Patrice Robinson
Health Services Administrator
Bryant and Stratton College
Jacksonville, FL
Completed Sept 2009-May 2010
Virginia Beach, Va
Dec 2013-April-2024
Melfa, Va
Completed May 2020
Virginia Beach, VA
Jan. 2022- present
Course Outcomes:
Enhance employment documents and complete steps to secure an internship assignment and/or employment opportunity.
Refine and tag ePortfolio assessments for the MyCred professional portfolio.
Articulate the knowledge, skills, and behaviors connected to Program Outcomes to demonstrate workplace readiness.
Synthesize and apply career development theories and ethics to shape employment goals and plans.
Evaluate interview feedback to adjust your portfolio contents and/or presentation outline.
Institutional Outcomes:
Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats.
Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
Thinking Abilities - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
Community and Career - Participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.