Assignments: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Graduation Ready
Assignments: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Assessment on Ethics
Assignments: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
HUSS 360
Interview and assessment process
Resource Link
Assignments: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Treatment Skills
Assessments and Treatment
Assignments: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Treatment Skills
Assessments and Treatment
Assignments: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Contributing factors of Addiction
Assignments: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
informal Career Plan
Educational Background: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Human and Social Services Bachelor of Science
Goals (Personal & Professional): Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Obtain a degree in human and Social Services
My long-term goal is to obtain a degree in my selected career field and someday open my own practice for Substance abuse therapy.
My Bio: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Marcella Alston Chauncey
My ultimate goal is to find a career where I can utilize my strengths and expertise to support those in my care with the tools needed to obtain and accomplish their own future goals. I will dedicate my time to serving my community and any other communities that can use my services. My education will not only be to educate me but also so that I may offer my teachings to others for their educational benefit as well.
Projects: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Analyze and design intervention strategies to improve social policies impacting client systems at individual, organizational, and community levels.
HTHS400 001 Disaster Planning and Management
I was able to show my knowledge of creating an emergency intervention plan. I structured a plan and delegated roles to show my ability to disperse tasks and create a positive outcomes for individuals grounded in safety and knowledge of policies and resources.
power point (.pptx) 2.89mb
Projects: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Analyze the impact and interaction of public policy issues with human services, including legal considerations and funding mechanisms related to non-profit, private, and public human services agencies.
HTHS230 005 Funding Health & Human Service Organizations
Here I demonstrated the knowledge of how human service funding works and how to request and utilize resources.
Portfolio project (.docx) 0.04mb
Projects: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Demonstrate professional competencies related to the successful planning and implementation of human services, inclusive of values, attitudes, and ethics common to the field.
HUSS360 002 Communication and Interviewing Skills for Human Services
This project shows my ability to assess while also deciding what supports are necessary for my clients. Remembering to stay within professional boundaries and supports and assuring I disclose all policies for privacy, dignity, and respect.
Portfolio project (.docx) 0.03mb
Projects: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Assess needs, design a plan of action for an identified problem, implement the plan systematically and evaluate its effectiveness.
HUSS355 001 Social Program Development, Oversight and Evaluation
Here I formed a plan to support individuals suffering from homelessness. My ability to support communities by providing emotional, mental, physical support to less fortunate communities and people are displayed. I was able to showcase my ability to access and provide resources.
Final Essay (.docx) 0.02mb
Projects: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Identify and select interventions which promote growth and goal attainment.
HUSS440 003 Managing Human Service Delivery
This project displays my skill in execution of setting goals and creating a plan/strategies to intervene in various scenarios of human services.
Portfolio Project (.docx) 0.03mb
Projects: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Demonstrate an understanding of human conditions and factors which present societal challenges as well as those that promote successful human functioning.
HTHS230 005 Funding Health & Human Service Organizations
This course supported me with understanding and xplain the measures that operational leadership can take to help manage these operational costs across its service line. Understanding how to retrieve Funding for services and where to utilize the resources.
Case Study (.docx) 0.02mb
Projects: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Demonstrate knowledge of the structure and dynamics of individuals, groups, families, organizations, communities, and society as they fit within the historical development of human service delivery.
PSYC120 008 Abnormal Psychology
This course demonstrates my knowledge of different social groups and dynamics. I also show my understanding within this course on how to display the importance of culture, and the influence of heredity/biology. Knowing the history of abnormal psychology allows you to collect the right resources for the individuals you serve.
Abnormal Psyc Portfolio Project (.docx) 0.01mb
Projects: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Community and Career - Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth.
COMM104 008 Learning Communities
In this course I learned that reading for information is different from leisure reading because you have to pay more attention to details in order to give an accurate answer. To prepare myself for reading in the workplace I will focus more on details and also take notes via charting or written to assure I pinpoint major points per subject. This will also allow me to build a reputation in accuracy.
Time log (.docx) 0.04mb
Projects: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
ECON195 007 Macroeconomics
In this course I had to find the best production strategy for production, which shows I can organize a plan to keep demand high and productivity balanced in sales.
Charting for Macroeconomics (.xltx) 0.06mb
Projects: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Thinking Abilities - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
SOSC225 007 Career Development II - Theory & Practice
This project taught me how to research information about my future career. From this course I will be able to demonstrate my skills and also apply them to the career of my chosing by way of an action plan.
Career Plan (.docx) 0.03mb
Projects: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
PHIL310 006 Logic and Reasoning
This project supported my knowledge of critical thinking. I can demonstrate the ability to critically think and make rational decisions based on evidence and facts. The lack thereof leads to irrational decision making. This will allow me to take on leadership roles whikle also navigating the best options for those I lead.
Case Study (.docx) 0.00mb
Projects: Marcella Alston-Chauncey
Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
ECON195 007 Macroeconomics
In this course we demonstrated the use of excel spreadsheet. I created spreadsheets with data and formulas and transferred data into different graphic forms to show the use of production.
230806112732_Alston_ECON195_ePort.xltx (.xltx) 0.06mb