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Bryce Distler

Car Mechanic

Bryant & Stratton College

I love to clean cars!
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Academic Service: Bryce Distler
Informal Career Plan: SOSC225

Assignments: Bryce Distler
Portfolio assignments
250206043225_Bryce_SOSC_Resume_Blue_Week_4.docx (.docx) 0.05mb
What is a digital badge? A digital badge is an indicator of accomplishment or skill that can be displayed, accessed, and verified online. These badges can be earned in a wide variety of environments, an increasing number of which are online.
Badges: Bryce Distler
Dean's List
250206043733_Dean_s_List_Certificate_Fall_2024.docx (.docx) 2.19mb
Case logs provide a record to show a list of actions taken with a patient, facility of encounter, and date of service.

The entries below are the case logs I've submitted for during my academic career.
Employment History: Bryce Distler
250206043950_SOSC225_Week_4_Resume_for_Critique.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Resume & CV: Bryce Distler
250206044311_Bryce_SOSC_Resume_Blue_Week_4.docx (.docx) 0.05mb