Camellia Teng
PharmD Candidate, St. John's University, 2027
Growing up, I've always had an interest in health, however it wasn't until I had a health scare that I really began to research healthy living. I met with a specialist who really helped me. It was this interaction that introduced me to individualized health care. My doctor sat with me, answered my endless questions and concerns with sympathy and compassion. I hope to one day provide this same service to my patients and bring forth more personalized health care. I originally intended to major in nutrition but these past 2 years shifted my sights onto pharmacy. The pandemic revealed to me how vital pharmacy is to the system of medical care. The pharmaceutical industry accounts for such a large percentage of the medical field yet is so misunderstood. Medications play a major part in many treatment plans yet knowledge about them is scarce. My experience as a patient has allowed me to gain a more personal perspective on health care. This along with my belief that health is relative and should be adapted to fit a person’s preferences and lifestyle will allow me to practice my own form of pharmaceutical care. I am hoping to one day work alongside health and fitness professionals to offer a more effective and longterm plan for patients. Many patients are stuck taking medications for the rest of their lives, affecting their overall quality of life. I would like to work alongside professionals such as physical therapists and nutritionists to help ween patients off their medications and improve their overall quality of life.
The goals that I have set for my next 1-5 years are as follows
Maintain a good grade point average along with mental and physical health.
Get a better grasp of what is to come as a pharmacist through internships and work study opportunities.
Graduate St. John's
Successfully become a licensed pharmacist.
Finding and maintaining a stable work, life balance.
Finding a stable and successful job as a clinical pharmacist or pharmaceutical consultant.
Goals for 5-10 years
Buy a house and live independently.
Be content and excited with my day to day work.
Become financially stable.
Continue to study and gain certifications in my other fields of interest.
Goals for 15 years
Be able to enjoy my work.
Be able to travel and attend seminars relating to my interests.
St. John's University - Queens, New York; September 2021 - Present
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, expected May 2027
Pharmacy (six-year Pharm.D) Major
The Mary Louis Academy - Queens, New York; September 2017 - June 2021
Graduated June 2021
Sports Medicine Diploma Designation

Fall 2022
BIO 2000 - Fundamentals of Bio II: Cell and Molecular
This course provided us with the foundational concepts we will need for the courses to come. We were also able to connect the chemistry we were learning to the world around us.
CHE 1130 - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry III
In this course we expanded on the knowledge provided to us in the previous 2 semesters. We were able to apply this knowledge to new concepts.
CHE 1131L - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry III Lab
This lab course provided a practical view of what we were learning in the classroom and allowed us to gain a better understanding through hands on experience.
CHE 1132R - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry Recitation III
This recitation course allowed us to address any lingering questions we had about the concepts introduced during lecture. We were also able to learn from our peers through group work.
PAS 2301 - Social Aspects of Pharmacy Practice
This course introduced a new topic, one that holds more of a practical use. We learned about the biases and disparities prevalent in the health care industry.
PHI 2240 - Core: Moral Life-Ethics of Health Care
This course allowed us to discuss and take a closer look at the moral and ethical issues facing society today.
THE 2200 - The Mystery of God
This course provided a space for us to question and truly understand the meaning of religion and our definitions of God.
THE 3300 - Moral Theology of Health Care
This course was interesting and aided in our understanding of what it means to be a physician. There is so much more besides medical care that a pharmacist offers to a community.
Spring 2022
CHE 1120 - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry II
This course expanded on the knowledge presented in last semester's lecture course. We revisited topics while also learning new topics that add onto our understanding of chemistry as a whole.
CHE 1121L - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry II Lab
This lab course used the basic knowledge laid out from last semester's lab to carry out procedures that relate more to pharmacy practice. We are learning to use technology to further the process of data collection and research.
CHE 1122R - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry II Recitation
This interactive class teaches us the value of peer study and help. We work together with our groups to rectify any qualms the other may have. We also begin more self study methods through following recitation videos to complete packets for each concept.
PHI 1000C - Core: Philosophy Human Person
This course opens our eyes and almost forces us to look at different perspectives of common beliefs and practices. In order to understand the present, we must study the past. This course teaches us that complacency and blindly following a set order isn't right and living a life where we aren't actively involved in our choices is not a life worth living.
CPP 1101 - Introduction to Pharmacy Practice
This course introduces and familiarizes us with medical terminology essential for our futures in pharmacy. It also teaches us the value of being a team player and shows us how to work with our colleagues to present a clear topic.
MTH 1260C - Core: Calculus Applied-Pharmacy and Allied
This course further expands on the foundations set up from last semester's statistics and shows us the mathematical applications for pharmacy.
ENG-1100C - Core: Literature in Global Context
This course allows us to explore multiple facets of literature and media to research and relate to social issues affecting our current society.
RCT 1005C - Interpersonal Communication for Pharmacy
This course familiarizes us with common situations pharmacists deal with and how to properly handle them. This course also helps us learn how to confidently speak to peers as well as patients.
Fall 2021
CHE 1110 - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry
In this course I had the opportunity to expand on my previous knowledge of chemistry and further learn about the stoichiometry involved with chemical reactions.
CHE 1111L - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry Lab
Here I was able to apply and practice the knowledge I learned during lecture to physical processes. Through this I was able to solidify my understanding and grasp for each topic.
CHE 1112R - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry Recitation
This class allowed me to work with my fellow Pharm.D colleagues to decipher any concerns or questions we had about certain topics. It allowed for a less intense environment to freely communicate our confusions.
THE 1000C - Core: Perspective on Christianity
This course introduced me to a different perspective on religion, it taught me about aspects of christianity I would've otherwise not known.
PHR 1000 - Introduction Seminar for Pharmacy Students
This seminar course introduced me to the St.John's community and the pharmacy program. I was able to learn about my future in the program and interact with my peers while also exploring the campus, completing scavenger hunts.
MTH 1250C - Core: Statistic Applied-Pharmacy/Allied Health
I learned how to use excel and apply math skills to pharmacy.
FYW-1000C - Core: English Composition
In this course I became more comfortable taking risks while writing and sharing my work with peers.
DNY 1000C - DNY: The Arts in NYC
This class helped me familiarize myself with public speaking, the hospitality industry and presenting my research. I also learned how to convey my point through concise effective presentations.

Walgreens Pharmacy - Queens, New York
August 2022 - Present
Position: Technician
As a technician I am able to gain a better understanding of retail pharmacy by working behind the counter. This experience has taught me so much about how people interact with pharmacies and how pharmacies act as a middle man between insurance companies, doctor's offices and patients. This experience will also help me build the skills and knowledge needed to be a working pharmacist, no matter the field.
Flushing Ice Cream Factory - Queens, New York
July 2021 - February 2022
Position: scoopologist
Description: provide quality service, make cakes, open and close the store, maintain COVID guidlines, regularly sanitize all surfaces and safely serve customers.
National Honor Society- The Mary Louis Academy
Induction: May 2019
Must demonstrate academic excellence, maintain 3.5 GPA
Science Honor Society- The Mary Louis Academy
Induction: May 2020
Must show achievement and consistent success in enrolled science courses.
Catholic High School Scholarship
Sponsoring organization: St. John's University
Date received: April 12th, 2021
Description: Awarded to students coming from catholic high schools.
Scholastic Excellence Scholarship
Sponsoring organization: St. John's University
Date received: April 12th, 2021
Description: Awarded to students showing academic dedication.
Principal's List - The Mary Louis Academy
January 2018 - June 2021
Honor Roll - The Mary Louis Academy
September 2017 - December 2017
Jack n’ Jill Nursery School- Flushing, NY
Volunteer Teacher’s Assistant June 2018 - December 2019
Helped teachers while also oversaw daily lessons and activities in the classroom
Assisted with the preparation and distribution of meals to children
Supervised the wellbeing of the children during daily activities like art time, outdoor play and academic lessons.
Acted as a translator for children and teachers along with guardians and teachers.
Asian American Coalition for Education
Paid-Intern on Marketing Team. July 15. 2020-August 18. 2020
Researched relevant topics regarding education as a whole and specific information regarding applications, differences for foreign students, how the pandemic has changed these processes and more. With this research I wrote articles for their bilingual blog to help ensure that those new to the states have a more seamless transition into the education system
Creating and Updating social media accounts with new information and advertising the programs available.
Helping create lessons for children to help them be able to adapt more smoothly into the US education system
Sports Medicine Program, Intern- The Mary Louis Academy
September 2018 - Present
Work alongside professionals such as athletic trainer, strength and conditioning coach, and a chiropractor in the sports medicine field to prevent and treat injuries
Intern in the athletic office and weight room, but are also present during games to treat any injured athletes, this includes taping, concussion tests and more
Learn in depth on topics such of muscle physiology and patient care during lectures
Obtain firsthand experience and responsibilities of a healthcare professional in the sports medicine field
Through this program I was able to get my certification in first-aid and soon in personal training.
Congregation of St. Joseph (CSJ) Service Initiative, Member
September 2017 - Present
Continue to stay connected with our communities, on and off the Mary Louis campus through volunteer work
Get involved with serving the local communities
Provided and supported children through tutorships every summer
Completed over 400 service hours
Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC) Learn & Earn Program, 1st Year Member October 2019 - Present
Participate in weekly workshops focusing on leadership skills development, work readiness, college preparedness, life skills, teamwork through collaborative work, and supporting the local community through service projects
Learn proper college and work etiquette along with essential skills needed to transition smoothly into a university and professional setting.
Participated in the summer paid internship program, setting me up with my position at the Asian-American Coalition for Education.
Growing up I always had a knack for health but it wasn't till high school that I started seriously considering a future relating to health care. In high school I was lucky enough to be able to join the Sports Medicine Diploma Designation Program. Here I experienced my first taste of individualized health care as a provider. I was given the opportunity to observe and work along side professionals to treat patients. This program not only provided me academic knowledge through lectures but also hands on experience by letting me treat patients under the supervision of the head athletic trainer. Here i learned different ways in which to interact with patients, insuring a smooth visit and recovery process. This experience taught me many valiable lessons that i can now apply to pharmacy as well as allowing me to get my fist aid certification. This certification served as the first major achievement I proactively made towards my commitment to health care.
My Top 5 strengths: Developer, harmony, adaptability, empathy, and relator
When receiving my strength finder results, I wasn’t surprised to see adaptability and empathy on the list. They relate back to my mediator MBTI. I believe that in healthcare, patients not only need medical assistance but also emotional and psychological assistance to help them make the right choices for their overall health. To do this medical professionals must be able to not only empathize to make a patient and their concerns feel seen but also be able to adapt and develop plans that best suit their lifestyles and preferences. By practicing empathy with our patients and allowing ourselves to relate to them as not only patients but also as individual people, we can create a more open and comfortable setting. By providing a safe place for patients to open up, we can receive more in depth details of concerns, a clearer image of what the patient is experiencing and a better sense of where they currently stand, not just physically but also mentally. With this information, we can then develop a plan on how to approach the patient’s concerns while also taking into account their preferences and lifestyle. Another important trait to have as a medical professional is harmony, without harmony nothing would ever get done and no issues would ever get resolved. By being able to establish pharmacy in my work I’d be able to efficiently and effectively provide patients with well rounder health care.
A first year reflection:
A pharmacist is a healthcare provider who distributes medications and councils people on proper use of their medications.
I personally chose pharmacy because I realized the pharmaceutical industry makes up such a large part of the medical care system and affects millions of people every day. I also chose pharmacy because my dad is a pharmacist and growing up hearing about the field naturally peaked my interest.
I chose to study pharmacy at St. John’s University because I’ve heard from peers and administrators time and time again about the renowned program offered here.