Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Christina Marra
Personality Test Reflection
My other desired outcome is the following:
Gain insight into one
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Christina Marra
Medical Fraud Research Paper
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Christina Marra
Informal Career Plan-SOSC225
SOSC225-Informal Career Plan
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Christina Marra
Math Compotency
Coaching: Christina Marra
Clifton Park Tennis Camp Coach
Coached groups of 10 children at a time. The ages of these groups ranged from 5-13 years old. This wide age range led me to learn to deal with children on each level they needed to be met. I discovered the ability to meet children on their level and how well I connected with them.
I found a passion for passing on my own knowledge and skills to help others grow and learn.