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Saif nayaf alanazi

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Resume & CV: Saif nayaf alanazi
231125020128_White_Minimalist_Resume_.pdf (.pdf) 0.04mb
TranscriptsUpdated: 10-27-24
Courses Taken: Saif nayaf alanazi
My courses (Duplicate) level 5
241027080259_IMG_0628.png (.png) 0.31mb
Courses Taken: Saif nayaf alanazi
My courses (Duplicate)
240321045937_IMG_0571.jpeg (.jpeg) 0.12mb
Courses Taken: Saif nayaf alanazi
My courses
Png (.png) 1.24mb
Assignments: Saif nayaf alanazi
As pharmacists 316 (Duplicate)
241027081645_Patient_Interview_Activity_Form_1_.pdf (.pdf) 0.52mb
Assignments: Saif nayaf alanazi
As pharmacists 313
241027081511_Activity2_Report_Selfcare_3.pdf (.pdf) 0.31mb
Assignments: Saif nayaf alanazi
As pharmacists 312
241027080918_Research_On_pharmaceuticals_of_HPLC_TLC_GC_2.pdf (.pdf) 0.15mb
Assignments: Saif nayaf alanazi
As pharmacists 316
241027080645_Pharmacist_s_Care_Plan_form_2.pdf (.pdf) 0.38mb
Assignments: Saif nayaf alanazi
As durg information (Duplicate)
240427122349_JC_template_modfied_444_1_2_1.docx (.docx) 1.91mb
Assignments: Saif nayaf alanazi
1 (.jpeg) 0.09mb
Assignments: Saif nayaf alanazi
As durg information
1 (.pdf) 0.26mb
Assignments: Saif nayaf alanazi
As (Duplicate) drug action
1 (.pdf) 0.81mb
Assignments: Saif nayaf alanazi
As (Duplicate) 213
231207084932__213_PHRM_Assignment_3_Redox_titration_UV_Vis_spectro_.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Assignments: Saif nayaf alanazi
As (Duplicate) biochemistry
231207050903_444100527_2_1.pptx (.pptx) 6.79mb
Assignments: Saif nayaf alanazi
As (.png) 0.18mb
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Saif nayaf alanazi
I don't have yet
Leadership: Saif nayaf alanazi
Leader of anatomy for a semester
Honors & Awards: Saif nayaf alanazi
The best swimmer in the Champions Club
Goals (Personal & Professional): Saif nayaf alanazi
My future goals

Become a successful pharmacist, complete a master’s degree and doctorate through training and not a thesis or research, invent a new treatment, build my own house and my own car.

CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Saif nayaf alanazi
My opinion for level 5
There are new experiences, from which we learn a lot, and they vary in difficulty and ease, and I enjoy the journey.
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Saif nayaf alanazi
My opinion
It is a beautiful level and is interconnected with the materials, but there is a little difficulty that can be overcome and there is a lot of memorization of Latin names.
Skills: Saif nayaf alanazi
My skills

Quick to understand, organized with time, advisable for people, skilled, and interested in learning

Reviews & Evaluations: Saif nayaf alanazi
Reviews (Duplicate)
Reviews & Evaluations: Saif nayaf alanazi