My Bio: Andy Chen
Personal Statement - Why is Being a Pharmacist Important to You?
Pharmacy, itself, is the backbone of the healthcare industry with the ever-changing profession that plays a critical role in the healthcare system. That’s what makes it highly valued despite the nurses and the doctors standing on the pedestal, when in reality, every single profession within the healthcare system makes up a portion of the overall body. Just imagine each individual profession as individual organs that all corroborate together in order to improve one’s quality of life despite each organ functioning differently than others. To prove my points, pharmacists have voices in the evaluations within the hospitals. I want to emphasize how pharmacists are considered to be the most accessible providers within the healthcare system through their knowledge and how much they can provide to the patients through drug therapy and a friend to patient. Pharmacist must have a covenantal relationship with patients to achieve optimal treatment. Pharmacist may look like an ordinary drug dispenser, but they are the one who takes in the situation of the patient in order to provide effective and optimal treatment for the patient to have a definite improvement quality of life.
Therefore, I will equip and commit myself to a lifelong learning and use my knowledge to seek out and stand for patients by coordaining with the healthcare providers to provide effective pharmaceutical care for each individual patient.
Educational Background: Andy Chen
St. John's University - Queens, New York; September 2023 - Present
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Expected May 2029
Pharmacy (Six-year PharmD) Major
PharmD Candidate, 2029
Educational Background: Andy Chen
Hunter College - Manhattan, New York; September 2022 - May 2023
Educational Background: Andy Chen
Midwood High school - Brooklyn, New York; September 2019 - June 2022
Graduated June 2022
Advanced Regents Diploma
Medical Science Institute
Citizenship Endorsement
Educational Background: Andy Chen
Edward R. Murrow High School - Brooklyn, New York; September 2018 - June 2019
Employment History: Andy Chen
HumanCare - Brooklyn, New York
August 2022 - Present
Personal Care Employee
Provide home care and housekeeping services for individuals who face challenges with daily activities.
Employment History: Andy Chen
Summa Bible Institute - Brooklyn, New York
July 2018 - August 2023
Summer Camp Teacher, Prop Designer
Planned, prepared, and deliver daily innovative lessons integrating digital tools, skits, and lecture to increase biblical knowledge and application. Assessed and monitor progress over cycled group of 5-8 students per week. Managed recreational classes and activities. Led and monitor the of 5-10 group in prop development for theatrical production while maintaining minimal budget.
Employment History: Andy Chen
Faith Academy - Brooklyn, New York,
September 2019 - June 2022
Afterschool Teacher
Provided homework assistance to a group of 20-40 students spanning from kindergarten to 8th grade, focusing on Common Core Curriculum. Managed biblical discussion to a group of 5-15 students, ask provoking critical analysis questions. Counsel student in academic/relational affairs.
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Andy Chen
Church Cooking Team - 2287 E 15th St, Brooklyn New York 11229
Start and End Date: September 2021 - Present
Hours: 60
Description: Once a week, a rotational cooking team of 4-6 would prepare and cook a meal for a congregation of 300 people. I am part of one of the cooking team and would be monitored in the process of preparing the meal. The cooking team would be the serving team that administer the food for the congregation to eat. On top of that, the same cooking would split up to clean the equipment used as well as the clean the fellowship hall.
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Andy Chen
Key Club - Midwood Highschool, Brooklyn, New York
Start and End: September 2019 - June 2022
Hours: 60
Description: Attend weekly meetings for event planning (i.e., Operation Christmas Smile). Worked on production for the End of Year Key Club video. Collected money for Trick or Treat for UNICEF.
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Andy Chen
Faith Academy / Kings Prep - 2287 E 15th St, Brooklyn New York 11229
Started and End Date: September 2018 - June 2019
Hours: 543
Description: Faith Academy is an afterschool program every school day from 3PM to 6PM. Provided homework assistance to a group of 20-40 students spanning from kindergarten to 8th grade, focusing on Common Core Curriculum. Managed biblical discussion to a group of 5-15 students, ask provoking critical analysis questions. Counsel student in academic/relational affairs.
Honors & Awards: Andy Chen
Transfer Scholarship
Sponsoring Organization: St. John University
Date Received: May 1, 2023
Description: To maintain an academic scholarship, recipient needs to enroll in and complete a minimum of 12 credit per semester at St. John’s with an acmulateive grade point of at least 3.0.
Other Accomplishments: Andy Chen
Lead Actor - Brooklyn, New York
I signed up for Summa Bible Institute, summer program that aims the development of character through relationship with peers, biblical knowledge and wisdom, and relationship with God. Traditionally, Summa Bible Institute runs on for roughly 2 months and through fostering relationship with peers and little children range from Kindergarten to 8th grades, the program would have a theatrical production. Little did I know that the year that I signed up for Summa Bible Institute was the year in which I developed the most growth through being able to resonate with the character of the story. The production was based on “Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan, and I played as Christian, main character. Christian starts as with a bag filled with his burden of sin, who is a stranger to being able to receive assess to the Celestial Kingdom. He would go through series of trails and errors through encountering various type of people who are affiliated with diverse background. Christian has to manage his way through and even he himself would not be able to but with the guidances of his friends, he was able to make it to the Celestial Kingdom. Being the lead actor, I experienced the resemblances of who Christian was to me. I was him. I was toiled with the independences. There would often times where I would travel through the world as an individualist and possess no ambition in creating an intimate relationship. Christian had done that and yet he failed countless times in having faith to himself, he was inadequate in achieving the Celestial Kingdom. Similarly, I would go and tackle tribulation with my own effort but it was ineffective. It was being in position of the lead actor where I was able assimilate myself in the Christian’s shoes to learn how identical we are. To learn, the necessity of others to effectively achieve goals.
Reflective Journal: Andy Chen
Pharmacy: First Year Reflection - What Does Being A Pharmacist Mean?
Being a pharmacist more than just a drug dispenser. Pharmacists have a special role in society; to provide definite outcome that improve patient's quality of life. This encompasses the provision of drug therapy and the covenantal relationship between the patient and the pharmacist. Pharmacists have to go through schooling for a period of time in order to learn effective drug therapy, knowledge, and expose young pharmacists to have experiences. However, I would like to emphasize that in doing so, one must be able to truly value patients as a person rather than mere objects, at the same time being humbled.
I would term the relationship as 'Therapeutic Alliances"(Communication Skill for Pharmacists, Bruce A Berger). Therapeutic is the idea of goodness and one that can be benefit through the guidance of one another. Alliances emphasize unity between two party that shares the same vision and goal. Furthermore, the relationship is collectively establishing realistic goals while upholding mutual respect, liking, trust, and commitment to the work of the treatment. The positive relationship built the result of cooperative therapist and their patient. Pharmacist's relationship should mirror the therapeutic alliances. That would be my standard in which I would uphold in order to provide the optimal drug therapy and a relationship founded on trust.
Reflective Journal: Andy Chen
Top Five Strength: Connectedness, Responsibility, Belief, Learner, Deliberate
I find it relatively interesting that all of top strength are involved in upholding my moral principle and philosophy. The connectedness and belief comes together to emphasize the intrinsic value that each and everyone one of us possess, there are no discriminating just because are unique in some areas. Applying to the pharmaceutical care, patients are not to be seen as objectives are mere puzzles that pharmacist have to resolve, instead, should be seen as an individual who are in need. Responsibility emphasizes a strong sense of personal accountability and integrity in fulfilling pharmaceutical care. This means that tasks are not just to be complete but to be completed with the consideration of their situation and what is effective and yet optimal unique to each patient. Deliberative and learner emphasizes my perspective on pharmaceutical care and healthcare as system in achieving definite outcome improving patient’s quality of life. Simply doing the minimum may not be enough for the patient, but going on the extra length to provide the best for the patient may be needed. Yet, there will be times where I may not know everything in certain areas and ask for assistance when needed and learn from them. I envision that my strength for further enforce the purpose of healthcare for patients in times of crisis and exercising decisions on creating an environment of providing effective and optimal care with consideration of the patient’s uniqueness.