Jenna Elise Panighetti
Medical Administration Assistant
Bryant and Stratton University
Intro To Electronic Health Records (HCAS 129006)
Institutional Outcome:
- Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.

Intro To Electronic Health Records (HCAS 129006)

ENGL202 Research and Writing

The 2020 AHA Guidelines SiS is an online course designed to provide healthcare providers with information on new science and key changes published in the 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC.
This interactive, self-paced, multidisciplinary course offers a full overview of resuscitation science changes impacting basic, advanced, and pediatric life support. The course highlights science and guidelines recommendations that are most significant or those that will result in changes in resuscitation practice and protocols. It also provides rationale for the recommendations.