Katherine Diehn-Martinez
Human Resource Specialist
Bryant & Stratton College
Bilingual Human Resource Specialist seeking an opportunity to maximize skills with a leading organization. Proven record of leadership and customer service skills.

Compensation & Benefit presentation

For my Business class, I had to research Ethics and compare laws from two different states.
In this PowerPoint presentation, you will find an example of an ethical issue, laws that govern each state, and ways to protect personal information data.

The Talent Assessment combines different elements of several personality characteristics and traits to predict success across job outcomes, such as managerial potential or teamwork.
Individual Strength: Striving, Sociability, Cooperation, Carefulness, and Goodwill.
Talent Strength: Teamwork, Work Discipline, Managerial Potential, Customer Service Orientation

Enclosed is a review of my workplace Math Assessment.
• Decide what information, calculations, or unit conversions to use to find the answer to a problem.
• Convert units within or between systems of measurement (e.g., time, measurement, quantity) where the conversion factor is given either in the problem or in the formula sheet.
• Calculate a given percentage of a given number and then use that percentage to find the solution to a problem (e.g., find the percentage and then use it to find the discount, markup, or tax)
• Identify where a mistake occurred in a calculation (such as identifying the row in a spreadsheet where a problem occurred

Enclosed you will find a copy of the ACT Workplace Document assessment.
Results: Has the skill to read and comprehend longer workplace documents written in more complex sentences that use more advanced vocabulary, including unfamiliar technical words, jargon, and acronyms

For this project, I was to analyze an ethical issue, conduct research, and write a letter with my finding.

I was able to utilize Excel spreadsheet to graph the changes in Supply & Demand

Human Resources Training and Development program showed me the importance of requiring training for employees to grow their knowledge, skills, and ability reinforcing the human capital of the organization.

During my Psychology class, we chose one mental health illness to research. I chose Anxiety which affects 40 million people each day. Leaders, managers, and HR staff need to know the laws behind mental illness and how to better support their staff.