Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
I love medicine
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
I love medicine
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
I love medicine
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
I love medicine
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
I love medicine
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
I love medicine
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
I love medicine
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
My Portfolio
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
My Portfolio
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
MY Cred
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
My Credentials
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
My Credentials
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
My Portfolio
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
My Portfolio
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
Anita Timmons
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
Laurel School of Professional Medical Assistants
Completed a two year program as an MA.
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
Arapahoe Community College
Health Information had one semester left to complete my AA in HIM.
Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Anita Timmons
Bryant & Stratton
Obtained my Associates Degree in Healthcare Management am now studying for my Bachelors.
Co-Curricular Activities: Anita Timmons
Additional activities
I am a member of a book reading club (I love reading and studying, learning new things).
Courses Taken: Anita Timmons
Courses Taken
Medical Terminology
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Coding and Billing
Medical Transcription
Performance Management |
jun282023 |
View Course |
PHIL310 004 |
Logic and Reasoning |
jun282023 |
View Course |
HTHS305 001 |
Legal Aspects of Healthcare Management |
may032023 |
View Course |
HTHS315 001 |
Healthcare Finance & Accounting Management |
may032023 |
View Course |
HTHS315 J01 |
Healthcare Finance & Accounting Management |
may032023 |
View Course |
HTHS302 002 |
Health Services Management II |
mar082023 |
View Course |
MATH309 001 |
Statistics |
mar082023 |
View Course |
PHIL222 007 |
Ethics in Health & Human Services |
jan112023 |
View Course |
SOSC301 005 |
Interpersonal Relations & Group Dynamics |
jan112023 |
View Course |
HTHS310 002 |
Healthcare Informational Literacy Systems Management |
nov022022 |
View Course |
HTHS310 J01 |
Healthcare Informational Literacy Systems Management |
nov022022 |
View Course |
PSYC310 002 |
Organizational Psychology |
nov022022 |
View Course |
ENGL302 001 |
Advanced Research, Writing, and Presenting |
sep072022 |
View Course |
HTHS301 001 |
Health Services Management I |
sep072022 |
View Course |
HTHS230 004 |
Funding Health & Human Service Organizations |
jun292022 |
View Course |
PHIL250 003 |
Practices in Analytic Reasoning & Critical Thinking |
jun292022 |
View Course |
PHIL250 J16 |
Practices in Analytic Reasoning & Critical Thinking |
jun292022 |
View Course |
COMM201 002 |
Public Speaking and Rhetorical Persuasion |
may042022 |
View Course |
SOSC225 001 |
Career Development II - Theory & Practice |
may042022 |
View Course |
HURS205 002 |
Organizational Behavior and Leadership |
mar092022 |
View Course |
MATH201 006 |
College Mathematics - Quantitative Reasoning |
mar092022 |
View Course |
BUSS215 001 |
Management Principles |
jan122022 |
View Course |
ENGL202 001 |
Research and Writing |
jan122022 |
View Course |
ORNT999 001 |
Orientation |
jan122022 |
View Course |
HTHS121 003 |
Health Care Information Systems |
sep082021 |
View Course |
MATH101 060 |
Workplace Mathematics |
may052021 |
View Course |
ECON195 014 |
Macroeconomics |
mar102021 |
View Course |
ENGL102 082 |
Research and Writing for the Workplace |
mar102021 |
View Course |
ACCT110 004 |
Accounting Principles I |
jan132021 |
View Course |
VOIM109 008 |
Office Applications - Word Processing & Keyboarding |
jan132021 |
View Course |
HCAS123 017 |
Healthcare Terminology |
nov042020 |
View Course |
SOSC116 016 |
Career Development I |
nov042020 |
View Course |
INFT124 033 |
Computing Skills |
sep092020 |
View Course |
COMM104 044 |
Learning Communities |
Employment History: Anita Timmons
Lutheran Medical Center
Dates: 03/22/15 to 04/27/2022
I was the cardiovascular lab scheduler. I scheduled all their cases and created the necessary paperwork for them. I ordered supplies, maintained the Excel spreadsheets, and met with the vendors for needed supplies.
Employment History: Anita Timmons
Good Samaritan Hospital
04/27/2022 to present
I am currently employed at this facility. I am a surgery scheduler and charge auditor. I schedule cases for the operating room, the gastrointestinal lab, the cardiovascular lab, and neurodiagnostic.
I am also responsible for auditing the equipment that is used in the operating rooms on a daily basis. I send out invoices and pay the vendors for their services.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Anita Timmons
I wish to complete my Bachelor's Degree in Healthcare Administration and become a manager in the operating room.
Honors & Awards: Anita Timmons
Dean's List
07/19 to present
While studying for my Associate Degree I was on the Dean's List and graduated with High Honors.
I am currently studying for my Bachelor's Degree in Healthcare Administration and continue to be on the Dean's List.
My current GPA is 3.68.
Languages Spoken / Skills: Anita Timmons
I speak fluent Spanish, and can read it slowly, but cannot write it.
Miscellaneous: Anita Timmons
Additional Facts
I am active in my parish. I teach Catechism to the youth along with serving as a Eucharist Minister, and Lector.
I have a certificate as Medical Assistant and have studied Health Information Management.
My Bio: Anita Timmons
Who I am
I am a surgery scheduler and charge auditor at a large hospital in Lafayette, CO. I love my work and plan on staying there until I retire. I have taken and graduated with a Medical Assistant degree in Health Information Management.
I am very active in my parish serving as a Lector, Sacristan, Eucharist Minister, and Catechist. I read all the time, I am constantly taking some type of class, I swim, and love to travel. I am planning a trip next May of 2023 to Rome, Italy, and the Umbria Valley.
Projects: Anita Timmons
Research information management systems to evaluate and select technologies appropriate to a particular healthcare setting.
Healthcare Informational Literacy Systems Management
Research information management systems to evaluate and select technologies appropriate to a particular healthcare setting.
Healthcare Informational Literacy Systems Management
I researched several clinical information systems to determine which would be the most appropriate for our facility. After researching Cerner, Meditech, and Epic I determined this was the best option for us. It is easy to use, though, and retains information until it is moved to another folder. I had to create a PowerPoint demonstrating the different programs their pros and cons and finally persuade the Board to choose Epic.
Projects: Anita Timmons
Use legal and ethical principles to analyze and apply management practices of healthcare organizations and the delivery of patient care.
Healthcare Financing & Accounting Management
In this portfolio, I had to determine how the cardiology clinic fared both in the positive and the negative in two subsequent years. All of this was presented in an Excel spreadsheet that I had to throughout the course update and finally submit. I also had to do weekly reflections demonstrating what I had discovered that week in the course of the cardiology’s finances. One strong demonstrating factor was the amount that was spent on low-income patients. It showed how a medical facility must have accountability for all members of the community.
Projects: Anita Timmons
Evaluate and apply leadership skills, including recognizing and using soft skills in the healthcare environment
Ethics & Human Services
I had to choose a topic that would affect not only the employees but myself. I chose stressors in the workplace. Again, through extensive research and interviewing my co-workers, I was able to see how working in a hospital is not only physically but mentally exhausting. It was up to me to attempt to discover ways of reducing the stressors not only by hiring employees but how by retaining current ones.
Projects: Anita Timmons
Utilize effective skills in leadership, long-term care management, human resource development, financial and strategic planning, legal and ethical considerations, and patient safety and quality care in the health services environment.
PHIL222 07
I chose a case study in which a patient died from a medication error. Transparency was the key to professionally handling this situation and possibly avoiding a malpractice suit. The theory of Utilitarianism demonstrates as John Mills stated: “The best for the most people. “By not choosing transparency you are placing your staff members, the facility, and of course the physician in jeopardy. In this project, through research, saw the disaster that can and will probably occur with a cover-up.
Projects: Anita Timmons
Analyze and apply contemporary knowledge and skill sets to work and problem-solve effectively in a managerial/leadership capacity and health services setting.
S0SC301 005
One major downfall in the managerial setting is a lack of social awareness which can lead to labor issues. As a manager, I was to create a PowerPoint demonstrating the various types of employees that may work for a corporation. I was also to reflect upon this situation and how I would need to approach it to avoid conflict. I had a scenario showing how if an employee(s) is disrespectful to another employee I would handle it.
Projects: Anita Timmons
Community and Career
COMM104 044
Learning Communities
I had to complete scenarios that allowed me to determine how to best approach new situations. It demonstrated to me that different communities whether they be ethical or professional bring new concepts to the table. I discovered by researching new professional communities that I could contribute to Egg. a hospital board. The importance of the continuing need for education was demonstrated and the need to continue to research and never stagnate.
Projects: Anita Timmons
Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning -
In this course, I created spreadsheets that allowed me to determine how a cardiac unit had prospered from one year to the next. In the areas where there was a decrease, I researched other facilities and their cardiac units to determine what we may be missing to be a competitor. I determined if the areas were feasible and if they would profit in our locale and if so, whether we had the personnel to staff it, and if not, how many more employees we needed. Did our cardiologists support our endeavor without their support we would have few patients that could put us in debt.
Projects: Anita Timmons
Thinking Abilities
Management Principles
I was to present to the school board why I wished to create an event to increase revenue for the school and provide a fun time for members of our community. I had to research previous functions and how they fared in their outcome, how they were presented, and whether were they a success. I gathered all the information, learning as I went along on how to present a paper and a convincing speech. I will continue to use these skills as I advance in my career.
Projects: Anita Timmons
Relational Learning
Organizational Psychology
I demonstrated through PowerPoint slides and voice-over how my previous interactions could be carried over to future situations. By giving examples of how I had dealt with, for example, situations with a difficult employee I was able to show how I handled it in the past and how I could improve on it in the future. I also researched various techniques used to handle what may be a difficult situation(s). In this project, I was taught how to speak professionally and confidently without the use of stumbling block words.
Projects: Anita Timmons
Information Literacy and Communication
Health Care Information Systems
In this course, I was to analyze various health information systems. I chose the Epic system demonstrating in both written and visual how this system flowed well in all types of information that may be needed to create egg. reports. I also demonstrated its drawbacks, for example, having to log into another part of the system to obtain, for example, revenue for a particular time frame. I reviewed several systems studying their positives and negatives finally drawing on this system as the most efficient and why I would choose it
Resume & CV: Anita Timmons
This resume has been reviewed by Career Services and was deemed a good resume.
Complete Resume 2022 (.docx) 0.05mb
Skills: Anita Timmons
Literate in Epic system, Meditech, and all Microsoft Products. I am an excellent writer and an accomplished speaker.
Travel (My Travel Experience): Anita Timmons
I have traveled in most states in the United States. In addition, I have traveled to France, and next fall will go to Britain and Italy.
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Anita Timmons
I serve in my parish as the educator for the children preparing for Confirmation. In addition, I am a Eucharist Minister and lector.