Crystal Bealing
Bryant & Stratton College - Online
Hello, my name is Crystal Bealing and I was born and partially raised in Atlanta, Georgia. I am 25 years old, the youngest of my 3 siblings. I have been interested in Criminal Law for a large part of my life but my personal experience in witnessing this massive, recent change in the political climate and the racist atmosphere that we live in today, began to weigh heavily on me. This helped me decide what to do with my passion for justice and helping people in low-income communities, such as my own. This formed my decision of wanting to be a part of creating and instituting a real and positive change.
I began studying to become a Paralegal in January 2020. Since my first semester of starting at Bryant & Stratton College -Online, I have been on the Dean's list. I have also been a member of the National Honor Society, Alpha Beta Gamma since 2021. I will be graduating with Honors in April this year, from Bryant & Stratton College - Online with my Associate's Degree of Applied Science in Paralegal Studies. Upon graduation, I plan to use my experience and knowledge to obtain a position in the Downtown Atlanta Public Defender's Office or with a Criminal Defense Law Firm in Atlanta.

This project shows my attainment of the Information Literacy and Communication Institutional outcome, which is to: Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats.

Personal Goals: My biggest goal is to be financially stable. I want to be in a place where I can comfortably take care of my current family and the even larger family I plan on creating someday. I want to also become more well-rounded in my knowledge of Black History and being open to new ideas. I feel that I can obtain this through reading and traveling. I love to read but I don't get much free time, to read as I would like. I feel I would have a greater appreciation for life, by seeing and experiencing different cultures all over the world.
Professional Goals: I am currently on the Dean's List, and my goal is to graduate in this position as well. I believe this will help leverage me against other candidates when applying for a job. After graduation, I plan to use this degree to land me a role in the Public Defender's Office or with a Criminal Defense Law Firm. While pursuing this career, I hope to have the time and resources to return to school and obtain my Bachelor's Degree in History or Political Science, while minoring in Spanish. Upon attainment of this degree, I will enroll in a prestigious HBCU with a law program and graduate with Honors. I will then either return to working in the Public sector for the less fortunate or I will begin a criminal defense law firm and create a non-profit, pro bono organization that can assist the less fortunate.

I have maintained my position on the Dean's List, since the beginning of my enrollment in this program.