Danielle Arroyo-Finney
Students: Health And Human Services
Bryant & Stratton
This class that I was taken was design to help me to understand how to Support the assessment of client concerns and available resources to match support services to improve quality of life of the client/customer/patient.
In this class i also was able to do a project in which I had evaluate the treatment process including assessment diagnosing goal setting, treatment interventions medication assisted treatment, levels of care and community support groups.
This class was design to Analyze and apply contemporary knowledge and skill sets to perform diverse administrative responsibilities in human and social services.
On top of that I was able to use some of my knowledge on a profilo project. This portfolio project was designed to recognize, analyze and discuss counselor-client characteristics and the role of paraprofessional in identify current legal and ethical issues in the field of counseling. This project gave a real life scenario and I had to decide how I was going to solve this situation at hand.
I recieved my GED in 2014
Gradute From LaGuardia Community College with a Assiociate degree in Business Administration
Recieved a dipolam in Health and Human Services
My personal goal on a daily bases is never lose hope in myself and alway keep trying. My long term goal is in 10 years is to be established in my career and to be helping children in the future and making sure they are established and safe.
My personal goal on a daily bases is never lose hope in myself and alway keep trying. My long term goal is in 10 years is to be established in my career and to be helping children in the future and making sure they are established and safe.
Some of my goals that I have for the future is getting into my career and helping those need. I want to be the first person in my family to get my bachelors degree so I can be one good Social Worker
Im updated on all my shots
When I was about 3 months old I was taken away from my family and placed in the syste. I was placed with my my older sister who looked after me until 5 when I was adopte. My adopted family was very abusing and it took me until the age of 19 to finally be free of them. From the age 19 to now I have worked super hard to get where Im at. I recieved my GED while also doing culinary school on the side. Once I graduate from both those program. I sign up for college and two year later I recieved my associates in busines administratio. Once graduating I took a little break to figure things and that when I realized what I was really good at and that when I decided to go for my dream. It hasnt been easy on my journey there has been stuggle but each day I keep on trying until i find my right path.

One of the things that Im passionate about Is the fact that I love to help people. That why I decide to to be a social worker. I wanted to be able to be that voices for someone who cant speak for themselves. Some other skills that I have is Im very out going, I'm a hardworker , I catch on fast and I'm very dedicated to my work. I love a challege and I am a born leader.