Examine humankind’s business accomplishments in international and domestic markets.
(Buss 325 Global Management)
This was a group project my team needed to research a country and formulate a business plan to make our product successful in the domestic and foreign markets by analyzing their overall business practices and rules in the respective market.These include economic risks, political risks, legal environment and more. We also identified major competitors as well as their strategies. Upon completion of the project, I am seasoned in group-work and have knowledge of international and domestic markets.
Global Management Group Portfolio Project Final Submission (.docx) 0.03mb
Evaluate ethical and multicultural issues within a diverse workplace environment.
(Buss 410 Performance Management)
I saw several different scenarios throughout this project, and it was my job to develop an action plan and delegate it to my team and give the individuals a pathway to improve their behaviors in a workplace setting, giving them an opportunity get back on track. Some scenarios I needed to give appropriate repercussions depending on employee actions. It helped me recognize that sometimes in management difficult decisions need to be made to ensure business efficiency and success.
Performance Management Portfolio Project (.docx) 0.02mb
Analyze management processes as well as the role businesses play in a high-tech global economy
(Buss 230 Introduction to Project Management)
I was able to analyze a project firsthand, breaking down the steps one by one. This included initiating the project, planning the project, executing and closing the project. Throughout each step we implemented strategies as if we were the ones working on the project. It helped me understand the challenges of projects and upon completion of the course I know I can provide valuable insight in project management scenarios and mitigate challenges.
Portfolio Project Final Submission Intro to Project Management (.docx) 0.02mb
Apply contemporary knowledge and skills in the evolving business marketplace.
(Buss 450 Strategic Management)
Throughout the project it was clear you needed to understand the current business environment as the project put you through many different business aspects like analytics, logistics, external as external environments of a business. You get to see the ins and outs of a business’s day to day operations and everything that allows them to be successful. One thing I learned throughout the project is continuous improvement and the ability to be aware of the recent changes throughout the business space is essential for a successful business.
Portfolio Project Buss 450 Strategic Management (.docx) 0.04mb
Community and Career - Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth.
(Buss 420 Project Management)
Throughout the course there were group discussions, I was able to learn and grow from my from my peers which helped me throughout the entirety of the course, and I was able to apply what I learned in the project which we used Microsoft Project. Participating in these discussions helped me gain confidence and allowed me to navigate the software efficiently. The project was fast paced and a scenario where we worked against the clock to complete our overall objectives.
Project Management Portfolio Project Final Submission (.mpp) 0.64mb
Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
(Math 309 Statistics)
Throughout the portfolio project several formulas were needed throughout the different stages of the project to maintain accuracy and ensure the project had the correct answers throughout the duration. Using the different formulas ensured the reliability of the answers in the project and gave the viewer a clear path of how the answer was found. Using quantitative and scientific reasoning it was easy to analyze and formulate an accurate answer to each point in the project.
Statistics Portfolio Project Final Submission (.docx) 0.32mb
Thinking Abilities-Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
(Philosophy 310 Logic and Reasoning)
The logic and reasoning project as well as the course makes you think outside the box and is set up to help you understand how individuals think in a workplace setting. I learned how to identify certain examples to avoid and mitigate problems in a workplace setting as well as improve reasoning between employees and coworkers. Understanding how to do this will allow me to offer a positive and safe work environment for my employees and have a better understanding of their needs.
(Philosophy 310 Logic and Reasoning)
Logic & Reasoning Portfolio Project (.docx) 0.02mb
Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
( Psych 111 Developmental Psychology)
This course takes you through the 7 stages of development and throughout the weeks you apply what you learn into a portfolio project PowerPoint. And assess the different stages, in the long run it gives you insight on how to understand the different viewpoints and what customers could be going through at a particular stage. This will allow me to better assist their needs as a customer. Understanding the customer will allow a more positive outcome
Psych 111 PowerPoint Presentation Final Submission (.pptx) 4.21mb
Information Literacy and Communication- Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats.
(English 302 Advanced Research, Writing, and Presenting
The project was set up in such a way that we needed to use current technology to find valuable and current information to back up the information provided throughout the project. This allowed me to pick a stance and have reasonable sources for claims I made throughout the essay. The resources helped me convince my audience that my stance was valid and that my arguments in the essay were convincing enough to articulate a well written argumentative essay with up-to-date findings. This will translate nicely in the workplace.
Portfolio Project Essay English 302 (.docx) 0.02mb