- Che 1110 Intro to Gen and org chem, introductury chem
- Che-1112R-0 Intro to Gen and org chem rectiation, recitation
- Che-1111L-0 Intro to gen and org chem lab, laboratory
- DNY-1000C-513 DNY through the theater lens, DNY class about theater in NYC
- MTH-1250C-0 STAT APP-Phar-Allied Hlth, Statistics
- PHI-1000C-0 Philosophy Human Person, Philosophy
- PHR-1000-0 Intro seminar for pharmacy students, pharmacy seminar
- CHE-1122R Intro to gen and org chem 2 recitation, chem rectiation
- CHE-1120-0 Intro to gen and org chem 2, chem
- CHE-1121L-0 Intro to gen and org chem 2 lab, lab
- CPP-1101-0 Intro to pharmacy practice, seminar
- RCT-1005C-0 Interpersonal comm for Pharma, public speaking
- ENG-1100C-145 Literature in global cont, english class
- MTH-1260C-0 Calc applied pharm and allied, calculus
- THE-1000C-116 Pers on Christianity, theology
- Keyport Central School NJHS 2016, 2017
- Keyport High School NHS 2021
- St John's University scholarship and Explore New York Grant