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Cesmina Dela Pena


Bryant & Stratton

Address: Overland Park, Kansas 66213
Phone: 913-636-8818
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Hello My name is Cesmina!
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Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Cesmina Dela Pena
Dental Assisting Certificate- Concorde College

Graduated in 2018

Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Cesmina Dela Pena
Paralegal Studies- Associates Degree

Currently Enrolled to finish my paralegal degree through Bryant & Stratton Online College while working full time.

Assignments: Cesmina Dela Pena
Research Assignment
200808013140_Immigration_Cruelty_.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Case logs provide a record to show a list of actions taken with a patient, facility of encounter, and date of service.

The entries below are the case logs I've submitted for during my academic career.
Cases & Case Logs: Cesmina Dela Pena
Contract Law Assignment
200808012958_FINALPortfolio_Project.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Employment History: Cesmina Dela Pena
Manager Bo Lings

I manage a restaurant and easily adaptable to help back up other locations.

Employment History: Cesmina Dela Pena
Berman & Rabin PA

I worked as a reciptionist and in the mail room helping taking in the new cases and entering in the all new cases for the firm into the computer system.

Employment History: Cesmina Dela Pena
Surgical Dental Assistant

I worked with sediated patients in the oral & maxiollofacial surgery.

Goals (Personal & Professional): Cesmina Dela Pena
My Goals

My current goal is to obtain a job where I can strive for excellence and get promoted through the company or agency that I work for.

Languages Spoken / Skills: Cesmina Dela Pena
Languages I speak

I can understand most of the spanish language and understand and speak fluently in Tagalog.

Research Experience & Interests: Cesmina Dela Pena
Civil Litigation Final
200808013243_FINALPortfolio_Project.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Resume & CV: Cesmina Dela Pena
Resume and Cover Letter
Resume with cover letter (.docx) 0.04mb
Skills: Cesmina Dela Pena
Medical background

Since I was a dental assistant, I do have a knowledge of medical background.

Travel (My Travel Experience): Cesmina Dela Pena



