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Jennifer van Dijk

Professional Counselor


I am pursuing licensure as a school counselor and as a professional counselor in the state of Virginia.
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Competency Assessments: Jennifer van Dijk
This artifact is a 5-day use of time calculator. It was created in the Principles course and could be used to advocate for an appropriate school counselor identity. Foundations (.xlsx) 0.07mb
Competency Assessments: Jennifer van Dijk
Counseling Prevention & Intervention
This artifact is my benchmark case conceptualization plan from my first internship. It demonstrates ability to work with an individual student and to promote his academic, career and personal/social development. It also demonstrates an ability to work with students with exceptionalities from diverse cultural backgrounds. Counseling Prevention & Intervention (.docx) 0.05mb
Competency Assessments: Jennifer van Dijk
Diversity & Advocacy
My artifact is an assignment that I completing during my class on multicultural competence in the counseling profession. I had to immerse myself in a culture (and in my case I chose Arabs) and write a paper about my experience. It demonstrates multicultural competence and awareness Diversity & Advocacy (.docx) 0.03mb
Competency Assessments: Jennifer van Dijk

This artifact is representative of the following standards:

Selects appropriate assessment strategies that can be used to evaluate a student’s academic, career, and personal/social development.

Analyzes assessment information in a manner that produces valid inferences when evaluating the needs of individual students and assessing the effectiveness of educational programs.

It is an assignment I completed for my assessment and evaluation course and it critiques an evidence-based test which pertains to assessment and evaluation in counseling. 

Assessment (.docx) 0.03mb
Competency Assessments: Jennifer van Dijk
Research & Evaluation
This artifact is an assignment I did using the ASCA Program Development booklet. It demonstrates a knowledge of how to use pre-/post-data correctly. Research & Evaluation (.docx) 0.02mb
Competency Assessments: Jennifer van Dijk
Academic Development
The artifact in this section is a benchmark career program assignment. It promotes the academic and career success of students.  Academic Development (.pptx) 3.27mb
Competency Assessments: Jennifer van Dijk
Collaboration & Consultation
This artifact is a school counseling brochure and it is something that I worked on in 2 different courses. It can be handed out to families and contains an overview of the school counseling program.  van_Dijk_Brochure_Assignment (.docx) 2.67mb
Competency Assessments: Jennifer van Dijk
I am including a brochure that I created in two different school counselling courses. It contains all relevant information about a school-wide school counseling program for all relevant stakeholders, including parents. van_Dijk_Brochure_Assignment (.docx) 2.67mb
Competency Assessments: Jennifer van Dijk
For Professionalism, I am attaching my final Pre-AIA from my supervisor.  SCRIP-CORE (.html) 0.22mb
Continuing education or professional development is required in many fields, including all healthcare providers, teachers, insurance professionals, financial advisors, accountants, architects, engineers, emergency management professionals, school administrators, attorneys, and more. The continuing education unit (CEU) is described as ten hours of participation in an education program.
Continuing Education (CE, CME, CEU...): Jennifer van Dijk
EMDR Training Continuing Education Credits

EMDR Training Continuing Education Credits (.pdf) 0.18mb
Courses Taken: Jennifer van Dijk
This is the list of all of my courses.  Courses (.pdf) 0.09mb
Exam History: Jennifer van Dijk
Praxis Exam Report
Praxis Report (.pdf) 0.31mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Jennifer van Dijk
Professional Growth Essay
Professional Growth Essay (.docx) 0.01mb
Internships: Jennifer van Dijk
Field Experience Summary
Field Experience Summary (.docx) 0.03mb
Licenses & Certifications: Jennifer van Dijk
ASCA Membership Card
ASCA Membership Card (.pdf) 0.02mb
Licenses & Certifications: Jennifer van Dijk
Behavioral Guidelines: The Use of Seclusion and Restraint Training Certificate
Restraint_Seclusion (.pdf) 0.08mb
Licenses & Certifications: Jennifer van Dijk
Child Abuse and Neglect Recognition and Intervention Training Certificate
Child Abuse and Neglect Recognition and Intervention Training Certificate (.pdf) 0.11mb
Licenses & Certifications: Jennifer van Dijk
Cultural Competency Training Certificate
Cultural Competency Certificate (.png) 1.61mb
Licenses & Certifications: Jennifer van Dijk
Dyslexia Awareness Training Certificate
Dyslexia Awareness Training Certificate (.pdf) 0.10mb
Licenses & Certifications: Jennifer van Dijk
Hands-On CPR/First Aid/AED Training Certificate
FIRST_AID_CARD_2025 (.pdf) 0.17mb
Licenses & Certifications: Jennifer van Dijk
Schools and Grief: Helping Students Cope with Death Training Certificate
Schools and Grief: Helping Students Cope with Death Training Certificate (.pdf) 1.72mb
Licenses & Certifications: Jennifer van Dijk
Supporting Caregivers of Youth with Substance Use Problems Affected by Trauma Training Certificate
Supporting Caregivers of Youth with Substance Use Problems Affected by Trauma Training Certificate (.pdf) 1.72mb
Licenses & Certifications: Jennifer van Dijk
Recognition of Mental Health Disorder and Behavioral Distress Training: Psychological First Aid (PFA) Certificate
Psychological First Aid (PFA) Certificate (.pdf) 1.78mb
Projects: Jennifer van Dijk
Practicum Final Benchmark: Six Session Small Group

Psycho-Educational Small Group Topic: Worry Warriors (Anxiety Management)

Grade Level of Small Group Participants: 3-4

Goal of Small Group: The goal of this group is to help students learn skills to manage their worries.

Benchmark Culminating Project - Practicum (.pptx) 6.36mb
Projects: Jennifer van Dijk
Internship 1 Culminating Project 2: Classroom Guidance Lesson

The goal of this classroom guidance unit is to teach students what bullying is, how to recognize it, and the skills needed to refuse bullying and report it. 

nternship 1 Culminating Project 2: Classroom Guidance Lesson (.pptx) 12.45mb
Projects: Jennifer van Dijk
Internship 2 Culminating Project 3: Small Group Program

Grade Level of Small Group Participants: __6-8__

Goal of Small Group: The goal of this small group is to teach students how to identify, describe, and regulate their emotions.

Topic/Title of Small Group Program: 

Session 1: Layers of Emotions

Session 2: Reaction vs. Response

Session 3: Fight, Flight, or Freeze?

Session 4: Relaxation and Grounding

Session 5: Escape the Trap

Session 6: Ride the Wave

Reflective Journal: Jennifer van Dijk
Worldview Esay
Worldview Essay (.docx) 0.02mb
Resume & CV: Jennifer van Dijk
Resume (.docx) 0.02mb