Courses Taken: Rubyneal Collins
Portfolio Project
I enjoy doing this project! I learned a lot and understand more about different diagnoses and how to treat them correctly.
Courses Taken: Rubyneal Collins
Portfolio Assignment/ Cultural Competence in the Health Services (Duplicate) (Duplicate)
Goals (Personal & Professional): Rubyneal Collins
Clinical Social Worker
My Goal is to get my Master's in Clinic Social Worker and start my own practice. I would like to have my own group homes for the mental illness one day.
Honor Societies: Rubyneal Collins
ABG Honor Society
I became a memeber of Alpha Beta Gamma Honors Society 2001 I will contiune to keep up my grades to stay a memeber. This is a very big accomplishment for me.
210326012547_ABG_Honor_Society_Letter.pdf (.pdf) 0.13mb
Other Accomplishments: Rubyneal Collins
A member or the honors society
Other Accomplishments: Rubyneal Collins
Dean List
I made the dean list twice and hold a GPA of 3.8