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Dawn Caldwell

Address: Glenwood, Ar. 71943
Phone: 870-828-0820

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Resume & CV: Dawn Caldwell
This is my resume. It tells about my personal information as well as my education experience employment and other things. It also lists off my skills and talents as well as any certificates and degrees that I may have. Newest Resume

Resume & CV: Dawn Caldwell
Cover Letter
This is my cover letter. This gives a brief introduction into me and what my skill sets are. It also gives information about my personal history, employment records, and education. newest cover letter.docx (.docx) 0.01mb
Assignments: Dawn Caldwell
SOSC 115 (Duplicate)

Assignments: Dawn Caldwell
SOSC 115

Assignments: Dawn Caldwell
SOSC 225
This was an interesting project. This shows my ability to show my knowledge of skills to others in a visual presentation. View

Assignments: Dawn Caldwell
Huss 125
This was a very interesting assignment. I feel like I learned a lot. View

Assignments: Dawn Caldwell
With this session, transfer knowledge skills and behaviors required to form one informal learning and Life experiences to new situations such as . View

Assignments: Dawn Caldwell
HTHS 110
I hope I got everything included for this project. I View

Assignments: Dawn Caldwell
ACT Workplace Documents Reflection
This is a reflection of my ACT assessment. By reflecting, I show that I am able to transfer my knowledge, skills and behaviors obtained through formal, informal learning and life experiences to new settings. 1686685957_ACT_final_assessment.docx

Assignments: Dawn Caldwell
Amals Care Plan
This is a care plan assignment for a client named Amal. This assignment shows that I know how to use the necessary communication skills to successfully interact with peers, supervisors, and in various public human and social settings 1691762600_Amals_newest_care_plan.docx

Assignments: Dawn Caldwell
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
This was a thesis on O.C.D. and it shows I know how to support an assessment of client concerns and resources by being able to match up proper support services so that the quality of life of the client will improve. O.C.D. (.C) 0.03mb
Competency Assessments: Dawn Caldwell
Obesity in Children
This is an essay that demonstrates how I am able to use technology and resources to research information to accomplish a goal and then be able to communicate my research findings to another in a proper written format. Obesity in Children (.docx) 0.07mb
Presentations: Dawn Caldwell
crisis intervention
This project is about crisis intervention. For this progress importantly had to make a presentation pertaining to Maria and her household. View

Presentations: Dawn Caldwell
A Peek Into Anxieties and Phobias
This is a presentation showing my ability to find information, research that information and apply that information to a visual slideshow so that others can receive the information that I am sharing. 1718491210_anxieties_and_phobias_powerpoint_presentation_final.pptx (.pptx) 0.55mb
Projects: Dawn Caldwell
Multicultural Diversity
This projects shows that I understand how to continue to grow individually in a multicultural society. This project was an essay about an interview between myself and my hopeful, future employer pertaining to cultural diversity inside the workplace and in a professional setting. View

Projects: Dawn Caldwell
Career Development Reflection
This was an interesting project. This shows my ability to show my knowledge of skills to others in a visual presentation. Resource Link

Projects: Dawn Caldwell
This project shows that I am able to analyze and then apply my knowledge and skills so that I can perform many different administrative roles and duties in human and social service work. 1723532474_Last_project_Submission_Dawn_Caldwell_docx