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Frank F. Martinez

Criminal Justices Studies Associates

Bryant & Stratton College


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Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies
On this assignment I demostrate the knowldege on understadning mathematics strategies. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies
Here is my assignment to demostrate that I understood how to develop essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies
Here is my assignment to demostrate that I understood how to develop essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies
Here is my assignment to demostrate that I understood how to develop essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies
Here is my assignment to demostrate that I understood how to develop essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies
Here is my assignment to demostrate that I understood how to develop essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies
On this assignment I showed knowledge on evaluating substantive and criminal procedural law. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies ASS
Here is my assignment that demostrates my knowledge on recognizing safety and secuirty issues such as threats awareness, safety procedures, and the basic equipment used to secure suspects or prisoners. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies ASS
Here is my assignments that demostrate my knwoldge on demostrating essential communications skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies ASS
Here is my assignments that demostrate my knwoldge on demostrating essential communications skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies ASS
Here is my assignments that demostrate my knwoldge on demostrating essential communications skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies ASS
Here is my assignments that demostrate my knwoldge on demostrating essential communications skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies ASS
Here is my assignments that demostrate my knwoldge on demostrating essential communications skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies ASS
Here is my assignments that demostrate my knwoldge on demostrating essential communications skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies ASS
Here is my assignments that demostrate my knwoldge on demostrating essential communications skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies ASS
Here is my assignments that demostrate my knwoldge on demostrating essential communications skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies ASS
Here is my assignments that demostrate my knwoldge on demostrating essential communications skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Associates Studies
Here is my assignment to demostrate my understanding of employing strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Associates Studies
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowledge on distinguish job functions and responsibilities of both public and private agencies serving the justice sectors. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignement to demostrate my knowledge throughout this project. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowledge on folllowing established methids of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowledge on folllowing established methids of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowledge on rationale for MyCred Exhibits. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowledge on intership preparation View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowldge on employing strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning process for continual improvement. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Crminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowledge on transfering knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowledge on utilizing appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowledge on identifying and addressing safety and security issues. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowldge on understanding of the various theories that explain criminal behaviors and programs designed to address them. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowldge on understanding of the various theories that explain criminal behaviors and programs designed to address them. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowledge on developing essential communication skills to interact with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowledge on developing essential communication skills to interact with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowledge on preparing and evaluating reports, memos, and other documents to meet the professional standards of the justice system or private security field. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment to demostrate my knowledge on preparing and evaluating reports, memos, and other documents to meet the professional standards of the justice system or private security field. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment, which shows my knowledge on institunional outcomes. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
Criminal Justice Studies Associates
Here is my assignment, which shows my knowledge on recognizing safety and security issuess. View

Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
College studies
Braynt & Stratton College 2022- current.
Criminal Justice Studies Associates 
Educational Background: Frank F. Martinez
High School Diploma
Resume & CV: Frank F. Martinez
Cover letter
Here is my cover letter, which prove my knowldge on how to write a professional cover letter.  231020071508_Frank_Martinez_Cover_Letter.docx (.docx) 0.01mb
Resume & CV: Frank F. Martinez
Here is my resume, which shows my knowledge on how to wrtitte a resume.  231020071243_Frank_Martinez_Resume_2_.docx (.docx) 0.01mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Frank F. Martinez
Professional goals
My professional goals are to graduate, and to hopefully further my career by becoming a Police Officer, like I have always want it.