome data), and
projected start and end dates.
5.Discuss the purpose of an annual, monthly, and weekly school counselor calendar and
attach a sample of a one-month (any month) calendar depicting the role and functions
of the school counselor.
A proactive professional school counselor will plan annually prior to the start of the
academic school year. School counselor will take into consideration all school scheduled
days closed throughout the school year and added this into school counseling calendar. All
school counseling services should be noted on calendar monthly and weekly including days
of the week along with times noted. Weekly plans include classroom counseling lessons
(Individual and group). School counseling calendars should be accessible to school staff,
administration, student, and parents. School counselors can provide school counseling
schedules by brochures, posting, and student/parent school handbook and school website
under school counseling webpage.
Component #3: Deliver
1. Describe and attach five examples of school counseling core curriculum in the form
of a classroom guidance lesson using the following topics (bullying, communication,
leadership, emotional regulation, friendship, career discovery, career exploration,
study tips, etc.). Discuss whether classroom guidance lessons are considered a direct
or indirect student service and whether classroom guidance lessons are considered
preventative or responsive in nature.
Note I have attached my k-12 classroom lesson plan. Lesson is topic is ‘Making
Good Choices’. My classroom lesson ‘Making Good Choices’ is a direct student
service due to this lesson is offered directly to students. Additionally, this lesson
is considered preventive in nature due to it will be presented initially in the start
of the new school year. Regarding the individual needs of the student by placing
students in multiple groups with other peers’ collaborative discussion. The
COSC 661
delivery system includes school counselor and students participatory modeling,
reading aloud class involved, discussion among peer to peer and lesson
2. Identify developmentally appropriate, culturally sensitive classroom/group
behavioral management strategies used in the implementation of the school
counseling core curriculum that are motivational and maximize learning for a
diverse student body.
Strategies for classroom/group behavioral management include developmentary
appropriate expectations to ensure achievement of classroom lesson. Student
participation expectations are explained and discussed with students at the time of
the initial lesson both written and verbally presented. Student spacing is important
and fluid based on lesson tasks. Time management is very important it is always
good management to build in a 10-minute window of time for the unpredictable.
Additionally, be mindful of the diversity of your students present in each class
and support as needed.
3. Describe and attach an example of an individual counseling session outline. Discuss
whether individual counseling is considered a direct or indirect student service and
whether individual counseling is considered preventative or responsive in nature.
Demonstrate your understanding of the importance of personal integrity and
sensitivity to human needs in the delivery of individual counseling services.
Note! Example of Individual Counseling Session Outline is Attached.
Planning lessons are considered indirect hours due to the nature of task is
considered time spent on management of school counseling services for student.
Furthermore, student lesson planning is responsive in nature due to students
learning needs and preferences regarding planning with end in mind.
4. Describe an example of individual student planning. Discuss individual student
planning is considered a direct or indirect student service and whether individual
student planning is preventative or responsive in nature.
This following example of individual student planning is specific to 9th-12th grade.
First steps of individual student lesson planning is goal setting in various specific
areas, such as, academic goal setting and postsecondary plans. Student goal setting
initially should be in collaboration with student and counselor discussions requires
COSC 661
direct services. Once established formatting student plan goals can be continued as an
indirect service potentially. Reviewing student grades and developing counseling
interventions should be an ongoing discussion with collaboration with student assist
them in making informed decisions regarding their current and future aspirations.
Discussions planning student’s areas of improvements as needed this is both
preventative and proactive in nature.
5. Describe and attach an example of collaboration by way of a parent/teacher
workshop. Discuss whether a parent/teacher workshop is considered a direct or
indirect student service. Demonstrate your understanding of the need for reflective
practices in determining the need for consultation, collaboration, and referrals.
Draft and attach a generic letter to 1) parents, 2) teachers, and 3) community
organizers for collaborative partnerships.
My understanding of the need for reflective practices regarding consultation,
collaboration, and referral is that reflective practice permits school counselor to
provide school counseling services to the highest standards. Collaboration and
transparency with other helping professionals assist that counselor don’t waste
efforts and time on methods that are not efficacious and repeat methods that do
work in the best interest of the student.
Parent/ Teacher workshop and example letters to the above mentioned are
indirect counseling services because they are not a face -to-face intervention with
Note attached is Parent/teacher Workshop Agenda
Note attached is Generic Letters:
6. Describe small group counseling and attach five group lessons targeting the
following themes: gender specific (a group only for girls or boys), culturally specific
(a group for a specific culture (i.e., Asian culture, Black culture, Hispanic or
Mexican culture, LGBTQ+), and a career discovery. Discuss whether group
counseling is considered a direct or indirect student service and whether group
counseling is preventative or responsive in nature.
Small school group counseling sessions focus on areas of topic regarding students
academic, social/emotional and career development. The foundational component
of small group counseling is to help and support students by enhancing
development of awareness regarding student’s interpersonal skills and further
their development of strategies to achieve best outcomes that positively affect
COSC 661
their goals. Small group counseling is considered direct service due to face -toface implementation of intervention involving participation of student(s).
Note see attached small group lesson attached.
7. Discuss when and why a school counselor might make a referral to an outside
agency/community resource.
There are various reasons for a school counselor to refer a student to an outside
agency/community resource. Be assessed that referral outside school counseling is
always for the betterment of the student. Referrals do not always mean
termination of school counseling services it can also mean a collaborative effort
of services with other helping services in combination. Referrals also can mean
additional services the school counseling program currently does not offer due to
availability limitations of specialized professional specific therapist. Additionally,
other reasons for referral student require more in depth and complex counseling
than a school counselor can offer in school setting. Therefore, school counselor
may identify the student’s mental health status needs extensive evaluation and
Component #4: Assess
1. Describe the purpose of “Classroom and Group Mindsets & Behaviors Results
Report” and identify essential elements of a results report. Create or attach a
sample result report that you may have created in any of your courses as a sample
to illustrate your understanding
The purpose of the “Classroom and Group Mindsets & Behaviors Results Report”
is used to assist in organizing and report results of school counseling classroom
lessons and small group intervention activities. Additionally, report is to function
regarding to inform school counseling program improvement. Essential elements
of the results report are as follows; Grade level, lesson topic, ASCA Mindsets and
behaviors, ASCA Domain, Standards, and Competency, Process Data (# of
students affected), Perception Data, Outcome Data, Implications and Curriculum
Note School counseling classroom results report attached.
COSC 661
2. Describe the difference between participation data, mindsets & behaviors data, and
outcome data. Describe in detail a process for assessing the effectiveness of a
comprehensive school counseling program using participation data, mindsets &
behaviors data, and outcome data.
The difference between difference between participation data, mindset &
behaviors data and outcome data is they each have a specific role to play.
Participation data ASCA role is to identify expected number of students who will
participate and planned length of school counseling lesson. Job of the mindsets &
behaviors data promote mindsets and behaviors that enhance the learning process
of student. Therefore, the student establishes readiness to pursue future college
and or career aspirations. Outcome data is utilized for assessing changes to data
upon completion of intervention. The results serve as a reliable support in student
achievement or impact regarding the duration of intervention. All specific in
nature but, collaboratively enhances school counseling directional productivity.
3. Discuss the importance of the “School Counselor Performance Appraisal” in
relation to the two major functions of a school counseling program: A) Professional
Beliefs and B) Professional Responsibilities.
The primary importance of “School Counselor Performance Appraisal” is to
ensure school counselor’s effectiveness on student achievement. A school
counselors’ primary responsibility is to assist students by providing socialemotional support, academic achievement and reach their highest potential toward
career aspirations that are realist and obtainable. School counselor’s professional
beliefs are based on the highest moral and ethical standards to enhance all
student’s development.
4. Discuss the role of accountability in identifying “how students are different because
of participation in a comprehensive school counseling program”.
When students participate and experience exposure to an effective comprehensive
school counseling program it will make impactful positive changes regarding
students’ ability to thrive and achieve their goal. Increase accountability is a very
important element that school counselors are called on to perform regards to
evaluating counseling programs and interventions on a consistent basis.
Therefore, students will benefit from a high-quality comprehensive school
COSC 661
counseling programs efforts and supports. Effective comprehensive counseling
offers benefits to the student such as building self-confidence, become effective
learners and develop interpersonal social skills. School comprehensive school
counseling programs tend to be proactive and preventative by nature which is an
important plus for students and parents.
American Counseling Association. (2014). ACA Code of Ethics, Alexandria, VA:
American School Counselor Associations, n.d. Web. 24 April 2014BENCHMARK COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM TEMPLATE*
Please type directly in this template to structure your Benchmark Comprehensive School
Counseling Program Assignment, retaining all original language and headings. Students may
use assignments completed in the course or other Liberty School Counseling courses to satisfy
relative components of the benchmark assignment.
1. When creating the program, each component must mirror the headings of the template
since each heading is a separate section of the template.
2. The only files that should be attached when uploading your assignment are required or
desired supplemental forms such as those noted in some components of the template
(e.g., action plans, results reports, guidance curriculum lessons, assessments, generic
community or staff letters, etc.). Attachments do not take the place of fully responding to
the template items—attachments are for supplementing or exemplifying template
components only.
3. Please keep the exact, descriptive language in the template as part of your headings. Use
single spacing in the template with double spaces between paragraphs. APA style is only
required for citations and references. You may use lists and bullets, but should NOT use
tables, figures, or pictures—only use text under each heading.
4. Under each heading and question in the template, you will fully respond to the questions,
in addition to responding to the components’ requirements in the template. Please mirror
the headings of the template as well as each numbered item of the template.
Component #1: Define
1. Describe how these four integral components: leadership, advocacy, collaboration,
and systemic change are incorporated into the professional functioning of a school
counselor and the framework of the ASCA National Model.
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model specifies
varying themes a professional school counselor can demonstrate leadership such as,
human resource leadership, symbolic leadership, political leadership, and structural
Structural school counseling leadership tend to be analytical when formatting
school counseling interventions. School counselors utilize data to analyze efficacy of
school counseling services including service assessments, service outcomes and
organizational needs. When designing foundational school counseling service, the
counselor must also be mindful that services promote student learning.
COSC 661
Human resource leadership focus in school counseling program is to be
supportive and advocate for all students. This includes school counselors inspiring the
student that they have the skills and ability to achieve their goals. Therefore, motivating
the student to participate moving forward toward their current and future goals.
Efficacious leadership entails the focus on the ability of the school counselor to provide
continued supportive guidance and relevant instruction. Additionally, transparency is a
key component of the school counseling program when partnering with student, parents,
colleagues, and community regarding goals and plans to accomplish mission statement
for school counseling program services.
Symbolic leadership the responsibility role of the school counselor includes
consistent counseling program evaluation, review data regarding school counseling
program for efficacy, and role modeling. The role of the school counselor in respect to
symbolic leadership is to be mindful of the ASCA Ethical Standards are adequately
represented within the school counseling program.
Political leadership theme includes the insurance of a successful school
counseling program by establishing an advisory council. School advisory council
assist in supporting student accomplishment and provide student the opportunity
to acquire quality academic experiences. Collaboration with school counselor,
school professional staff, community businesses/organizations and parents.
A vital responsibility as a professional school counselor is an advocate for all
students whom they serve. School counselors assist students by encouraging
student achievement, and advocate in the best interest of the st