My Bio: Tia N. Horton
Tia N. Horton
My name is Tia Nakamicchi Horton. I was born and raised in Clarksdale, MS, where I lived until April 2010. I relocated to West Helena, AR along with my three children. I left West Helena, AR, and moved to Fort Worth, TX where I currently reside. I graduated from Bryant & Stratton College with my A.A.S. in Accounting in April 2021. I am now pursuing my Bachelor's degree in accounting with an anticipated graduation date of June 2023.
I am currently employed at Cornerstone Bookkeeping and Tax, LLC. I am currently an accountant in the company. I have been with this company for a year and a half. I have gained experience in accounts payable, accounts receivable, reconciliations, and processing payroll for my clients. After graduating from Bryant and Stratton College with my Bachelor's degree, I plan to remain in my current job and gain more on-hand job skills and more experience to feel more confident in myself to provide the best service I can for my clients. I am looking forward to growing with this company.
Educational Background: Tia N. Horton
Bryant & Stratton College (B.B.A. Accounting -June 2023)
Educational Background: Tia N. Horton
Clarksdale High School, Clarksdale, MS (1998)
Educational Background: Tia N. Horton
Bryant and Stratton (Accounting Program-A.A.S. 2021)
Goals (Personal & Professional): Tia N. Horton
My goals are to become a professional tax preparer and accountant. I would like to have my own small tax/bookkeeping office to fully display my professional skills.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Tia N. Horton
My personal goals is to become more knowledgeable and experience in accounting before and after I graduate from college. I hope to be working in the field that I so desire to work. I previously stated that I am wanting to pursue and gain a career in either payroll or becoming a personal tax preparer. I want to have the confidence and comfortable feeling while gaining the job experience that I will need to preform on the job. I also want to make a positive influence in people lives in my field of study.
My professional goals is to become a self-sufficient, well rounded accounting clerk. I want to become a well respected tax preparer/payroll clerk. My professional goal is to embrace every opportunity I can in order to perfect my job skills and to become a great asset in my field of study.
Assignments: Tia N. Horton
Assignments: Tia N. Horton
Advanced Accounting
This assignment shows my capability to be knowledgeable in using theory and technology in order to interpret financial and non-financial information to help decision-makers in an organization.
Tia's MyCred Portfolio
Courses Taken: Tia N. Horton
Corporate Income Tax
Advanced Accounting
Intermediate Accounting I & II
Managerial Accounting
cultural Competence Human Srv
These are just some of the courses I have taken over while attending Bryant & Stratton College.
Projects: Tia N. Horton
Justify the contributions of the increasingly internationally diverse society and defend its global and economic impact.
This project was a PowerPoint project where we discussed profit, budgets, disadvantages and advantages of both.
Projects: Tia N. Horton
Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
This portfolio project was done about a fundraising activity for a baseball team, Little Hitters Baseball Team and the ability to purchase new uniforms. There were a lot of wheels to make this event a success. I learned that having the ability to work as part of a team was an important skill to possess.
BUSS215-Management Principles (.docx) 0.02mb
Projects: Tia N. Horton
Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
This PowerPoint Project was about stress and health and how to deal with the daily emotions of life, whether personal or work. Mental health and self-care is important in the workplace because having too much on your plate can cause illness and mistakes.
PSYC310-Organizational Psychology (.pptx) 8.81mb
Projects: Tia N. Horton
Thinking Abilities - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
This project was affirming the consequent. This project tested fallacy in personal or professional situations. This project taught about the “what ifs”. Having the knowledge and skills of knowing how to make a proper decision is a great skill to possess
PHIL310-Logic and Reasoning (.pptx) 5.25mb
Projects: Tia N. Horton
Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
This project was based on gathering data and making sure that the information I was researching was correct and accurate. This project taught about problem solving and how to accurately use the data given to solve problems.
MAT309-Statistics (.pptx) 2.21mb
Projects: Tia N. Horton
Community and Career - Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth.
This project was to create a presentation about another country and the citizens of that country. This project was done to show how well diversity plays a role in the workplace
SOSC301-Interpersonal Relations & Group Dynamics (.1) 7.62mb
Projects: Tia N. Horton
Record and report financial information using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
This project was an analysis and recommendations project for ABC Grocers. This project used information to help us determine if this company was in a good financial position and whether they should use the GAAP or the IFRS tool.
ACCT315-Intermediate Accounting II (.1) 0.15mb
Projects: Tia N. Horton
Solve technology challenges, maintain systems, analyze data, and communicate results using business related computer applications.
This project was an analyzing data that required research and allowed us to locate four scholarly sources and to ensure the findings were correct
MAT201-Statistics (.xlsx) 0.06mb
Projects: Tia N. Horton
Judge appropriate ethical behaviors that follow the laws and regulations applicable to accounting practice.
This project showed how to follow the law in order to start and dissolve an LLC with the state of residences
BUSS330-Advanced Business Law (.pptx) 10.30mb
Projects: Tia N. Horton
Recognize the commonalities between financial theory and tax law and the economic and social policy issues of taxation.
This project required us to compute corporation taxable income and the calculation of an S corporation. This project also allowed us to apply what we learned and apply it to an actual tax return for a corporation
ACCT400-Advanced Tax (.docx) 0.03mb
Projects: Tia N. Horton
Integrate theory, knowledge, and technology to interpret financial and non-financial information to aid decision makers within an organization.
This project tested my knowledge and skills on how to compute the goodwill allocation, controlling and non-controlling interest of a business
ACCT430-Advanced Accounting (.xlsx) 0.04mb