Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Thank you Instructor Jackson for challenging me to do my best and being so patient when things are difficult.
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Thank you Instructor Gaister for once again being a great instructor and pushing me toward my end goal.
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Thank you Instructor Bartel for all your positive insight, it has been an awesome few weeks.
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Thanks for all your kind words and patience in this difficult time. I appreciate it and thanks for an awesome few weeks.
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
I just want to say thank you for a great several weeks!
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Thank you Instructor Nya for a great few weeks of learning new information.
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Thank you so much for teaching a wonderful course where I can apply the lessons learned to my future success.
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Thanks so much, Instructor Schweigert. I appreciate your patience and understanding while challenging me to become a better student.
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Academic Education
Thanks, Instructor Gaiser for all your help and direction in this course. You definitely have taught me the importance of planning and leading.
BUSS 215- Portfolio Project
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Thank you Ms. Yaeger for a wonderful few weeks. I have gained a lot of useful information during this course.
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Thank you Ms. Pongyoo for a wonderful time, I learned a great deal of new knowledge in your course I will forever take along with me in my future career.
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Academic (Duplicate)
This assessment met my course outcomes as well as the intuitional outcome for the course.
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
This assessment met my course outcomes as well as the intuitional outcome for the course.
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Thank you Instructor Manning for your patience and for pushing me to be the best I can be. These 8 weeks haven't been easy, but you have made them worthwhile. This assignment has met all course outcomes.
Academic Service: LaWanda M Webb
Thank you Instructor Swan for a wonderful session and for helping to navigate me towards meeting course and intuitional outcomes.
Educational Background: LaWanda M Webb
Bryant & Stratton College ( Health Administration Program-BS Candidate
Rappahannock Community College, Glenns, VA (2005)
Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA (2002)
King & Queen Central High School, King & Queen, Va (1998)
Goals (Personal & Professional): LaWanda M Webb
Goals (Personal & Professional)
I have a few professional goals, however, at this present time, my goal is to continue to work on myself and be what I can be. I have so much going on right in my life, my plate is full dealing with my dad's health. Just seeing him go through all of these is working on my mental health.
My long-term professional goal has always been to be successful, but continue to aid in a patient's care to bring them a better quality of life. My goal is one day to become a Nursing Administrator or a Patient Advocate and give a patient a voice or say in their care or treatment.
My Bio: LaWanda M Webb
Hi, my is name is LaWanda Webb, I'm currently a student at Bryant & Stratton College pursuing my degree in Healthcare Administration. Currently, I'm a Registered Nurse working at one of the local hospitals utilizing my 16 years of experience as an Oncology nurse. I have a wonderful husband and two amazing daughters ages 18 and 24 that light up my world.
Projects: LaWanda M Webb
Thinking Abilities - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement. (Duplicate)
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors are all important to be successful, however, KSBs are job-related attributes necessary to effectively perform a particular job. I personally think these KSBs are specific qualities that make you as the person qualified and more likely to succeed in a position. Personally, I received the appropriate knowledge, skills, and behaviors in
SOSC 226 Portfolio Project. Career Development taught me the impact accurate decision-making and target planning have on workplace culture. I know have the understanding and skills required for my future career in the Health/Human services field. The KSBs I learned will not only be important in the workplace but important in my personal life as well. I will say the skills I have obtained have made me a better communicator also.
SOSC 226 Career Development II Theory and Practice Portfolio Project
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Projects: LaWanda M Webb
Research information management systems to evaluate and select technologies appropriate to a particular healthcare setting.
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors are all important to be successful, however, KSBs are job-related attributes necessary to effectively perform a particular job. I personally think these KSBs are specific qualities that make you as the person qualified and more likely to succeed in a position. Personally, I received the appropriate knowledge, and skills in Healthcare Info Portfolio Project. In this course, I was able to establish a framework and delivery of health services using information systems. HTHS 310 taught me the impact of technology and communicating health care data. I know have the understanding and skills required for my future career in the Health/Human services field. The KSBs I learned will not only be important in the workplace but important in my personal life as well. I will say the skills I have obtained have made me a better communicator also.
HTHS 310 Healthcare Info Systems
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Projects: LaWanda M Webb
Use legal and ethical principles to analyze and apply management practices of healthcare organizations and the delivery of patient care.
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors are all important to be successful, however, KSBs are job-related attributes necessary to effectively perform a particular job. I personally think these KSBs are specific qualities that make you as the person qualified and more likely to succeed in a position. Personally, I received the appropriate knowledge, skills, and behaviors in HURS 205 Organizational Behavior and Leadership Portfolio Project. In this course, I was able to analyze the differences between management and leadership. HURS 205 taught me the impact organizational change has on workplace culture. I know have the understanding and skills required for my future career in the Health/Human services field. The KSBs I learned will not only be important in the workplace but important in my personal life as well. I will say the skills I have obtained have made me a better communicator also.
HURS 205 Org Behavior & Leadership
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Projects: LaWanda M Webb
Evaluate and apply leadership skills, including recognizing, and using soft skills in the healthcare environment.
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors are all essential to be successful, however, KSBs are job-related attributes necessary to effectively perform a particular job. I personally think these KSBs are specific qualities that make you as the person qualified and more likely to succeed in a position. Personally, I received the appropriate knowledge, skills, and behaviors in Health Services Management Portfolio Project. In this course, I reviewed the theory and practices of health services management. This taught me new approaches to directing, organizing, and staffing in a manager's role. I know have the understanding and skills required for my future career in the Health/Human services field. The KSBs I learned will not only be important in the workplace but essential in my personal life as well. I will say the skills I have obtained have made me a better communicator also.
HTHS 301 Health Services Management
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Projects: LaWanda M Webb
Utilize effective skills in leadership, long-term care management, human resource development, financial and strategic planning, legal and ethical considerations, and patient safety and quality care in the health services environment.
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors are all essential to be successful, however, KSBs are job-related attributes necessary to perform a particular job effectively. I personally think these KSBs are specific qualities that make you as the person qualified and more likely to succeed in a position. Personally, I received the appropriate knowledge, and skills in the Long-Term Care Management Portfolio Project. In this course, I was able to analyze the differences between management and leadership. I know have the understanding and skills required for my future career in the Health/Human Administration field. The KSBs I learned will not only be important in the workplace but essential in my personal life as well. I will say the skills I have obtained have also made me a better communicator.
HTHS 405 Long-Term Care Management
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Projects: LaWanda M Webb
Community and Career - Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth.
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors are all important to be successful, however, KSBs are job-related attributes necessary to effectively perform a particular job. I personally think these KSBs are specific qualities that make you as the person qualified and more likely to succeed in a position. Personally, I received the appropriate knowledge, skills, and behaviors in SOSC 301 Interpersonal & Group Dynamics Portfolio Project. In this course, I was able to analyze the differences between management and leadership. I know have the understanding and skills required for my future career in the Health/Human services field. The KSBs I learned will not only be important in the workplace but important in my personal life as well. I will say the skills I have obtained have made me a better communicator also.
SOSC 301 Interpersonal & Group Dynamics
230218010104_Week_7_SOSC_301_Portfolio.pptx (.pptx) 4.10mb
Projects: LaWanda M Webb
Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors are all critical to be successful, however, KSBs are job-related attributes necessary to effectively perform a particular job. I personally think these KSBs are specific qualities that make you as the person qualified and more likely to succeed in a position. Personally, I received the appropriate knowledge, and skills in MATH 201 Portfolio Project. In this course, I analyzed reasoning and develop quantitative literacy for personal and professional lives. I know have the understanding and skills required for my future career in the Health/Human services field. The KSBs I learned will not only be important in the workplace but essential in my personal life as well. I will say the skills I have obtained have made me a better communicator also.
Portfolio Project MATH 201 College Mathematics
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Projects: LaWanda M Webb
Thinking Abilities - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors are all important to be successful, however, KSBs are job-related attributes necessary to effectively perform a particular job. I personally think these KSBs are specific qualities that make you as the person qualified and more likely to succeed in a position. Personally, I received the appropriate knowledge, skills, and behaviors in SOSC 226 Portfolio Project. In this course, I was able to improve my decision-making and planning process. This course has taught me the impact planning has on the workplace. I know have the understanding and skills required for my future career in the Health/Human services field. The KSBs I learned will not only be important in the workplace but essential in my personal life as well. I will say the skills I have obtained have made me a better communicator also.
SOSC 226 Career Development II Theory and Practice Portfolio Project
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Projects: LaWanda M Webb
Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
d the appropriate knowledge, skills, and behaviors in SOSC Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors are all essential to be successful, however, KSBs are job-related attributes necessary to perform a particular job effectively. I personally think these KSBs are specific qualities that make you as the person qualified and more likely to succeed in a position. Personally, I receive these skills development SOSC 116 Portfolio Project. In this course, I learned the important points of an employment document package. I know have the understanding and skills required for my future career in the Health/Human services field. The KSBs I learned will not only be important in the workplace but essential in my personal life as well. I will say the skills I have obtained have made me a better communicator also.
SOSC 116 Portfolio Project
230218122016_Week_7.5_SOSC_116_Mock_Interview.mhtml (.5_SOSC_116_Mock_Interview) 0.57mb
Projects: LaWanda M Webb
Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats.
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors are all critical to be successful, however, KSBs are job-related attributes necessary to effectively perform a particular job. I personally think these KSBs are specific qualities that make you as the person qualified and more likely to succeed in a position. Personally, I received the appropriate knowledge, and skills for research-based papers in ENGL 202 Portfolio Project. In this course, I analyzed the differences between persuasive and informative essay writing. I know have the understanding and skills required for my future career in the Health/Human services field. The KSBs I learned will not only be important in the workplace but essential in my personal life as well. I will say the skills I have obtained have made me a better communicator also.
ENGL 202 Research and Writing
Portfolio Project Presentation
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Projects: LaWanda M Webb
Analyze and apply contemporary knowledge and skill sets to work and problem-solve effectively in a managerial/leadership capacity and health services setting.
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors are all important to be successful, however, KSBs are job-related attributes necessary to effectively perform a particular job. I personally think these KSBs are specific qualities that make you as the person qualified and more likely to succeed in a position. Personally, I received the appropriate knowledge, skills, and behaviors in HURS 205 Organizational Behavior and Leadership Portfolio Project. In this course, I was able to analyze the differences between management and leadership. HURS 205 taught me the impact organizational change has on workplace culture. I know have the understanding and skills required for my future career in the Health/Human services field. The KSBs I learned will not only be important in the workplace but important in my personal life as well. I will say the skills I have obtained have made me a better communicator also.
HURS 205
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