Academic Service: Jonathan Hills
Making informed decisions in the world of business requires the use of numerical metrics. They let companies track their performance over time, identify areas that need improvement, and decide how to best use resources.
Educational Background: Jonathan Hills
Racine Horlick High School
Current Bryant and Stratton College (Business Major, 2023)
Goals (Personal & Professional): Jonathan Hills
Personal goals that I have are start my own business, learn a new skill or hobby, and travel to a new place. Professional goals that I have in mind are to find a new job that is a better fit for my skills and interests, get a degree or certification in my field, and build a strong professional network.
My Bio: Jonathan Hills
Jonathan Hills
Reliable and self lead business student with goals to succeed through self motivation, independence, and proficient problem solving skills. With 3 1/2 years of independent work experience, known to have efficient skills in any role with motivation to overachieve and excel with the task at hand. Looking for a position that will be challenging and involve proficient aspects of leadership. Willing to handle any tasks within the presented qualifications.